Friday, February 26, 2010

the situation of lawyer

the situation of lawyer

The loss of nuclear-chin will take time to contact reporters yesterday Badu public relations, their relevant responsible person said that the January 12 Badu was "black" six hours, specifically the number of direct economic losses caused by the current evidence is still under further verification process. Badu’s customers include a broader scope, the main sites and industrial companies is divided into world of warcraft power leveling, the nuclear-chin losses will take some time, so can not disclose the specific loss of data, and Badu does not facilitate the situation of lawyer disclosed to the outside world. Thus conceivable that the outage so that Badu losses, even for this year's annual report will have a certain extent.

Interestingly enough, while the magic circle wasn't mentioned, the issue of whether Second Life could escape liability for seizing a player's virtual property by claiming "It's just a power leveling!" nearly made it into court. Thinking that the plaintiff Marc Bragg had cheated to acquire some virtual land, Linden Lab banned his account. After losing an initial legal fight over personal jurisdiction and arbitration clauses, Linden Lab settled with Bragg and returned his virtual property to him. (I'll be returning to this case for future columns, so stay tuned for more.) It's interesting to note that the judge calls Linden out for advertising that "You own your property in aion power leveling " then retreating to the Terms of Use which state that while players on their property, their accounts can still be cut at any time. It's quite possible, had the case not been settled, that the court could have ruled that at least some real world law, like that of due process, applies even to virtual worlds. While allowing law to intrude into Second Life might be good for the protection of its players, letting the legal code into Azeroth would likely prove disastrous. Bragg sued Linden over the loss of his property when his account was banned; if due process applied to virtual property, imagine the lawsuits created by nerfs. Degree of social concern increased sharply present, Badu In addition to high-level consensus filed a lawsuit seeking damages; Badu is under consideration and evaluation of the possibility of domain name management to return to China. The source of internally search site is expected that this Badu has been the "black" six hours of direct economic losses will not be below 700 million Yuan, it is difficult to estimate the indirect losses. However, Badu’s social attention, being "black" raise a lot of the day, and are not aggressively than large, "Afghan up." Hush’s well-known experts in acupuncture who want Google parsing "retreat Return" Google storm event marketing is why Google announced its withdrawal from, why return to normal operations? Many Users that in a show, but Google tries to argue, saying the resumption of operations and the withdrawal of the previous statements are not contradictory. In this regard, well-known internet users in Shenyang yesterday in an interview with reporters said the incident was then Badu Google Sine off the latest version of the background, in essence, with Badu, "Sine downtime" event similar, while the operation is similar to event marketing practices.

Shenyang view, Google used a blog, Google China a week that staff are not working as well as some plausible mode of transmission of information and media access to the following gains: G test out how many fans will be desperate to follow Google to go; to the U.S. State Department, China Ministry of runescape power leveling, Chinese Ministry of Commerce, "free of charge for advertising on behalf of Google Inc."; so that did not know Google, Google did not come into contact with users, have begun to know that there even these two domain names; let the Chinese Google Agents to understand is that Google's powerful! Sheen Yang also said that "Google incident," The reason why the outbreak of the January 13 due to its stronger rival Badu in China, January 12 a "domain name hijacking"! Badu is technically one side is a serious lack of the domain name, one side is Google playing "government" brand "value card" or even "technology card."


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