Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Baidu maps Baidu search on the mobile platform. A year fight hard

129838007761562500_13Internet big "hit machine": bullish on mobile Web applications Internet big 2011 rush mobile Internet, boom to the present day is not reduced. Particularly in the past week, called by the media "the mobile Internet News week", press continue. On June 7, mobile DST millet led Street investments, this business less than two years the company was valued at US $ 4 billion on June 6, aliyun announces partnership with Haier, Haier aliyun production operating systemPhone the same day, the big Bamboo phone unveiled. After a few days, Li in Zhangjiajie summarizes Baidu in the field of mobile Internet experiences gain and loss, and subsequently convene public telecommunications operators, hardware vendors, experts and analysts, mobile Internet in internal meetings on the road. The other side, Hongwei Zhou to be outdone, wrote an article saying only three manufacturers toDeposit. Mobile Internet so boisterous and noisy, all big brothers are already aware of the Internet, mobile phones will become the first entrance of users access to the Internet in the future. In other words, the future is "Internet in Mobile" era, "Internet in PC" in the past. This makes "Internet Inside"The sole purpose of all big brothers. Just like the PC industry "Wintel" (consisting of Microsoft operating systems and Intel CPU PC) era, who realized the "Intel Inside", who is the King of the mobile Internet era. Robin logic into the mobile Internet has one year, Baidu, Robin is trying to clarify the path of mobile Internet. ThisCan be summed up as two aspects, one is "Baidu inside Mobile"; the other surprise in Internet applications and services. In the area of the former, Baidu and mobile hardware manufacturers, launches embedded platform of Baidu's cell phone. First hand in hand is a Dell in December 2011, Baidu space flight easier platforms to Dell Mobile phone online, Baidu smartSearch box on Baidu, Baidu, Baidu input methods, characteristics of cloud service, and Baidu "local service" also embedded. On May 15 this year, Baidu and CHANGHONG second Smartphone on sale only $ 900. But Baidu still has a Pocket map of Baidu, Baidu, Baidu Baidu, Baidu, music, wallpapers, Devil figure base, Baidu, and Baidu news and other than balance more than 20 mobile products. AsBaidu the second road, these mobile product in Apple's iOS platform to promote, in An Zhuoping on the promotion, in fact as early as in the Web era, Baidu began to push, Baidu maps Baidu search on the mobile platform. A year fight hard, Baidu from rapid growth in mobile Internet traffic. However, Li pointed out that Baidu Union Conference: Mobile Internet needs new models, flowMode could not be copied. Traffic patterns, it is Baidu on PC King in the age of the Internet. "The Smartphone screen more, advertising display limitations. "Li further explained," the mobile Internet take up fragments of time, not only advertisements affected, other business models such as e-commerce, games will be challenged. "Age of advertising, e-commerce, gaming, PC InternetStreaming business model. "Mobile phone advantage is to precisely define the user time, place, and hobbies, this PC to the Internet it is hard to define, but mobile application also does not have a good play to the advantages mentioned above. "Li pointed out that, taking advantage of the above method is combined with local businesses, services, making mobile Internet users and bridge the gap between local businesses, but the problem is local business-oriented educationFinishing cost very high, difficult to achieve in the short term. 5G, founder, Internet analyst flood wave on this identity, and that Chia Tai hot "O2O" is currently "experimental" has become a reality. Flash-ju Liu Xingliang, founder, points out that, the current number of mobile Internet users, flow evenly and PC Internet, but "traffic monetization" has always been a problem. Baidu in the pC advantages that flow in the time of realisation. To this end, Robin Li Baidu mobile Internet were confirmed a new path, that is for partners to create a more comprehensive realisation of platform, mobile application and interaction in Web site and Web APP flow, flow of social change. Under the guidance of this logic, Baidu decided to create "hardware terminal vendor App application provider" alliances, not just limited toGo to Baidu Union. According to Baidu Union Ministry of development General Manager Ma Guolin revealed: 2012, Baidu Union into will continue to maintain its high growth, is expected to exceed $ 2 billion, but as of now, Baidu is divided into more than $ 5 billion. "Hardware zero-profit" Internet executives of the collision, another close kin is the word "performance". The end of last year, Lei Jun introduced millet phone, when on the market 3000 to $ 4,000 worth of configuration, priced at only $ 1999. Millet mobile define the price of smart phones, Internet big price within the $ 2000 for the collision. On May 18, and shine--Huawei Huawei announced the launch of the first 360 special machines, dual GSM SIM card, with a 4.3-inch QHD scratch-proof HD big screen; dual-core 1GHZ1G memory, 4G of storage memory. Price is $ 1499. On June 6, the Grand shell of its electronic publication "Grand's biggest secret" Bambook phones, A9, processor at up to 1GHz, store 8G, respectively 16G, priced at $ 1299, 1499, respectively. In addition to Baidu and CHANGHONG thousand Yuan the following intelligent machines, theAliyun work with Haier intelligent only 999 Yuan. When Hongwei Zhou had an interview with reporter said: thousands of intelligence the opportunity to become a mainstream price. AI Media President Chang said when interviewed by this reporter, "price/performance" is the driving force behind the "hardware zero-profit" rule. Zhang Yi believed that among Internet big spell price things, home-made Smartphone Huawei, ZTE,By working with carriers such as Lenovo, cool main "thousands of smartphone market", is close to bottom line with little profit. The Smartphone market in the future, fully rely on the mode of Terminal sales profits will be eliminated. "Trade rule or change. "Zhang Yi pointed out that the pioneer model of Apple hardware for profit, but because of the rule change, hardware manufacturers warm to embrace the Internet factoryOperators can be applied into mobile Internet services including distribution, advertising, games and so on, through sharing, solve hardware revenue problems. In other words, all goals are "Internet in Mobile", just embed Internet content and services vary. Baidu embedded core services traffic is now platform, currently including Baidu, Baidu search,Map. Does not yet know the full layout of Baidu, but to be sure to be in 2012, Baidu comprehensive layout of mobile Internet, "traffic is now platform" will emerge. Alibaba the implantation of mobile e-commerce service. Besides aliyun OS, Alipay, Amoy foreign, including Taobao, Taobao Amoy Lakes, and travel, Ali wangwang, handheld wangxin exceeds more than 20 balanceProduct. Big implants including ROM, and power in the word Elf, Cheng Dayun platform. More important is that Grand hope �C implantation of the Smartphone to become China's "Kindle". Shanda is the largest content (mainly games) provider, one of the Chinese version of the "Kindle" implants, there are games and other Internet applicationsAnd services. Zhou layout attempts to achieve two purposes: one is to define the users Internet life, what Internet access, application access, listen to the recommendations of the 360; the second is profitable. Zhang Yi believed that all Internet guy layouts are reflected from "user" to "circle" purposes, mobile is the first mobile network portals, as barons of frontierPosition. Chain surround compared to the PC industry, mobile Internet in addition to "hardware zero-profit" rules, another difference is the bottleneck of industrial chain transfer: PC era, Microsoft and Intel chip operating system is in a monopoly position, and many other parts of the distribution companies, unable to form a bottleneck, but to accept Wintle exploit. This is Microsoft, Intel had a brilliant originalBecause of. "Big bets on the Internet ' Internet in Mobile ' assumption is that ' content