Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"this is a private pilot

129667750471552892_1562010 South Africa World Cup in England, nightmare in one-eighth Germany in the finals in the great war, Lampard tossed a bomb into the door after long shots hit the beam, behind more than half a metre, but the referee is not liable to a goal, leading England's mental collapse, eventually lost out to big score Germany team. The incident, set off on the football field up or down England end should not be used on eagle eyeGreat debate, but FIFA rejected time and time again on this matter. FIFA does not allow swtor power leveling, the British decided to themselves! According to United Kingdom, of the daily mail revealed that the FA has been approved for trial eagle eye in lower leagues, as well, the next season in the Premier League promotion. Under the FA's tough attitude, FIFA has agreed to test this. From unjust to EnglandLost the right to host the World Cup, the FA this time managed to blow to counter FIFA success. This system was invented by inventor Harry * Barnes, was named "discovery". Principle is simple, is a monitoring system. The woodwork is equipped with 16 small camera, all hit the line, in one second can be achieved in the monitor's playback.Field staff can judge whether the ball cross the line, and then sends the information to the referee's watch. It is reported that Barnes was tennis Hawk-Eye technology provider, today Hawk-Eye system has been widely used in tennis, and made a very good reputation. Yesterday, in the in the joint luoqiedaier team's stadium, FIFA and the FA's staff have conducted aTest dates. However, both sides have not formally announced the results of the tests. A FIFA spokesman said: "this is a private pilot, not to publish the results to the public. "A" discovery "about taking 100,000 pounds, but taking into account to avoid the unjust cases swtor credits, this is not a ridiculous price. FA very interested in this system, as far as FA SecretaryAlex * long Horn said: "we can first see the Premier League in the 2012-2013 season using this system. "He also said," in international soccer, we often see the main Conference and the Conference could not identify whether the ball over the line, which is very easy to make mistakes, so we have to support this decision. "

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