Monday, November 21, 2011

and Denmark and other countries

129626190972031250_2187 <a href="">diablo 3 power leveling</a>Nature reported first appeared over the Arctic ozone hole An international research group said its report issued on October 2, they observed decrease in the ozone over the Arctic last spring diablo 3 gold, it analyzes the data, eventually confirmed this time declined to break the Arctic ozone observations, for the first time there have been similar over the Antarctic ozone hole. United States, and Canada, and Finland, and Denmark and other countries, researchers completed the report, published in theSo Magazine Web site. Reports that this spring ozone over the Arctic observation data analysis showed that in 18 to 20 km of high-altitude ozone reduction of more than 80%, is unprecedented. Its extent can be used with the Antarctic ozone hole par, Arctic ozone hole for the first time can be considered. Analysis researchers, Arctic ozone the substantially reduced because, fromLast winter to spring, Arctic cold weather unusually long duration time. In cold conditions, can destroy ozone of chlorine-containing compounds are more active, leading to a hole in the ozone appeared. They also believe that the Arctic may well have the ozone hole appears again in the future, but is difficult to predict at a specific time. Ozone is made up of three oxygen atoms allotrope of oxygen. MarginTable 20 kilometres high altitude there is an ozone layer, can absorb some of the harmful ultraviolet rays. In recent decades, since human beings release large amounts of CFCs and other substances destroy ozone, hole in the ozone layer from time to time, especially in the Antarctic ozone hole observed every winter. Protecting ozone layer, international community introduced in 1987 the Montreal ProtocolBook request control emissions of ozone depleting substances such as CFCs, but due to emissions of chlorine-containing compounds in the atmosphere for a long time, difficult to repair damage to the ozone layer within a short period.

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