and services hardware platform ' will become the bottleneck of industrial chain, right to access to a part of the game rules defined. "Chang said. Zhou bluntly said: 360 phone, at least not worried their handset manufacturers from being. Zhang Yi believed that smartphones onlyChain surround the first step, success of the first step, depending on user awareness. Early in the mobile Internet, Apple's simple design, extreme to attract users, now the Internet big babiroussa mobile Internet, is sold to the user value for money. When Hongwei Zhou had an interview with reporter said: the smart phone industry matured, the convergence of PC industry: users look at value for money, how quicklyCPU, memory diablo 3 power level, matching of much higher prices, the lowest price WINS. Further phone subsidy model "high performance". Baidu can use traffic into cash and hardware manufacturers, can make the phone prices are further reduced. When Hongwei Zhou had an interview with reporter said: Smartphones future by direct charges to the user free of charge to the user, instead, toFor businesses such as ad master charge and the second is through Internet applications and services, such as games. "Price/performance" able to surround the user becomes critical. Chang has questioned about this: mobile and PC different, users carry product, PC is on the desk, or study of the product, product users is displayed with hobbies, nature, social class, this product determines theWhen users select, branded, personalized design with impact. Zhang Yi said: millet Mobile proves that capital markets financing high valuations from a different angle on judgment of the Smartphone industry. Different from other smart phones, millet sale and cannot be compared with traditional handset manufacturers, but its loyal users, "geeks mobile" clear brand positioning, DST this round of millet value from anotherA point bet the future of the mobile Internet. "Internet in Mobile" hardware side bet, bet at one end applications and services, but the Internet big brothers have launched dozens of mobile Internet products and services, but do not have a product on the user has "monopoly" effect, even in tiny letters, maps, widest coverage of applications such as voice input.[Scroll] Lenovo release sport mobile applications "run mad" (06-10) [scroll] rebate sites suspected pyramid scheme no regulatory experts call for legislation as soon as possible (06-10) [scroll] weekend news review: Apple push many Mac developers Conference (06-10)[Scroll] Internet guy "plane collision": bullish on mobile Web applications (06-10) [scroll] electric pandas 35 billion in betting on China's first "ten-line" question (06-10) [scroll] Hai bin can reduce costs in cooperation with sharp LCD Panel (06-10)[Scroll] EMC's data path: $ 2.5 billion years research and development funds (06-10) [scroll] sky network: network of two or three lines of urban real estate gold rush (06-10) [scroll] Samsung booth was high winds hit the collapse injured 7 part-time students (06-10) [scroll]Nielsen: iPhone share global Smartphone one-third (06-10) [scroll] Microsoft is developing a new patent: removable smart display (06-10) [scroll] Kai-Fu Lee set off a war of words with the non-you be the navel is network attacks (06-10) [rollingFixed] Apple Developers Conference, eight points: pushing a variety of Mac products (06-10) [scroll] the non-you be the Boss about Kai-Fu Lee, program group control (06-10) [scroll] 0.5% home appliance sales rose only in May this year the country (06-101:00) [scroll] or acquired Investment Bank said Nokia and Microsoft are potential buyers of Samsung (06-10) [rolling]Android Oracle once again lost the battle: were sentenced to pay Google's attorneys ' fees (06-10) [scroll] Western Digital and Seagate 85% hard disk market monopoly or pricingUnion (06-10) [scroll] Apple will launch at the WWDC Conference television software development tools (06-10) [scroll] reported 2015 film movie production on a global scale (06-10) [scroll] Intel plan to increase in virtual TV serviceRecognition (06-10) [scroll] Google will close the Meebo service next month and the integration of Google (06-10) [scroll] United States must combat child pornography network: 190 persons arrested 18 persons have been rescued (06-10) [scroll] Lenovo plansOverseas expansion of server market (06-10) [scroll] stores under the luxury electric Avenue v setting out (06-10) [rolling]Facebook "spells": netqin issuance plans fell through (06-10) [scroll] sharp head of China: cooperation with Hon HaiComplement (06-10) [scroll] China car rental aggressive expansion: 95% ratio has been questioned (06-10) [scroll] move the base index The Great Change: user complaints to replace income (06-10) [rolling]IBM head of software business: to learn and winOpponent cooperation (06-10) [scroll] Wangfujing department store, with revenue growth goals for the second time 70% (06-10) [scroll] commercial bank optimistic about Zhongguancun science and technology startups in the financial services markets (06-10) [scroll] economic observer: bad comments on cleanPraise meaningless (06-10) [scroll] three factors forced Jingdong IPO d round of financing difficulty caused by low gross margin (06-10) [scroll] health product B2C experience pain of the channel (06-09) [scroll] online enterprise to sea "the gold rush" (06-0917:29) [scroll] "e-commerce" new variants into a pyramid scheme (06-09) [scroll] China business: bloody expansion (06-09) [scroll] potatoes, youku study on micro-film and commercial potential (06-09) [scroll] Jingdong how far is it from Amazon (06-09) mobile video revenue last year exceeded 1 billion | To quantify the purpose of performance-related pay system | Review of weak growth in core business: loss of revenue and profit growth to slow high end users clearly | Data services into a centralized review of corruption: Apple introduced Apple TV software development tool | Show TVImportant news about operating systems Apple is about to release iOS 6 Samsung Microsoft also highlights potential buyers interested in buying Nokia iOS 6 confirmation appears at WWDC 2012 (map) News Apple will push at the developers Conference highlights Google's TV software development tools next month will close the Meebo serviceIntegration with the Google News non-you be the guest of the bad words about Kai-Fu Lee program group called out us must network against child pornography on the Internet: 190 were arrested 18 people rescued in Internet consumer rebate site Fujian CEO Victor Koo surrendered the Internet response to the collapse of network advertising have long questioned: compared to foreign countries has been very gentle communicationsNielsen: iPhone share global Smartphone one-third communications, Microsoft is developing a new patent: removable monitor communication between intelligent investment bank said Nokia or Samsung acquired Microsoft IT head of IBM software business in the industry are potential buyers: learn to cooperate with competitors IT industry Android battle Oracle lost againLee: was sentenced to pay Google's attorneys ' fees IT industry association plans overseas expansion depth of server market with attitude | Victor Koo: excellent cool advertising than slim the appearance of foreign short Apple patent revealing the secrets of computer city renovation market Office to Microsoft online

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too many. In the face of so many alternative answers

