Monday, January 9, 2012

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129667648245771642_38The ham is the needle holes when everything is all right, vacuum bag of beef being open a hole in Sth   Henan media have recently reported, the local part of shuanghui supermarkets sell cooked food vacuum packaging being peers fell prey to let sellers angry, buyers fear. In fact, in addition to responding to peers malicious competition shuanghui day also with malicious complaint, the individual consumerTo deliberately make some quality problems await racketeering enterprise, at least hundreds of dollars, thousands of thousands of dollars. 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"Repeated fell prey, according to media reports, recently, a large supermarket in Zhengzhou Garden Road, shuanghui products constantly being hands feet, sales people accidentally, well on the ham is the needle holes, beef vacuum bags have also beenOpened a one inch long has been an opening impossible, she thinks this is a peer to the sales staff of companies. It is understood that due to double-sink production is required for cooked food vacuum packaging, packaging after the collapse of the product as long as the have little contact with the air will soon be metamorphic rot. The salesperson was very distressed and helpless, not only their own wage supplement for thousands of dollars a year, the mostFear is that if consumers bought a passive hands and feet, and then complain to shopping centres and companies, or article have passive hands and feet were bought by peers, and then publish to the Web, finding media exposure, was affected by the reputation of the firm. Such events occur frequently. Recently, the "confrontation between Nam Cheong Street butchers, shuanghui employees because of the price of meat low battered" news is filled with such as network。 According to media reports in Jiangxi province, early morning of October 22, shuanghui logistics vehicles carrying ious meat just stop at Nam Cheong local wholesale market ready to unload suddenly rushed out of more than 20 over unidentified, allowing no explanation to assault the truck-managers, and customers loadometer hit and destroyed, threat of wholesale butchers can no longer be in the future from shuanghui ious meat. Shuanghui development zone of Nanchang after the alarm, the next day two-Meeting dozens of people came to the scene to protect the butchers, and came to stand in confrontation between the meat wholesalers.   Zhihou, Nanchang police investigate the matter. Shuanghui: call for fair competition atmosphere for this malicious behavior, public relations Vice President Liu Jintao shuanghui group said: "this phenomenon exists in almost every industry, have a competitive long-term development of enterprises diablo 3 gold, butAre we willing to accept any competition without prejudice to the interests of consumers, opposed to such a low level of competition, regardless of consumer health and safety. "Recently, an article titled supermarket discovered rotting shuanghui Internet post of sausage called lot, in response, Liu Jintao said shuanghui products in production there will be no quality issues, but in storage, transportation and so on, mayBags damaged or have a musty metamorphic factors such as the temperature is too high quality issues, such as, "this, we do not avoid, need not be avoided, because similar shuanghui not only exists, there is also other brands of products. Practical work, in the event of the above problems, we will be the first time in accordance with the provisions of national laws and regulations related to the consumer for compensation ".But Liu Jintao revealed, supermarket discovered decay double meeting ham intestinal under, and double meeting ham health insect event and are Shandong, Bandung commitment was questioned under, event, actually early in network posted appeared Qian double meeting on has as General complaints for has properly processing, as these General complaints why in processing Hou and was publishing to has online, he said does not clearly, also unwilling to too much talked about.Malicious complaint with 20% in fact, in addition to endlessly to counter malicious competition, double sink by day to deal with consumer complaints, of which about 20% is a malicious complaint, some even deliberately make some quality problems await racketeering enterprise, at least hundreds of dollars, thousands of thousands of dollars. Shuanghui Group Chairman Bandung had in late July of this year'sAt a press conference about shuanghui yield close to 10,000 tons of raw meat and cooked meat a day, 5,000 tons of meat products, calculated in accordance with a 50-gram, is about 100 million a day, experiencing high summer temperatures, sometimes packaging ruptured or circulation, it is easy to mould, up bags, of course, we also indicated on the packaging "musty and rose bag disabled" so consumers complaints against companiesTheir own reasons, there are also external causes. For individual consumers of vexatious or even nothing, Bandung, "said consumer complaints, we will properly handle, complying with the provisions of compensation we will try to compensate. "This year" 3・15 ", the shuanghui more attention from the issue of quality in order to avoid some bad again shadowRing. "So as a large enterprise, we try not to get into such trouble.   "The Bandung said, this year the Group mind always took the quality up. To ensure the safety of food, shuanghui currently imposed on pig clenbuterol sampling of online lead inspection, increases testing costs $ 300 million a year. "Digestion and for us, it costs nothing, and does not need to be passed on to consumers. "WanLong said. "Future where slaughter plant to be built, farm where over slaughter 500,000 head of plant construction years breeding base and complementary development with an annual output of 200,000 tons of feed processing plants, in order to guarantee the security of upstream pig resource control. "The Bandung said, each invested 8 million ~1000 million for the first pig farm. As farming inputs is large,Shuanghui and Japan joint venture to develop this new industry, but the support to complete, will take at least 10 years. October shipments ultra the same period last year the first three quarters of this year, Henan shuanghui (000895, unit) (000895. SZ) sales of 26.2 billion yuan, up flat, net income of $ 278 million, withThan dropped 66%.   In the third quarter, operating income and net income of $ 10.9 billion and $ 200 million, respectively, corresponding to growth per cent and-11% respectively, results in line with market expectations. CIC securities the latest research and analysis, in October the company meat shipments had exceeded the same period last year, ring continued to improve star wars the old republic power leveling, total shipments of meat products in the first half of this year more than more than 60Million tonnes, is expected to achieve sales of 110 tons in the second half. Company starts from the third quarter for a 3 month price increases, reflecting to the Terminal with some delay, 8 September holiday high season products in short supply, after the sharp price increases in September, in the context of pork prices rose sharply, today tons of profits over the same period last year, is expected to achieve net profit of 800 million in the second half. Next year will restoreComplex to the previous growth, meat shipments expected to more than 2.4 million tons, tons of profit around $ 1500, and meat products is expected to achieve net profit of 2.7 billion. Given the basic event has out of the lean shadow, and its scale, channel, management, and other benefits, a number of brokerages to "strongly recommended" investment rating.

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