Saturday, January 7, 2012

funds tend to loose a foregone conclusion. Once again

129667634791084142_39Falling rate slowed down short-term stabilisation Analysis trend by the end of the market continues to undertake this week last week, but decline rate slowed considerably, in more than 2,400 points near both sides of fierce fighting. In fact, under great pressure in the market this week, the pressure mainly from external markets. United States Congress failed to reach red reduction agreements and gradually spreading to the core countries of the European debt crisis, overseas economic uncertainty increased. This weekPeripheral stocks fell. HSBC PMI11 month value of the domestic market hit a 32-month low, suggesting economic growth will continue to fall, negative growth in foreign exchange, also shows increased outflow of foreign capital, steady growth of China economy, increased domestic demand, promoting consumption in the future will be the focus. In spite of internal and external pressure, but shares fall are still smallIn the external market. First of all, this is due to the growing expectations of policy tuning. Secondly the old republic power leveling, from the funds, the Central Bank this week NET invested 22 billion dollars, easing financial pressure, with the official launch of financial deposits, funds tend to loose a foregone conclusion. Once again, market valuations at historically low levels swtor power leveling, does not support the market fell sharply. Finally, near the end, Agency forPerformance of the game will still be, "emerging sector, with consumption" and top holdings of institutional investors optimistic about the sector, banking, insurance, and other low level correction, a rebound of desire, will form a joint force still need observation, stabilisation of the market at least play a role. Overall, the market is still weak, little trouble may break balance, light warehouse is recommended.

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