129835668787343750_459Brand: call for return of products This is a world of being, which is the age of a get rich quick. Many people think, how much pay does not need, does not need much of the cost, you can get what you want, live a life they want. This phenomenon, and the all time great environment. Did not rule out some people in some non-conventional means to get what they want, does not rule out that some people holdWas born with a golden key, but this is, after all, very few. For most ordinary people are concerned, there are no shortcuts to success. No detours, is a shortcut. Only a step down to Earth in a down-to-earth manner to efforts, fighting, can be successful. Hong Kong's richest man, Li Ka-shing, said that paragraph: you want to live a normal life, will have a normalSetbacks. Do you want to live a better life, on it will hurt the most. The world is fair, you want the best, it will give you the most pain. Into the past, you are the winner, not found its way past, then obediently do ordinary people. The so-called success, is not to see how smart you are, nor should you sell yourself, but see if you can ride with a smile. Taiwan's richest man, he has said:: Can you tell if any one of the glorious history of successful people, I can tell he a tragic history. Therefore, there are no shortcuts to success. Only a down-to-Earth efforts step by step, following the general law of development, to succeed. Corporate brand, too, must follow certain rules, no rush. And brand their own competitive products/services, Is a brand will have to do a thing. Want to skip over competitive products/services, it was instant success. However, under the influence of the larger environment, now enterprise, profit-oriented, the rush of the phenomenon is widespread. Look at others with companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, worry themselves with their own circle of companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Such socialThe phenomenon. Many enterprises, this being under the influence of culture, mentality is not smooth enough, on the whole, some urgent, kind of plunge. Demonstrated outside, just do not do the product services, and more choose to hit crazy money on advertising. So, on the subway, was also on the bus, or in building advertising, advertising hype. We live in an advertising worldIn the territories, open your eyes to see advertising, eyes closed listening to ads. What does this do? In addition to improve products or the enterprise visibility, in the short term, what exactly can bring to businesses? Only those businesses themselves most clearly in mind. For this, I basically want to say three points. One, does not focus on focus and attention on your products and services, and the blindHit burn money on advertising, which is contrary to the general law of development. General Law of development is something, someone, only to learn survival skills, mastering the skills of survival, after thinking of chasing fame and fortune. A business that is able to provide to the consumer a unique, competitive products and services, the quality of products and services do a good job, this is a prerequisite, and then toBattle market awareness. Because visibility is to let consumers know that something exists, but this distance consumers pay still has a very long distance. Really attract consumers, hit with consumers, ultimately rely on perfect product quality diablo 3 power leveling, excellent service and pleasant experience. Therefore, excellent quality products and quality service is the key. Only energy dissipationEven touching quality of products and services, to conquer more and more demanding consumers, in order to gain a foothold in the fierce market competition. I noticed that many Internet companies, but only two or three years since the founding, scatter advertising everywhere, so do bring visibility to improve, but do they really catch up with the products and services? Their products and services, Can really do more competitive than the competition? Their products and service, really no flaws or vulnerabilities, do really impeccable? Tourism e-commerce company, today, that tomorrow, you sang my debut, took turns to consumer advertising bombing, their products and services are more or less, does not have any of the characteristics and advantages. Second, the productQuality and service if you do not do a good job, there are flaws, higher visibility, and died more quickly. Why many enterprises met with vocal opposition that consumers overnight? Because it is a successful man often has many enemies. Once the popularity is very high, if it has any problems, speed of propagation is also amazing. Especially in the Internet age, more open media environment, free, open and transparent,Dan products and services have any questions through the Internet can quickly render in front of millions of consumers and potential consumers. Third, increased advertising, will inevitably increase in marketing costs, increase the additional expenditures of enterprises on the one hand, on the other hand makes the prices of products and services, and prices of products and services also will lose their competitiveness in the market.Hit spending so much money on advertising, if the money used to doing their own business, doing their own products and services, would not be better? From the consumer point of view says, anyone with Visual fatigue, ear fatigue. Received so many ads every day, advertisements have been numb, has nothing, instead may generate exclusion and even avoided. ThisIs receiving Simplex advertising for the primary level. Deep said, today's consumers are more and more mature and rational, one is the improvement of their own cultural knowledge, increase in the level of education of, the second is in the market for continuous education, products and services to know more and more. Hoodwinked the consumers expect advertising age have already gone. As consumers as a whole graduallyMature and rational, which is more concerned about your product is the best, your service is the most reliable, performance is the highest. Objectively speaking, now exceeds demand on the market, is the most not the lack of products and services. At least dozens of plant and similar products of hundreds, thousands of species of tens of thousands of species, giving consumers more choices. ConsumersAlways doing one-answer question and alternative answers too many, too many. In the face of so many alternative answers, why radio and you? Must be because of your product and service is excellent, will be because of your product and service impress even touched him deeply and her. Some enterprises at the advertised time, emotions, publicity and hype a concept that attempts to seek and consumersBetween spiritual values or levels of empathy. This criticism. But companies cannot bypass the products and services of the obstacles. Brand is built upon in real-world products. Any without intensive cultivation on the products and services, and reject what is near at hand and seek what is far away to pursue so-called vague emotions and concepts, this is not a sustainable way of development. Because no matter how virtual advertising,But brands fell to the ground and is, we can see, touch, touch a real product, presented to consumers advertising regardless of how loud it is, how significant, product shots in the end. Products and services, is the goal happily the foot. Work done before then, was all about the goal happily the foot. Well if the goal happily the foot, after so much effort is futile. Some enterprisesAdvertising feels like international brands, results came into the store, poor quality, full of flaws. Huge psychological gap, consumer products or brands to have three stores in the future and not to. Enterprise, channel pipeline buried well, products are sold. What is the condition of the products sold? Must have a product consumers really need, for the consumerBring real value of products. If the consumer does not buy it, embedded channel pipeline, however good, nor are there any practical significance. This has come back to the source of product quality. Today in the homogenization of the increasingly competitive, to usury products are sold long PIN pin, channel pipeline set is of course very important, but can provide consumers with unique and competitive products,More important. Therefore, enterprises not only pay attention to the channels, pay attention to the quality of their products. Under the market-oriented, continuous improvement and innovation on product, optimize and upgrade, providing better products, to eventually conquer the consumers view the site, to win the market. All in all, enterprises in the process of development, do not rush, not Court publicity, and solid products ownWell, doing their service. Focus of concern and the focus of the work, put it in its own strength to cultivate and build a product upgrade. On this basis, to seek greater development. "Good wine is also deeply afraid of the alley", through the necessary advertising and brand promotion, better world more products and services to the benefit of consumers. OnlyProducts