Monday, November 21, 2011

after all

129626089120937500_937Comments on Lu Shanzhen: Yao Jinnan, eye-catching Kexin He arrhythmia unfortunately NetEase sports on October 8: Beijing time this morning, the gymnastics World Championships in Tokyo 2011 Stadium continues. Played in the Chinese nvtuan in the morning preliminaries, the team play properly obtained basic 230.37 beyond Romania transient first. "Princess of the uneven bars," said Beijing Olympic champion He Kexin in the uneven bars event in theBig misses, has been out of the project the final. Female head coach Lu Shanzhen, said after the game, young and small very gratifying, the whole team played basically stable. He feel sorry for Kexin He blunders, he considers He Kexin is a psychological burden too large causing errors. First of all, Lu Shanzhen said: "young player in particular works very well for Yao Jinnan very stable. Her firstParticipation in the world series, doing so well, this is my very pleased, and this is our key games to build such a player. "Yao Jin men and four total score is 59.031, has played all players in the Almighty's largest. And if she is still so perfect play in the final, may won the women's all-round gold medal. He KexinThis is taking part in the uneven bars project, but her performance was disappointing. In her match when the flip is connected from the forward slash in the fall, just got 12.733 of low scores, out of finals on the project. Analysis of Lu Shanzhen said, "but she also cannot be said to be tense, after all, as a veteran, also attended the Beijing Olympic Games, she is still thinking too much. In accordance with He KexinForces and level, fully able to reach the final diablo 3 power leveling, and ranking can be very high, today she experience this failure be said to be a great pity. "Then he concludes:" as He Kexin, Jiang YuYuan is the kind of easy ideas to more players, they are the top level, so they may have the idea, would like to make it better. PreciselyIs the idea with these errors, such as Yao Jinnan, quite clean, participate in the world series for the first time, she had no idea they dare to. "The but today he says preliminaries team overall achievement is good, summary of next team will take, prepared the following start of competitions. For the opponent's case, Lu Shanzhen said he did not receiveRussia main absence of accurate information for United States team, said he deplored the absence of the main force, however, he said: "the United States short of the team should be two of the team, but Weber yesterday, or train with us, she is in good condition. "In his view, the United States team of group strength is still very strong diablo 3 gold, dispute between Russia and the United States in group still is very fierce.

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