Tuesday, November 29, 2011

policy think tanks

129668732794687500_197Network, November 27-the Straits Exchange Foundation Board convened on December 2 in the Taiwan Strait, will be elected the new Chairman, Vice Chairman and supervisor. It is learnt that the meeting is expected to elect Chiang Ping-kun re-elected Chairman. Ma Ying-jeou, policy think tanks, "senior presidential" Su Chi would also become the new Director. Su Chi is expected to take up the Straits Exchange Foundation, the new Director, he's fairly low profile, only is the seaFoundation invited him as a Director in the hope that future negotiations and exchanges between the two sides continued diablo 3 power leveling, steady development, do not interrupt. According to people familiar with the situation said upcoming Board of the Straits Exchange Foundation, is expected to be elected Chairman Chiang Ping-kun, Vice Chairman Gao Konglian continued. SEF recently held a temporary Board of Director places 2 additional seats, some directors listTotal seats increased from the past 49 to 51 seats. Added list of Directors of community representatives to "senior presidential" Sue corporate donor seats including Lv Xuejin, Chairman of Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan glass company President Lin Boshi diablo 3 gold, Zou Ruoqi, Chairman of China iron and steel companies and others.

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