and services on the relentless pursuit, winning consumer recognition, to get the maximum effect of channel. Conversely, the products enough time, insisting that channels online, this development is not sustainable. Pay because, after all, is the end consumer. If the product is not good enough, consumers will not pay, is hoarded in the channel, causing indigestion.On this basis, our enterprises should be targeted, focused and targeted around their own advantage, combined with market needs, create one or several competitive products with unique core competence, which is a company involved in, is a foundation of the enterprise are based on. So, for example, is also a clothing business, we all know that product qualityImportant on a day-to-day basis to do so. But in fact, any business always has their own area of expertise, if you can focus on areas to maximize the advantage, managing their strengths, can also yield good results. Men's Blaster, it as a clothing company, and what varieties are produced, but it has always emphasized strong Blaster jacket as the fistFirst products. Our sense of human survival and development is the same. Everyone is eager for success and want to make progress, I want to improve, hope in love make a difference. This is on. On this basis, to fully understand his, knowing your strengths lie, for instance, some sing, some will be writing, on some sports some kind of talent, and to maximize itsAnd your success is not far away. Our enterprises lack something? Think, in fact, nothing missing. Missing market? China's vast population of over a billion of, not the lack of market. Lack of good projects? No shortage. Lack of team do? No shortage. Lack of money? No shortage. Lack of patience. There is a Chinese saying: Mo not to miss the cut firewood. Overnight no brand can becomeWell-known brands, always starting with the most basic of quality start, walked out and then a step by step, until you become famous brand. Japan spent 20 years in manufacturing, to get rid of the waste product image has become synonymous with high quality products. Korea enterprise is the same. 15 years ago, Samsung Electronics is not so well-known today, modern cars do not have good reputation like today, but passAttention to the quality, attention to design, continuous efforts, they build up a good brand image. Some Chinese companies often ignore this aspect of things. Brands must be based on honesty, reliability and trust, which is based on the products of reliable quality. An advertisement, a clever idea, only as a brand brings a certain reputation, but there is no way to build up excellent brand. WeBrand must always think to do advertising, but it's not. We believe brands need a lot of money, in fact, is not. Establish brand doesn't have to hit big on advertising, also do not have to spend a lot of money. Google spent how much? Baidu to how much money is spent? Consumer word of mouth alone, however, they are also made to the brand. ZARA rarely advertised throughReputation, also made a world-class brand. 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investment demand have evacuated the market

129836519701406250_487Housing policy fine-tuning to space enterprises continued to pressure "mountain" Jin Zhigang Chen Jin-song since March, depressed property market has long been close obviously warmer, recent rebound in some property prices in individual cities, local governments continue to make fine-tuning attempts. At the same time, real estate investments in long-term growth slowdown, a fall in housing starts. After the experience of long-term control, the property market seems to go to a crossroads。 Chinese securities news reporters interviewed industry CEO Jin Zhigang, Chen Jin-song, Chairman of real estate. Jin Zhigang believes that the current real estate market is still in a State of imbalance, now a buyer's market, prices not rise, housing challenges faced by enterprises is far greater than the opportunities. Chen Jin-song, current policy is to support just need home buyers, fine-tuning of policiesVery limited cutting interest rates and reserve requirements of the downturn on the real estate contract forms a substantive good, first time home buyers credit demand would further meet the crowd. Rising house prices, there is real China Securities journal: recent property transactions to pick up, some cities have individual sale prices rebound, this warmer will it become the starting point for new housing prices rose cycle? Jin Zhigang:When May sales season comes in the traditional, some products have achieved good sales results you want. Sold loose a relationship between the warmer parts of the first half and policy, policies in the first half of the year was warmer, Bank mortgage support is stronger than last year, the common commercial policy clarification "needed market" become hot. Unlike last year, even the first-time home buyersDifficult to lend to or have to pay high interest rates. But we still do not have price increases possible, after all currently sold for pick up are based on active price of the seller. Buyer purchased from 2007 has accumulated a wealth of experience and a more adequate purchasing power, trade will expand. Overall, still a buyer's market, balancing market which is not in buyerField, is not a seller's market. So in the process of formation of new balance will now hot and now cold. Current policy is to support just need home buyers, industry faced with challenges far greater than the opportunities, we believe that this year's market is still dominated by go. Chen Jin-song: Although some rebound in property prices, but on the whole we can only judge the price volume support. WorldMonitoring pricing data is correspondingly reflected by the 28 cities "is the leading indicator of price", with the March-May the rise in the volume, number price real estate trend of the growth slowdown, cut into narrow, 2012 new real estate 67.4% cut of less than five per cent cut. Data show that since the current regulation, investmentDeclining April investment than the latest data from 13.3%. By volume and the investors share data to judge, we assumed that prices are clearly volume support, has been temporarily lifted prices expected to fall risk. However, due to the current housing and Enterprise inventory at a high, speed is not ideal, this inventory process is longer than in 2008, andHousing situation of enterprise capital chain is still tight, we carefully consider that prices can hardly be substantive rise this year. This regulation is loose and cannot be compared with 2008, 2008 bailout of credit, and this is pre-adjustable fine tuning. Rate cut good just need home buyers in China Securities News: housing contract hit a year high last week, the Red May appear again,Pick up what are the main reasons? Can extend the current warming trend in the second half? Chen Jin-song: current data, transactions May have better performance on 3 April. I think the markets are still continuing this year, trading volume should be higher than last year, that this regulation of contract lows at the beginning of this year has produced. As trading volume continued to pick up, housing enterprise's cash flowImprove progressively, believe in this three-room reflected on quarterly. In this way, prices will stabilise as volumes continue to rise. However, the current policy is supported just need home buyers, most of the enterprises in this year's payments crisis facing challenges status quo, market is still dominated by running, so I carefully think House prices this year to really improve. China Securities journal:Loose monetary policy can bring substantive benefits to real estate financing and sales? Jin Zhigang: reducing the reserve requirements to enhance home buyer mortgage loans, interest rate cuts can save part of the cost of the purchase, real estate sales for a certain good from this angle. But for now at least, domestic finance environment change is not obvious, coming intoEnvironment may be a little loose. From the perspective of industry, company financial strength, cash flow stability, funds sufficient to support our development goals. Chen Jin-song: in the context of capital outflow risks still exist, current liquidity pressures in the banking system needs to moderate easing of monetary policy to