Friday, December 23, 2011

Xinhua News Agency

129668652395312500_51Xinhua News Agency, Haikou, November 27 (reporters Zhang Yongfeng and and Zhao Yeping)-reporter learned from the people in Haikou city, Haikou city, Haikou has officially announced the personnel and labor protection agency administrative penalty discretion, of quantitative criteria table, to pay special attention to the many workers are "employers illegal extension of employees ' working hours" such offences had made specific provisions. The employing unitsDeliberately to extend working hours will eat the ticket. Haikou city the old republic power leveling, provides that "an employer has violated the labor and social security laws, regulations or rules extension of employees ' working hours" is divided into 4 forms of offence (as per normal working day calculation): "the extension of working hours over 1 hour 2 hours following" belong "minor violation"; "below the extension of working hours over 2 hours for 5 hours" are"General violation", "work longer hours for more than 5 hours 8 hours following" is "illegal", "work longer hours for more than 8 hours" are "serious breach". 25th the labor security supervision Ordinance requires that: "the employer has violated the labor and social security laws, regulations or rules extending the working time of workers, the labor Security Administration Department shall issue a warning, Ordered corrections swtor power leveling, and in accordance with the practices of workers more than $ 100 per head of less than $ 500 standard, is punishable by a fine. "Workers according to the individual reality, calculating unit to which the existence of unlawful acts of delay and severity, can complain to the labor security supervision departments in Haikou city.

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