ease. Deposit reserve rate cut will help money multiplier to pick up. Interest rate cuts help cityOverall financing conditions relaxed. The current economic growth, weak credit demand in other industries, and the first-time home buyers demand in the housing market is supported by policy. Comprehensive judgment, cutting interest rates and reserve requirements of sustained downturn on the real estate contract forms a substantive positive, first time home buyers credit demand would further meet the crowd. Housing and enterprise financing, current policy, Support is still impossible, but did not rule out other industry credit flows to real estate industry, forming an indirect positive. Also did not rule out some location supporting mature view the site, market reasonable position, small and medium sized high, may be able to get sufficient collateral of home projects favored by some banks. Land prices are still high in China Securities journal: we are aware that this year the first halfYears active on a number of leading enterprises in the land market, land market transactions in the country and still larger drop when compared with the same period last year. Active on the dragon-head enterprises began in the land market in the near future because of what? Jin Zhigang: currently in the land market is in a wait-and-see, land prices are still very expensive. Many land coming from the present market situation is hardly accounts, transactions overall atmosphere is light。 Current storage to meet the future development needs. As the performance of the Group continues to grow, we will duly attract excellent low-cost land bank and national layout support group strategy. Chen Jin-song: level secondary market often lags market, market downturns at the present level is normal. I also note, there's still some room and enterprise in the implementation of large scale expansionStrategy. Careful analysis of their results, some of which are listed in Hong Kong diablo 3 power leveling, capital costs less than enterprises in the Mainland while some enterprises in the Mainland can be implemented tense capital chain expansion, is behind the large shareholder support and multi-channel financing. Worthy of note is, the level of market activity and enterprises, their sales this year is very good, basically ranWin big city. On the whole, not seen money tight situations change room and enterprise, capital chain risk prevention is the mainstream. Don't you see in the small room of enterprise bankruptcy events do occur? Such scenarios also demonstrate the differentiation of growing market, concentration of upgrading is the general trend of China's real estate market. China Securities journal: local governments for land of financial dependence for a long time,Land sold under the background of weak, some local authorities tried to control restrictions. Another way of saying that is that as costs rise, margins have been in the real estate industry back to a reasonable level. These two factors together, does this mean that the current fall in house prices has very limited space? Jin Zhigang: after nearly two years of macroeconomic regulation and control, regulation and results have been very impressive, restricted credit, limitedPurchase limit, limit three policies under the regulation, investment demand have evacuated the market, falling house prices appears widespread, prices in April and continued the callback last year before this year. Now a buyer's market, key is to look at sales of judgement House prices to fall, if sales continue to upgrade, the cut space are less. Our medium and long-term market bullish property market, in macro-controlAnd without investment demand is suppressed, better positioned to meet the rigid requirements, consistent with the goal of Government. At the same time close to the market price adjustment policy, insured and quantity, quick sale, fast turnaround, clearly grasp the market pulse. Chen Jin-song: current financial rely heavily on local Government on land. If House prices fall sharply, land market cold directly influence local governmentsLand revenue, the Government cannot land mortgage financing. Therefore, collapse of the prices, there is a large area of local government debt default. From this point of view, the Government appears unacceptable situation where prices fell sharply. In addition, house prices continue to fall this time, there have been many close to cost price promotions run sale, very thin.As the market continued to rebound since March of this year, trading volumes continue to enlarge, price oversold danger has largely been alleviated. I have limited room for current prices. Guard houses reduced supply China Securities News: according to the national real estate loan requirements decreased markedly in the near future, residential new construction area also declined compared with last year. Has forecast a twoInsufficient domestic supply of goods may occur after years, and agreed with this statement? If there is a supply gap, on the supply of affordable housing can fill? Jin Zhigang: we're on high alert "area of residential new construction fell" this, regulation of supply and demand imbalances in six months to a year is enough to make all efforts to naught. Common commercial housing and affordable housing is designed for two types of customers, the municipalField, with two operation mechanism, smaller alternative, to grasp, not confuse. Affordable housing is provided for people who cannot afford to buy housing at this stage homes, this affordability housing needs of customers and the market is still a big difference. Chen Jin-song: January-April this year, self-financing enterprises grew by 17.5%, source 41.8%And hit again. Future investment and residential new construction area there are continued downside risks. Therefore, despite the glut of cases is still continuing, but I worry about the future with potential supply reduction, would gradually evolve into short supply situation. Loan demand for various reasons: supplies under the policy, the deterioration of the economic situation and market expectations。 On the whole, this year new loans since a proportion of the total amount of Community financing are further enhanced. Due to strict Central Bank's total credit control, banking and loan assessment, four months before commercial banks hard to get more money into the market. At the same time, economic growth, demand, potential bad loan ratio has the potential to improve, resulting in silverHoarding more serious mood, from the average loan interest rates remain at high levels can be seen. On affordable housing issues we've discussed a lot. Protection object of protection should be the marginal utility of low income people, but because of rent in the allocation process and the mismatch of resources, resulting in the loss of social welfare. Solved the problem, we'll explore the affordable housing supplyMight make more sense. China Securities journal: commercial real estate analysts said some cities have started to bubble, the current commercial real estate is still the important approach to real estate business regulation do? Jin Zhigang: commercial real estate is one of the good group part of the business, but the group is still dominated by residential real estate business development, adhere to the development need residential productsAnd control in 10% of commercial real estate. Current group's business sector to "square" for the main product line, held by the operations group's development or commercial property. Chen Jin-song: to a certain stage of development of real estate industry, will develop commercial real estate, regulation has only accelerated this trend. I'm bullish on commercial real estate, mainly to seeOne or two cities there have been many business start "upstairs", as if Hong Kong supermarkets can open to a dozen buildings. Four cities CBD rents last year has been on the rise, this is a good sign. Of course, we should also see some three-lane urban problems of oversupply of commercial real estate. In addition, there are worth worrying about, we are engaged in commercial real estate, businessWhen the "axe", or want to sell residential, commercial itself is not making money does not matter. But one day, this business is not to make money sell House will become a huge burden.


129823520741562500_452Galaxy Futures: Greece problem means waiting for a callback 23rd Prime Minister Wen Jiabao chaired the State Council Executive meeting of the State Council, analysis of the economic situation, deployment of recent work. Conference pointed out that promoting the "Twelve-Five" plan major projects implemented on schedule, start a strong bearing on the overall situation and leading major project had been identified, energy-saving environmental protection, rural and Western areas of the railway infrastructure, education, health, information technology, and other areas of the project, to addFast work progress. Greece Papademos on Tuesday the Dow Jones News Service, said in an interview with former Prime Minister, Greece is developing contingency plans for exiting the eurozone. Market disruption caused by this statement, he later clarified when in an interview with CNBC, said he did not know Greece, other parts of Europe or other bodies in Greece leave the eurozone do any substantivePreparation of work. IF1206 advance down today, although the medium-to long-term continued bullish view does not change, but you want to grasp the opportunity of good approach, callback and then into a single diablo 3 power leveling, continuous falling is a technical rebound, appears also not empty once the rebound in the bottom of the market, the space alone is passive! 2,480 for supporting multiple form, set a stop loss, constantly seeking the end of being long!

Friday, June 15, 2012

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129836519669531250_421Meet people on how to improve the situation in the workplace Views towards the meeting, many professionals believe that a simple, listen to leaders to speak, then applause is not on the list! if you have the idea, then it must be to try to change, you know a meeting is very important to have those are important part of culture in the workplace. As far as human resources experts, meeting, meeting location, speak, before the meeting of the preparations for the meeting and afterLearning in the data are. These techniques often reflects the level of emotional intelligence in the workplace. As a collective activity and expression of personal capacity the important occasions, met to reflect a degree of professional people working. How can become its own bonus items for the meeting? some tricks below may be useful. Meeting is people will certainly encounter problems in the workplace. And can drive well,Will directly affect your future. A trendy girl, usually likes to wear suspenders shirt to work, colleagues think that but on the usual wearing nothing, but when she wears so too, my colleagues will feel "too exposed". This naturally affects the image of her career. Visible, under the special gas field of the meeting, didn't notice a small detail, and are likely to produce more thanUsually a lot of radiation wave. In the workplace there are lots of sessions, in addition to political study and convey the spirit of leadership, advocacy outside the latest progress in these meetings, there is a call for participation in the Conference, and this is what many people feel restless in the workplace to participate in meetings, such as business, plan, review, report problems, and so on. As one of a dozen years working onInspection of a large State-owned enterprises as summary of the middle-level leadership, this session will expose you all in on a plane, is a collection of opinion, expression, body language, physical in a PK, some people may question your programme, some may object to your comments, these will give people a sense of pressure and tension. However, the other side of the coin is that the met exhibitionIs now one of opportunity, such as some important leadership SWTOR Power Leveling, you may never see a times a year, you can take advantage of an opportunity to speak to express themselves. Therefore, meeting well Diablo 3 CD-KEY, will directly affect the competitiveness of your workplace. In other words, the meeting was also enthusiastic. So, meet to improve emotional intelligence, what is important to note that it? we'll look at some levelSummary of the person. A culture is the foundation of the venue as a high EQ people, is to first understand the company's mainstream culture. Meeting of different corporate cultures are respected the different style, appropriate performance of the high EQ will be different. A Japanese company told reporters, Japan company every day to have a summary of a dozen minutes meeting scheduled in the afternoon,In the summary of the meeting, not only to provide a fresh shouting "come on" slogan, also on behalf of its own departments of this day's work, meeting by the duty manager and others on duty manager Act Cap. Of course, dress to zhongguizhongju. Companies in the United States Rift Platinum, advocating some personal things. A US-funded enterprises waitress told a press conference, US-funded enterprisesIn the industry, PTP prepared for the meeting if you have a lot of "fancy" elements are popular, such as profile pictures, video, comics, together with text, charts, this form is more popular. B leading character is who led the meeting, such as leadership, his style would also effect very much on Conference "gas", and thus affect the mood of subordinate. SeriousEven ruthless leadership will make the atmosphere of the meeting more "worse", and a moderate leadership will make the Hall of humor than those without an atmosphere of tension. And even if it is the same one, in a variety of leadership, or may be entirely positive and negative poles. Interview met two extreme opposites, for example journalists instance has met as a young man never notes,Challenged by the leadership of their attitude and ability to execute, and was eventually fired and other employees who work hard to take notes of the meeting under the leadership, also headed for criticism, said the leadership: "am I low levels of communication do? is such a simple question: do you remember?" but, although leaders like the styles vary, but there is a change ten thousand times without departing from the original aim or stand, Which is like meeting all staff. Speaking on leadership in particular, should be absorbed. It's not cheesy illustration, but your work performance, because meeting is also part of the work. [Scroll] railway tender change to decentralization is intended to attract private capital in Beijing (06-09) [scroll] electricity regulatory CommissionElaboration of rules private capital or (06-09) [scroll] Bank of central banks cut interest rates again under pressure (06-09) [scroll] guoguangchangpanshi Yi who would sell "sovereignty" (06-09) [scroll] jade cargo recombinant happen or was liquidation (06-0900:02) [scroll] Haida silver Peng Hua high shares in the second inquiry "bought" (06-09) [scroll] "88 spell" waves of redemption of the reconstruction fund institutions "kill" (06-09) [scroll] Chongqing iron and steel into the asset was not built (06-092) [scroll] "new 36" asymptotic civil capital rules "entry" Countdown (06-09) [scroll] jiaduobao ultimate business competition in the market of Guangzhou pharmaceutical (06-09) [scroll] change times: China's retail industry to hold warmth (06-09) [scroll] Wanda tourismReal estate "examination" (06-09) [scroll] cut of "burden lightening" 200 billion of stable growth with intent to strengthen (06-09) [scroll] coal enterprises take the initiative to find the customer imported coal hits the market (06-09) [scroll] art investment or disguise funds in question throughout the United States (06-09) [scroll] Xiang Junbo managed insurance companies invest the new deal (06-09) [scroll] European stocks closed down France CAC index fell by 0.63% (06-09) [scroll] South beauty mist listing (06-09) [scroll] automobile industrySet tide strikes (06-09) [scroll] looking for new balance of direct election of the Chairman of the Trade Union labour relations (06-09) [scroll] supervision by the SFC and the Hong Kong-like restaurant listings (06-09) [scroll] Saab takeover ' Iceman ' young regret exit (06-090:01) [scroll] "by abdominal" Nanjing Changan "long horse" key joint venture (06-09) [scroll] Beijing to 60,000 electronic eye monitoring waste oils (06-09) [scroll] Shenhua Jiangxi 30 billion thermal power project approval of obstacle (06-09) [scroll] of Shanxi provinceHighway "great leap forward" (06-09) [scroll] new judicial interpretation of the Bankruptcy Act intends to expand the scope of debtors ' property (06-09) [scroll] were major shareholders to sell cars in the hippocampus prospect worrying (06-09) [scroll] Ni Kaiming "departure" Volkswagen China leather(06-09) [scroll] contractor revealed that Jerry has become the unspoken rules of the highway construction industry (06-09) [scroll] investment impulse ungovernable "Twelve-Five" energy-saving emission reduction targets poor (06-09) [scroll] Department of protection determined "flexible pension" research schedule(06-09) [Scroll] Sino-US financial regulation say competition for upgrade (06-09) [scroll] Housing Ministry intended to encourage commercial housing building "dahua" from (06-09) [scroll] national grid primary separation and closeout corner workers no longer qualify for dividends (06-08: 53) [scroll] Central Bank: National Bank assets totaled 105.8 trillion yuan at the end of last year (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: strengthening regional systemic risks (06-08) [scroll] Germany April per cent decline in both import and export (06-08) [rolling]Dato Timothy:APEC will continue to play an important role in the region (06-08) [scroll] eurozone collapse collapse (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | AroundLin Bo Qiang | topic: modified by the fall in oil prices high | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Selected thematic NetEase finance week pictures [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: productsChlorine content in ultra-United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [share] two outflows of 8 billion shares being the bank stocks to buyPoint to the [shares] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [Financial management] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System Others:

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129823466835000000_22Cup of Kang You-wei's great-granddaughter is the most beauty school is the advertising model These days, soup Cup competition is in full swing in Wuhan, in addition to super hot make the team such as lindane, grab the viewers eye within a few games of badminton beauty. Badminton circle was now "generation" Feather beauties hold sway Suzhou girl Wang Shixian small flowers, 22 years old, each flying skirts can make many shutter sound; same as "generation" of Korea beautiesKim HA neul has a Badminton circle the most beautiful pair of long legs; of course, this soup, especially of the beauty of the highest popularity in the glass of the youngest contestant, representative of Australia to play mixed-race babe geluoya. Yesterday she said in modern news exclusive interview with this reporter, "I very much like the Chinese, my Great great grandfather was Kang Youwei, my father is Chinese, come to Wuhan, people on here I amEnthusiasm. "Most mysterious Belle geluoya 81,527: grandfather's grandfather was Kang Youwei's clear water Lotus, natural beauty, Li Bai ' s romanticism of Li Bai's poetry in Australia" flower "geluoya who is not too much. She is the smallest player in this soup cups, only 17 years old this year. Soup Cup training ground yesterday, reporters after a chat with geluoya know, girlNot only looks beautiful, is backing a lot, she is representative of Kang You-wei's descendant of the reformists in the late Qing dynasty. Geluoya told reporters that the himself a mixed blood, father is Chinese, mother Ireland people. Is this You Bobei of the advertising model in primary schools, Australia is concerned, in addition to Huang Sui event, there is an important reason for this is "flower" mixed beauty geluoya.Western half blood made her more beautiful in appearance. Fair skin, slender tall body, deep eyes, chunhongchibai, smile plus two little dimples, appearance no matter where this will especially note that geluoya also has a very high popularity. Yesterday afternoon, recent news reporters came to the training field, geluoya is the second of three training. Reporter firstInterview Australia teams specifically responsible for the selection and training of young people in coach walson. Walson said he found geluoya it is because she has a phenomenal gift for badminton. 4 years ago, Australia Melbourne, feather xiecong selection in the 10-13 girls school badminton seedling Rift CD-key, registration of a total of 200 girls, geluoya from the 200 people stand out.Walson, geluoya was born in badminton. "Probably because of Chinese descent, she really has a gift for badminton, she only 13 years old when she first arrived, even the most basic service will not be, surprise is that after a short training, she soon and Australia national team head coach Tang Hetian Yu Qi's wife, Olympic bronze medal winnerRound. "Yesterday after the end of training, exclusive interview with modern Express Reporter geluoya. Geluoya told reporters that she was a high school students, beautiful and to cover the geluoya school has many fans. Girl glanced shyly told a press conference, at school, they also have many suitors, write letters, gifts, it was often through different means to herDeclaration of love. In fact, the remarkable appearance of the geluoya from an early age was concerned, she worked as an elementary school and TV advertising models, she is little known now, the soup bowl, there are also many television special for her. She is geluoya of Kang You-wei's posterity this soup Cup minimum age of players, is also not much mixed blood players. She told reporters that her father isChinese mother Ireland people. More surprises this reporter is, geluoya of background about herself. Because, as far as the beautiful girl of reformists in the late Qing dynasty in Oceania representative of Kang You-wei's descendants. It is understood that in the geluoya when I was young, her father died, she followed her mother lives. For this special family background, she is only available from history booksTold to get in with my mother. "When I was young, mother had a Chinese history book, tells the story of Kang You-wei's high grandfather to me, I knew he was a revolutionary who was famous in Chinese history, and was also a calligrapher. "But after about their family, geluoya and did not feel anything special, but mother care, has also sentShe went to Chinese school Chinese learning for some time, however, geluoya Chinese is not thought of, "I will only say hello, goodbye, thank you, I love you. "In Qingdao Fushan road there is a former residence of Kang You-wei, Kang You-wei's life there, later died of this, spent her last time in life. When a reporter mentioned to geluoya this time, little girl suddenly becomes quite interesting, "I really do not know, however, if you get a chance, I have to go and see. "Most admired Super Dan this time You Bo Cup competitions is the geluoya for the first time to participate in the international competition, although she lost two games, but she was very satisfied. Because she can only be seen through the television or the Internet before badminton big-name players, now able to contact in person. "I most like lindaneHe is my Idol, two days before the race I saw him, think he's Super charming! I saw his heart pounding! "Geluoya beam said. It is worth mentioning that, geluoya's full name is "geluoya Ling Dan-SA Mo Weier" middle name "Ling" sounds a lot like "Buchanan". In response, geluoya said, "this is my mother's name to me, although I have noAsked which specific, however, sounded the same as my idol. "As Australia badminton" star of hope ", geluoya is clear about their future plans," I will consider doing a professional badminton player in the future. "At the same time, geluoya the biggest goal is to participate in the Olympic Games," I am 17 years old and cannot attend the London Olympic GamesAnd I want to be able to appear in 2016, Brazil Olympic Badminton Stadium ". The most frustrated beauty Wang Shixian: she lost headlines on Maria Sharapova, Joey Wang, Bing Bing Li, feather flower sth Nicknames of Suzhou girl Wang Shixian, because people love this elegant generation. These days, in Wuhan, in a soup Cup, while Wang Shixian on only oneBut she frequented the place always has a large number of photographers hold the camera a whack, reflects her popular high. But on the field, Wang Shixian's performance was a bit unsatisfactory, after players lose against Indonesia, she laugh at yourself say, "headlines on again tomorrow." Yesterday she was on ice, failed to face the Chinese female Team Germany one-fourth final. Wang Shixian from Suzhou, 22 years old this year. The badminton team, Wang Shixian is a recognized beauty Diablo 3 Gold, she always likes to be constantly shouts at the stadium, it was Maria Sharapova she called China. This You Bobei, Wang Shixian have extremely high popularity, many male reporters and spectators were spontaneous Wang Shixian refueling. However, unfortunately is, Cup her luck is good enough on the field. Wang Shixian in first with South AfricaSnow accumulation in the group, at the same competition in Indonesia, she showed up with opportunities. Faneiteli ranked 57th in the world, Wang Shixian did not take advantage of to, sigh with a live audience, Wang Shixian's own mistakes is also on the rise, to 17:21 lost the first, the second opponent withdrawal due to injury, Wang Shixian embarrassed to win. After the match, she said, "tomorrow (I loseBall of the message) is certainly front page headlines, because I lost the game. "Yesterday, China and Germany one-fourth final, Wang Shixian was ice again, they have also been attached to her fans can't help but worry, Wang Shixian can soup Cup appearance again, is more important TERA Gold, can participate in the Olympic Games in London. Most wind beauty Kim HA neul: Korea mm long leg hot mention Korea badminton team, most peopleStars of gas, many people's first reaction is Korea "national guy" mixed double champion Bruce Li of Beijing Olympic Games. But this time in Wuhan, Korea Captain leg beauty Kim HA neul has murdered most of the film. At the stadium of light, Kim HA neul's skin is as white as rice, the beauty of Korea sister has set off a wave of Wuhan fans. Last night, in Korea against Chinese TaipeiOne-fourth in the finals, Kim HA neul, and partner Zheng Jingyin penultimate appearance, when Kim HA neul made pitches, and many fans were excited to come on and the noise will be issued. Korea sponsored a modern express staff told reporters, Kim HA neul in Korea are very popular, popularity index than Bruce Li, Korea national team has generals beauty complement mixed double, which Jin TongyuFemale debut Germany tournament, however, because the first time pairing, along with their playing style is different, it is easier on combined did not go very far. Because not long ago in India in the Open Championship, Kim HA neul, and partners get enough Olympics points, they will represent Korea at war London Olympic women's doubles competition, which for the majority of fans, no doubt is a good opportunity to feast their eyes on.When interviewed by reporters yesterday, Kim HA neul said, "the audience here is passion, the game atmosphere is great, they gave me a lot of applause. "Battlefield report yesterday, both boys and girls teams advancing to the semi-finals, 2012 soup Cup badminton competition for one-fourth final battle, Chinese female team and Germany teams compete for a cup top 4 seats. As Wang Xin in the third set to two twoLight take competitors, straight sets to beat the Chinese Team Germany team to top 4, semi-final against Thailand. Men's team, win the team smoothly into Thomas Cup semi-finals. Including lindane, Cai Yun/Fu Haifeng and chenlong got a victory, China swept to 3:0 lack of Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia qualify semifinals, China and Japan fight. This pageReporter Fei Han travelled on mission (micro-blogging) photography Gu Wei (modern express Wuhan) Others: