Saturday, March 31, 2012

tera power leveling users can search and download the game directly - ZYB

129770868861406250_51Summary: China Unicom official said, through this platform, users can search and download the game directly, "travel the world" there are both the Android and Apple's iOS version. Zeng Hang; Hu Hao Shanghai, Hangzhou reported game being hailed as the first pot of gold is moving to the Internet, similar to the PC and the Internet, gaming is mobile InternetRealisation of the network traffic in the main channel. On March 20, China Unicom (micro-blogging) experimental base to launch mobile game, specifically for Smartphone Games Download Store "travel the world" announced in Hangzhou, Zhejiang high profile online, this is the Unicom had launched the "World shops" (in Shanghai) and "world" (in Guangdong) after another major mobile phone application store。 "Recently, carriers in the channel this force soon, this year through the operator channel to promote the App will have larger increments. "The prediction of fish reached people developers of Chen Hao Zhi.  But the Android games in a competitive distribution market, operators also have a big opportunity? Layout cell phone game "travel the world" is essentially a pure gameSoftware store, or that the game "App Store", there are currently more than 3,000 games, 80% free, 20% the charges.  China Unicom official said, through this platform, users can search and download the game directly, "travel the world" there are both the Android and Apple's iOS version. Unicom buildingMobile games platform, apparently by China Mobile (micro-blogging) stimulus. "First base for China Mobile Games revenues of $ 2.2 billion yuan last year.  "China Unicom" travel the world "platform partner, fun to play digital technology Inc, Hangzhou's Chairman Guo Yu told reporters. At present, China Mobile Jiangsu mobile game base and stores in Guangdong MM,Thrust Games downloads. China Telecom (micro-blogging) game base was also established in Jiangsu tera power leveling, launch the game client "love games". General Manager of Zhejiang Unicom Yu Yingtao "travel the world" on line put: "Unicom are confident that we can ' travel the world ' largest mobile phone game platforms. "In the former General Manager of Sales Department of China Unicom, China UnicomEnd set on business development service in battle, and human pulse well in domestic mobile phone manufacturers. Guo Yu, Unicom is the last one in three carriers operational 3G of gaming platforms and channels, but has advantages in network speed and quality of user. Yu Yingtao describes, "travel the world" have a flow of charge to Unicom, teamed with developer 55 other benefits. "But as long as theExcellent game, developers can share more.  "Initially, Unicom will send messages to the target user to" travel the world "promotion," travel the world "integration of Unicom users information, also using a different App used to push information for users.  Can become a strong channel? This is not a China Unicom promoting Smartphone application download features for the first time. Previously, "World shops" and "world" also has software downloads, games are an important application categories. Nineth city Vice President Shen Guoding told reporters that nine agents of a variety of games are "World shops" offering carriers come up with some good recommendations to promote the game, but also will help push by SMS game release, the effect is more obvious now gamesBusiness channels in nine cities all Android promotion channels ranked in the results. Shen acknowledged, there are more than 50 Android multiple promotional channels, subject to carrier channels, there are 91, UC tera power leveling, when music, keen words, application removals, such as changing a large number of folk store. "Cannot see which channels will be the dominant in the near future. "A leading investment companyInvestors said it was not optimistic about the carrier channels, because the competition is too intense for Android software distribution channels, compared to 91, changing, when these flexible civil channels, operators on the system has inherent disadvantages. "First got few good games operators over there now to publish. "In addition tera power leveling, some civil Android store has pirated, vulgar rubBall, carriers it's hard to do these things.  On the number of applications, civil application store also has a clear advantage, such as changing the game in the market up to 15,000, far beyond any one carrier on the market shops. However, with the rapid spread of thousands of intelligent machines, carrier channels or becoming more and more important. Unicom are preset in the custom machine "World shops"Will probably be pre-installed "travel the world", its huge user base. Chen Hao Zhi think operator channels is likely to grow another strong reason was, at present, almost all Android mobile phone games pays bad, lack of Apple as convenient payment channels. "And has a natural advantage on the carriers charging channels, this is the most game developers willing toCollaborating with one of the important reasons.  "The position of clear and Android mobile game and other games on the market compared to the flexible Internet access, policy firm, maximum enemy faced by the operators, may be its own institutional issues. Analysis of a consulting company leading communications experts told reporters, in the era of closed SP, operators within the repeated explosionOut of the major cases of corruption, such as moving music General Manager Li Xiangdong large sums of the base in Sichuan province left for the case, and now into the competitive world of age of smartphones, it's hard to say which issues can be effectively addressed. Last speed of applications, can also see application efficiency--Android Market operators on the line of a paragraph, as long as an hour, but carrier storeOften need to wait for a long time.  In addition to channel resources, on the competitiveness of service quality is also very important for developers, operators can compete 91, changing, when Internet companies like? "Competing interests is also a difficult to bypass the Jian. "The consultant considers that in essence" World shops "," world "and" travel the world "have a lot of heavy business. "China Unicom3G maximum internal height advantage is consolidated in the past, it now appears that seem to need to harmonize internal interests. "Japan Tao Xujun Nomura comprehensive research and Director of the communications industry researcher emphasized that the operators need to think about to make value-added business purposes:" even in the value-added service recognized the most developed of Japan, value-added business is to help carriers retain users, to enhance their language, Flow based on business income, rather than use it as a primary source of income. "Art-vector consulting CEO Chang also pointed out that, although it's like operators" at high speed in the car ", but regardless of what runs on the high speed vehicle, it can collect tolls, traffic charges are therefore charged carriers at the present stage the main focus. Others:

Friday, March 30, 2012

tera power leveling deposit mandate deposit - LZX

129773214451093750_261According to the China Banking Regulatory Commission published 2011 commercial bank net profit amounted to more than 1 trillion dollars, record high net profit growth rate of 36% per. Some think the spread is the main driving force of high net profits of banks, market-oriented reform of interest rates then louder and louder. Reform of interest rate marketization conditions have been fulfilled? Where to start? Is conducive to easing SMEsBusiness financing?  On these issues, reporter an exclusive interview with the President of China Merchants Bank Ma weihua. Market-oriented reform of interest rates is in the final stage of tackling tough problems, but should be gradual and orderly progress "is very important for the price of money in interest rates, if the price of money could not be formed through effective market mechanism, would be difficult to achieve the continuous optimization of capital flows and configuration. "He said that is of interest rate marketizationOne important aspect of market allocation of resources, at present China's reform of interest rate marketization are in the final stage of tackling tough problems. "Further interest rate marketization conditions has been fulfilled at the present stage, but in the short term, interest rate marketization reform of China's banking industry, undoubtedly was a test of life and death. "He said, accelerating process of marketization of interest rate will make the Bank loanSpreads narrowed sharply. United States 1981 average deposit and lending interest rates of 2.17%, and the completion of the reform of interest rate marketization in 1986 to 1990 is reduced to 1.63%. Marketization of interest rate and even phenomena will lead to bank failures. If the United States after the completion of market-oriented reform of interest rates of deposits, from 1987 to 1990, average annualAbout 200 bank failures, and by 1980 the average less than 10 each year. "More than 80% because of China's banking industry sources of income depends on the deposit and loan interest rates, and risk management capacity needs to be improved diablo 3 power leveling, interest rate liberalization should be gradual and orderly progress.  "He said. "At present, the interest rate liberalization also had the last two did not let go of areas: a loan interest rateLower bound is a ceiling on deposit rates. I think you can release the lower loan interest rates to start. "He said that United States that year also the regulation of deposit interest rates, control also has a private interest rate markets, interest rate two-track contributed to the financial disintermediation, financial disintermediation promoting marketization of interest rates gradually. From the situation in our country, since last year, the interest rate market in ChinaSpeed up the process of, quickly enhance the proportion of social sources of financing in the implementation of market-oriented pricing. Such as in the areas of strict rate limit Control Yuan deposit, including raising deposits, structured deposits, Treasury financial products such as cash deposits, deposit mandate deposit, agreement on a regular basis has achieved market-oriented pricing of deposit, has more than 10% per cent of all bank deposits. In social capitalGold used, other than loans have basically achieved market interest rates.  In addition, under the continued tightening of Bank funding realities, RMB loan interest rate of commercial banks will not break the fall 10% the bottom line, therefore the master of lower loan interest rates have little practical significance. Rates overall market expectations are forcing banks to adjust business strategy, small and medium enterprisesWill be more and better service rates overall market expectations are forcing banks to adjust business strategy. "Market-oriented reform of interest rates inevitable, poor and usury in the marketization of interest rates cannot be maintained in the context of, this is a test for commercial banks", he believes that China's banks from the system, starting with the cultural and social responsibility in transition in a timely manner to meet theMore competition in the market in the future tera power leveling, if it is preoccupied with the pursuit of speed tera gold, double, it is impossible to make the transition. "Reform will encourage more bank financing problems of importance to SMEs. "He said, since last year the second transformation of China Merchants Bank, at present, SME loans for public loans part near 53%, which had to deal with the market-oriented reform of interest rate riskMust be prepared. Now, many banks have already aware of enterprise funds, access to a much larger, stronger bargaining power, and interest rate spreads will become smaller and smaller in the future. By contrast, SME loan for the Bank is a very good development opportunities. Market competitive pressure in favour of commercial banks looking for sustainable profit model and mode of development, promoting market goldInclusive innovation, and promote the positive interaction between the financial system and the real economy, which would enable SMEs to obtain more and better financial services. Others:

swtor credits weighted index 8040.81 - RTY

129773214407656250_170Zhongxinwang swtor credits, March 26 diablo 3 power leveling, according to Taiwan media reports diablo 3 power leveling, the Taipei stock market dropped 26th 35.8 points, weighted index 8040.81, NT $ 3.043 billion turnover. Others:

diablo 3 power leveling but face the thunder of powerful firepower - FRH

129773184541562500_174On March 26; Beijing time on March 26, the heat team challenge t, big three VS two-less peoples attention the game, heat has 4 consecutive victories, t-2 streak, between victory rate slightly higher than the heat of Thunder, Union ranked second, but if Thunder can win today, they will record beyond the heat. Not so easy, start to the heat is notWrong, Pos diablo 3 power leveling, and Wade has hit the basket, Thunder unyielding, ibaka 2 consecutive jumpers hit so that they 12:10 lead. Le Blanc is more on the play today Organizer, 3 minutes to send out 2 assists tera power leveling, but face the thunder of powerful firepower, defense of the heat out of the issue, when Durant from the Le Blanc and submit a miaochuan assists Perkins dunk after succeeding, hot4 behind the fire, siboersitela quickly called out of the suspension. 5 minutes before, in the t-9 7, hit near 80%, ibaka who won 6. As the game proceeds buy swtor, the lead Le Blanc and Durant for MVP list against the increasingly fierce, Durant significantly more assertive, first 3 in section 4 under the detonation, 7 3 assists, Le Blanc, 6 3 assists rangeThe first section, Durant is better bilebulang. Heat 24:25 behind. Highest score is Perkins, his 4-4 won in 8 min 2 rebounds. Thunder hit 64.7%. It is worth mentioning that, before the first half was Durant Le Blanc of Defense, then half, is bilebulang James-short cut. () Others:

tera gold in addition to original fund investment - NYL

129731621426096250_12Money hard at the beginning "chunkun" many people escape the "spring syndrome", "over the Chinese new year swtor credits, mind was blank. "Mr Lam told reporters in Fuzhou, he was a radical type of investor, so focus on index funds in terms of investment. "But go back over years, attitudes changed. "Mr Lin said, and recent market is can not read, so recently aThe time, in addition to original fund investment, their other financial products are not sold. Wealth management division of a large State-owned bank in Fuzhou Chen told reporters, and maybe many people will not escape "spring syndrome", but actually the problem, not because the difficulty arising from the increase in investment, but what their mentality has not adjusted well. "The market isRapidly changing, challenging difficulty coefficient of high risk products tera gold, natural caution, a variable part is normal. "Short term financing must be well before the products are well sold money cycle" from the present situation, many people will choose to Bank at the beginning of financial products diablo 3 gold, or more secure investments such as fixed deposit by installments. "Chen told reporters that in themselves are notState of the case, investors reason to choose the less risky financial products, comply with the investment mentality, also not result in losses. This reporter learned from the market, early major bank launches short-term financial products, investment cycle from one month to six months. Although there is a certain threshold, annual rate of return is higher, from looking at the data, to attract investors. “Determines the threshold of financial products, enter the investment will not be small, so small it looks like risk, high return, but investors also have a certain degree of opportunity cost. "She said, friends to invest in short-term financial products, it may be about their use of funds to do a simple grooming, and then select the appropriate financial period. 123 «» Others:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

swtor credits "" great - UXY

129773214455937500_274Accept the huaxi Metropolitan daily reporter's telephone interview, Andy Xie, said most of the words of his mouth are: "real estate bubble has burst". This is called "is most frequently quoted analysts in the Asian region", has repeatedly determine accurately the situation and trends. Today, real estate faces big changes in China, how does he treat real estate regulation? National commercial housing turnover generallyFalling today, house prices trend?  Enterprises face the challenge?  On the bubble price adjustments are necessary to think Andy Xie, China's real estate market is experiencing a price bubble, price adjustments are necessary. "Over the years, Bank a lot of money to real estate, money after entering the real estate industry, prices will rise, this is a flushConcept. "Says Andy Xie, psychological and speculative demand as long as there is speculation in the market, property market bubble would have been blown.  If the Government does not intervene, prices can also continue to rise, but as long as the bubble, the day when there will be broken.  Bubble burst out of the day, think Andy Xie has arrived. Today, many developers have begun to use construction company, Material suppliers to help finance. Buildings is tantamount to lend support. "I now see is the supplier of funds to them have been stretched very tight, some of the money chain has been broken, so some developers if you don't sell a House, it is to live without it, only the substantial price cuts, increasing sales is the only way out.  "Andy Xie said. Although the bubble will burst outMany of the enterprise capital chain problems occur, and even bankruptcy. "This process is necessary, many countries have experienced.  "At that time, you can encourage industry consolidation is reduced to a minimum, China's real estate industry can also take this bigger and stronger. On the prices reasonable prices is 6-7 times the annual income of the country "two sessions" during Premier Wen Jiabao's "roomPrice far back to a reasonable price ", Xie considered, in accordance with the world-wide level, prices reasonable price is generally in annual revenue of about 6-7 times, now, prices and incomes in China than than average more than 1 time. "The decline in house prices could soon reach 25%, within the next two or three years,-has the potential to reach 50%. "Xie GuoLoyal believes that house prices, will allow wealth flows to residents, and lay the Foundation for achieving domestic demand-led growth in the coming decade. Today, the real estate market of supply and demand imbalances, high housing vacancy rate on the one hand, on the other hand the people cannot afford to buy a House. Prices do not decline, people dared not spend money will cover their tight pockets, China consumption capacity does not go on."Brought about by the bubble burst just property prices fall, but are not necessarily sales down. "Andy Xie, believe that, on the contrary, low house prices may actually increase real estate sales. As a consequence the increase in the number of construction projects, rather than less.  Prices low and means that the average family can consume more input on other products. On two or three-tier cities where housing prices willRestore on the relationship between supply and demand, prices in many cities have emerged at a discount, price trends, although the first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, "" great, but Andy Xie is more concerned about two or three cities. "Prices in Beijing and Shanghai, but they are the national market, a certain degree of consumer groups, prices dropped and someone will buy. "Andy Xie said, two or three lines of urbanThere is no purchasing power. Although the increasingly high rate of urbanization, more people flocked to the city, brings a certain level of demand, but in his view, would come in to town, mostly do not have strong purchasing power.  Not much on the recovery in the housing market. "There are tens of millions of homes are empty, a conservative estimate, to 15 years to live full, today new houses each year and more, Have found tens of millions of families could afford to buy a house the family lived in Oh!  , "Said Andy Xie, China's real estate is not a luxury, nor the Mercedes-Benz, BMW, made so many houses per year, the price was another nosebleed. "How much is the average, how many households are there in the city, so counting can know how many houses built in the city, housing prices. "Xie GuoLoyal believes that house prices to ordinary people can afford it.  No matter what kind of policy is, finally be restored to the relationship between supply and demand. On investment "does not necessarily have to play" in the city, many residents in the hands of at least a House for investment.  And this phenomenon in Xie's view, is not a good thing. "A lot of people are in fact holdingSpeculative psychology, think a restriction order will cancel, then prices will come back, this hand can also make money. "He said, a lot of people do not take into account, who will take over? "What so many people to buy a House swtor credits! "Real estate investing doesn't make sense, how do ordinary citizens planning? For this problem swtor credits, Andy Xie, think, "why do we have to go play with money? "In his view, on the market there are a lot of people are in" play money ", members of the public before investing, be sure to think of" are you smarter than others do? Grasp more knowledge than others do?  "If you have to invest, in his view, the ordinary people can buy some treasuries tera gold, or go to see the future prospects, and he knows the area. "In accordance with world-wideLevel, prices reasonable price is generally in annual revenue of about 6-7 times, prices and incomes in China than than average more than 1 time times "" low prices may actually increase real estate sales. House prices down, it means that the average family can consume more input on other products "and" how much is the average, how many households are there in the city,So counting can know how many houses built in the city, housing prices set at ". Others:

swtor gold Jiangsu boss running about 800 million loan in question is located in Changshu - YWF

129773184588281250_269, Governor of the agricultural Bank of China Jiangyin Fort branch families left for the outside Sun INTERPOL notice made by the volume of about $ 200 million in late December 2011, former head of Fort branch, the agriculture Bank of Jiangyin Sun suddenly missing. Jiangyin after police received a report that rapid survey. The investigation, a Sun in his own name obtain several friends borrow more than more than 100 million Yuan. On December 28, 2011, SunA having absconded abroad. At present, the Ministry of public security has issued an INTERPOL notice. Police are now on a Sun for further investigation of the crime, and to pursue work. Report from 25th, this reporter learned from the police in Wuxi: the head of China's Ministry of public security of Wuxi, Jiangyin ABC Fort point a red Sun's most wanted. Police are crimes for further investigation on a SunAnd to pursue work. A few days ago, according to media reports, on December 28 last year, Governor of the agricultural Bank of China Jiangyin Fort branch Sun Feng and his wife, parents, two child family "outing" Thailand. Then diablo 3 power leveling, with no sign of the "disappeared". Thus, a involved in illegal financing amount or up to 200 million Yuan, Governor of the Bank of family flight case in "silence" after more than two months to emerge�� This reporter has learned that on December 31, 2011, Jiangyin ABC network Sun, head of a police investigation for alleged contract fraud is Jiangyin. On January 7, 2012, procuratorial organs on a Sun approved the arrest. Journalists to understand the situation on the ground, found on this event and the Party reported that there are large numbers of media access. Current reportersUnderstanding to the situation of late December 2011, former head of Jiangyin ABC Fort point Sun suddenly missing. Jiangyin after police received a report that rapid survey. The investigation, a Sun in his own name obtain several friends borrow more than more than 100 million Yuan. Reporter Jiangyin municipal government information Office to learn about this matter, according to officials of the Office, currently involved in the case of some mediaSpecific situation is not accurate. Local Government attaches great importance to this case, is actively organizing the investigation. But, during the investigation phase of the case, is still not open case, you need to wait for the findings of the police. (New): Jiangsu boss running about 800 million loan in question is located in Changshu, Jiangsu Province within a closed shop, Yu Jing Wenhua Plaza "world famous shops"Has now become the most closely watched of a store, because it's master Gu Chunfang" running ". Official has initially established in Changshu, Suzhou kaiweilong Trading Ltd legal representative Gu Chunfang personal borrowing nearly $ 500 million, Changshu city, and all major banks and microfinance company mortgage loans of more than 100 million Yuan. Beauty boss many stores close around shops of bright lightsStand out against the, world famous shop has been closed pretty lonely. "This woman is legendary, famous 20 years ago. "Lifting the Gu Chunfang, walking Changshu said the people passing by, he had seen Gu Chunfang socializing in public, good temperament, and looks, it is said that clothes do not repeat every day. Mr IP believed that no wonder Gu Chunfang accident, her knowledge and abilitiesNot enough to sustain her business. Close to the world famous shop is specialized in luxury leather care shops. Shop owner Mr Wu said the world famous shops probably closed in early March, has recently been THE COLLECTOR from the field. He said, "someone tonight, accent sounds like Zhejiang, the man also asked, how close the famous shop? "Talk about the world famousStores before close of business, Mr Wu said, very good business before, buy a lot of clothes, shoes, leather goods, and shop customers a lot of money, and many people bought the famous leather goods, do care to his shop. But he had never seen Gu Chunfang, shop by her little sister take care of. And prosperous compared to the world famous shops of main street is situated at the foot of the Yushan, Fong Jimei store is located inCooked a secluded road within the city, outside the shop not far from Changshu city landmark �C is the Square Tower was built in the Song dynasty. Aromatic set equally for her master Gu Chunfang running "allegedly" locked door. Aromatic set next to a hotel staff member, Mr LAU said, Fong set about closing about half a month, didn't see any business before the close. Both "borrow loan amount"And" beauty boss "double identity, Gu Chunfang" running "of concern. Boss effects running in addition to the local economy, local official also disclosed that has also been running the Changshu Hotels Chairman Zhou Siyang Lei Yue Mun to 230 million yuan of bank loans, personal loans are still under investigation. This type of bosses running events on the local financial and commercial environment is beginning to affect�� Changshu a bank staff revealed that the Bank for private enterprises, especially the lack of real assets of businesses applying for loans, tougher audits. For loan guarantees, also repeated audit. In Jiangsu Province swtor credits, Changshu is famous for its developed private economy, boss and more. For the boss, "running", and some people think that reflect private economic experienceDevelopment bottlenecks, needs to relax its further reform of the private economy. But there are also people believes that restrictions should be, but there are "running" the boss, do not seriously at all industrial, cannot be simply attributed to the existing policy. Changshu said one business enterprises of medium-sized factories, in the market economy environment, business failures are inevitable. "Running" eventBehind the scenes, although there is to the disadvantage of private enterprises in the current financial environment factors, but more are operating blindly, think twice about borrowing resulting by the parties themselves. He said that now his business circle, generally operate properly as a whole. "More fair if financial environment, it is of course strongly look forward to private companies. "He said. It is understood that by Luo town, Changshu city, Finance Office swtor gold,Public security, procuratorate, Court, and other departments of the investigation team, thorough investigation of these events. How the events will evolve, there are still many mysteries to be solved. () Others:

tera power leveling twists - EIK

129773184384375000_3Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog rolling news industry news-enterprise news automakers reported overseas car news car reviews new car automobile recall steam automobile marketingVehicle exposure test kit supplies quality collection of cool RC car models new car kit hot shopping guide for model evaluation thematic figures offer promotions for the traffic violation query cost report real time road traffic regulations compact car car insurance cars luxury sports cars MPV cars medium cars advanced car SUVSvw path concept Audi Q5, BMW 5 series Faw-Toyota Prado, Mercedes-Benz GLK Haver H6 na Zhi Jie 7 SUV look better than Aurora loulan Evoque biekeangkelei Nissan car > body font size print RSSMarch 26, 2012 from: Shanghai Securities News "-49.04%", which is the final hold in the company operating profits fell in the 2011 annual report. Profits fell sharply behind the facts tera power leveling, can also read out a public company sponsor of close cooperation between the institutions and understanding.If the listing is inseparable from UBS Securities says BYD "hongzhuang suguo", UBS sponsors clearance cannot be separated from the company "exchange gifts"--since the final reported profits fall within the range of 50%, as the company listing sponsorship representative of UBS Securities sponsors Ding Xiaowen, Tang Shuangding, may be exempted from the punishment of the securities. BYD to the annual report 2011 companies operating income of 48.827 billion yuan, representing an increase of 0.78%; operating profit of $ 1.41 billion, representing a decline of 49.04%; net profit $ 1.385 billion, representing a decrease of 45.13%. Earnings per share of $ 0.61, 6.98% ROE, net worth $ 8.97 per share, lower than prior forecast�� Raised real concerns of the market is the company's operating profit target changes in geometry. Sponsor of business management under the 72nd, during continued supervision, the issuer, and public offering of securities listing the year operating profits fell by more than 50% over the previous year, according to the seriousness of the SFC, from 3 months to 12 months from the date of confirmation sponsor representative will not be acceptedBody responsible for recommending; the circumstances are especially serious, revoke the relevant sponsor representative qualification of personnel. As we all know, BYD performance turned around immediately after the listing last June, operating profit of only $ 327 million in the first half, down to 87.55%, three announced quarterly operating profit fell to 84.49%. Close to 90% of the continuous decline, industryGeneral agreement that BYD full year operating profit to fall by more than 50%, and sponsor institutions as UBS Securities will not escape punishment. ����Then a new Vista, twists, final data is published by 49.04%, but 50% of the red line. "Operating profits fell by almost 90% to cent diablo 3 power leveling, BYD is probably well intentioned. "Shanghai accountingRegistered partner Liu Pinghou said. First, cost rate is significantly lower in the fourth quarter, from the third quarter of 84.15% Zhijiang into four quarters of 79.67%, indicating that companies compress costs significantly. "Enterprise cost rate is usually difficult to reduce, BYD 2010 to 2011 has never 80% the following cost rate in the third quarter, in materials, artificialPrices do not change case, suddenly four quarter cost reduction rate is difficult to explain. ����"Liu Pinghou said. BYD is another important reason for the sharp rise in profit equity transactions occurred on December 27. Data show that company in Foshan City, four days before the end of the fiscal year 2011 suddenly sold 33.375% shares of jinhui tech tera power leveling, and this company net worth 173 million, By rating agencies with revenue assessment by more than 1 billion. According to the description of the access to information, this is a good quality assets, results for the upcoming release. "BYD receive 430 million of investment income, operating profit in the year 30%. �� Others:

diablo 3 gold problems still exist in many government functions - KRT

129773214321562500_6Introduce tax reform programme, the progressive implementation of the tax reform programmes, research on levying environment taxAccelerates.  In this context, how to design a reasonable tax system has become the Government and academia the most hot issue. Tax reform should focus on public spending tax reforms should aim at what? This reform is important to first clear problem. Mobilization of financial resources is the most basic tax native functions. Run a tax system is to meet the country's politicalPower system "to political control of the fiscal deficit, to finance administration" needs. Tax revenue service in market economy, its main purpose is to fund government public service system as a whole.  Tax system designed to satisfy the Government's fiscal spending, tax reform is to Center on public expenditure spending. Clearly defined boundaries between Government and market in the market economy environment,Government activities is not without reason, but not enough to compensate for the market, provides the market cannot provide the public goods and public services. So, look for the proper role of the Government, including how Government can function most effectively with the market, become the key to sustainable development of national economy diablo 3 power leveling, is also a prerequisite for the successful reform of the tax system. Practice proves that the 1994 tax reformThis. Government fiscal revenues before tax distribution system, Central and local governments prior to scope your budget, local budget revenues base, where according to the base budget revenues, designated within the self balancing. Because the functions of the Government failed to break through the framework of planned economy, financial power of Government at all levels, Division ambiguous. After the reform of tax-sharing system, Central and local government primaryOn the basis of their respective responsibilities, broken down by tax revenue. In the division between government revenue and expenditure, tax reform has made remarkable achievements, but due to the transformation of government functions is lagging behind, there are many on the Division of government functions not specifically, failed to follow up the legislative process and other issues, further deepening and improving the tax reform has encountered obstacles. Therefore, taxesIn the reform process must be clearly defined boundaries between Government and market, handle the finance function transformation and the transformation of government functions of coordination issues. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, China's Government on the reform of the administrative system had numerous, actively exploring the role of Government in social development should act as a. Despite some achievements, problems still exist in many government functions, the mainTable now: powerful government rule, also directly engaged in a large number of complex micro-management activities, forces failed to bring into full play the social intermediary organizations, autonomous of social infirmity; Government-led and configure the entire resource is not a fundamental shift in the way, occupies an important position in State-owned enterprises in resource allocation, the Government still imposed on enterprises from top of "commanding" administrative tube; Generalization tendencies with the bureaucracy of the Government management structure, cross between management functions for various functions, and finger each other in specific matters diablo 3 gold, lack of effective supervision and motivation; appeared limitless expansion of government functions, in relative isolation led to government ability and effectiveness of government management of decay, society is highly dependent on the Government, so that the Government institution serious expansion, social organizationWeak Wei minced.  Failed to change government functions in place, so that public expenditures cannot be fully reduced, require large amounts of tax income, the impact of the reform of the tax system in our country. I think the key is to change the Government's functions, deepening the reform of the tax system is the key to change the Government's functions. Under the market economy conditions, determine the proper role of Government, first to explicit social development objectives,Once in Government, and other social relationships between elements of the market economy in the accountability and responsibilities specified, and how determined the Government fulfill its responsibility in partnership. Cooperation of the Government and the market is not simply under the Government or under a field marketing, more appropriate description is in the partnership, the two sides have to bear some responsibility. Government as a major participant GuideDomain: System basis, national defense, public order swtor credits, the environment, such as macroeconomic stability, provide a safety net. Shared responsibility of Government and market areas: education, health care, technology, savings and investments. In the next step of the transformation of government functions, with a limited Government, effective ideas under the guidance of the Government, limiting the Government functions in the management of markets, and maintain normal market rankOrder sequence and transactions, reduce the Government microeconomic function while strengthening macro-economic function of Government. Introduce a competition mechanism within the Government, through the various institutional arrangements such as tender to attract social forces together to accomplish government functions. At the same time, by working with community intermediary organizations, outsourcing and other institutional arrangements, provide public services in a variety of forms,Social intermediary organization and Government share responsibility for providing public services. Others:

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129773438640156250_234Research and evaluation of listed enterprises annual report: 20 average profit of close to 50% from more than hundred per cent lower than the performance of listed companies to disclose, average profit of 81 companies for only $ 450 million, among which there are more than 20 listed property developer profit per cent lower than an average close to 50%. To growth, for example. 2011 national commercial residence sold 4.86Trillion yuan, up growth from 2010 slow to 14.8% of. As of March 15, have been published more than more than 100 listed enterprises performance in 2011 news or forecast. Among them, publish the full text of the annual report of 26. Is particularly pointed out that, in addition to ST enterprise, zhonghong real estate the first to publish an annual report, no matter how their performance, this approach to a certain extentReflect on the importance of the annual reports of enterprises on, and other listed housing and enterprise learning. Also would like to stress is that the 50 billion above the rank of "first-tier" companies, not including wanke, other companies also did not publish the full text of the annual report. In accordance with the practice in previous years, in late March, will have the authority and enterprises top TOP10 ranking, top 500 and listed houses and enterprises, do not know theAnd based on the data come from. Annual report of this "difficult" reasons, listed enterprises performance in 2011 and probably directly related to slower growth rates, declining profitability. Accordingly, the difficulty of compiling, processing of annual reports is increasing, time will of course delay. From more than hundred performance of listed companies to disclose, fully confirmed my conclusions of the first three articles. For example net profit targets.Average profit of 81 companies for only $ 450 million, among which there are more than 20 listed property developer profit per cent lower than an average close to 50%. To growth, for example. 2011 national commercial residence sold 4.86 trillion yuan, up growth from 2010 slow to 14.8% of. More 70% listed enterprises in this context enterprisesHave the sales slowdown problem. In fact, has announced sales of China vanke, Poly, gold and gold branch sales growth from 2010, 71%, and 34% declined, 12%, and 9% respectively. But the high amount of Advance Received from Customers will still be able to support the 2011 fast-growing annual revenues of about 20%.Benefit from 2011 average sales increases, listing 2011 settlement housing and Enterprise gross margins or upstream (40% per cent), but net profit margin or under the influence of such factors as rising taxes and expenses for the period and most likely 1%-2%. By reading the letters and annual reports, especially the analysis of causes of increased enterprise performance drop, also confirmed the author over the years used to saySentence structure reasonable market! The so-called reasonable structure, embodied in the "three balance": a different city is the structural balance of the market, the second is a balance of different grades of products structure, three are short and long periodic structure of the line balance. Comes down to a balance, is the project to achieve the rate of profit and cash flow of the project's overall balance. Some companies, such as SOHO China, Greentown, decline in performance occurs quickly, appears to be under the influence of policy swtor credits, but why the same policy environment, some enterprises to achieve rapid growth in reverse? Whether the structure is a very good reason behind it. Strategic layout is mainly in the cities of SOHO House for more development-oriented. Although the nature of their products without restriction, but the projectMarket structure layout focused on Beijing-Shanghai (restriction of policies more severe), and their target customer base dominated by speculative investment clients ("departure"). As we all know, green city product position in the high-end, layouts and projects primarily in the Yangtze River Delta cities and one or two lines, apparently is the most obvious market affected by the policy. Agile is also similar. 2011 yaGenerated total sales of $ 31.52 billion, completed a sales target for the year of 85%. The same period, the agile only to $ 4.105 billion in net profit for the year, compared to $ per cent in 2010, decline of about 30%. The reason behind the decline is that agile projects are mostly concentrated in the Pearl River Delta, and Hainan, market structure is not balanced. Instead,Before and after those in 2010 has been adjusted the project structure or project structure more reasonable companies, bucked the gains in nearly all. Green, for example. In 2011, the Green Group operating income reached $ 230 billion, real estate revenue more than 77 billion yuan, an increase of 50%. At the time of the performance evaluation of green space, its Chairman Zhang Yuliang summaryPoints: endogenous power structure is green space development. According to Zhang Yuliang, adjustment consists of two levels, one is adjusting the industrial structure, stronger and in energy, finance is the core of integrated industry; second, adjusting structure of real estate projects, and said, "adjustments will continue and deepen this year". RAND Advisory based on green strategic track of discovery for many years, adjustment of green space in 2011Field layout, "first-tier cities markets as a whole under restricted conditions, transferred to the main two or three cities". We know that the layout ahead two or three lines of urban enterprises were less affected by the policy, such as a constant, such as vanke, Poly, green space as well. Further statistics found that green space is real estate development projects all over the country's 24 provinces in 60 cities, most of the focus in the secondThree-city, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, was to achieve a deep, multi-point layout of provinces. In addition to adjusting the market structure, green also accelerated the adjustment of product structure, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Dalian and other cities to launch a number of super high-rise complexes. 2011 Chengdu, Wujiang diablo 3 gold, and won the super senior complex. Currently built green and Super tall city under constructionStandard construction has reached 15, of which 3 was ranked top ten in the world. I have said in a media interview, this complex is the next generation of green synthesis of form, because it responds to and meet the needs of urban city in a two or three line grade, also has a very strong market demand. Green housing projects mainly in the General House, and green space in 2011Office products account for real estate sales amount 40% (commensurate with the proportion of China resources land), and further "strong support overall steady growth in performance". As said by the head of green, "structural adjustment, were benefited by green in 2011". A case study of China resources land. On March 9, was held in Hong Kong, China resources land throughout 2011Record the Conference. Results showed that last year, China resources achieved a consolidated turnover of 35.795 billion Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 39.1% total gross margin increased from 10.152 billion Hong Kong dollars in the previous year to 14.182 billion Hong Kong dollars, rose 39.7%. During the period, corporate housing agency 35.958 billion yuan, representing a rise of 61.5%;Sales area of 2.9776 million sq m, an increase of 36.5%. In response to a performance causes of rapid growth, the company's Chairman Wang Yin boils down to two points, one is "six houses, 40% investment property", before and after the second, 2009 "China resources land has adjusted the product strategy." RAND Advisory CR all through the project analysis found that the companyHome-Customer-developed by the small proportion of residential sales accounted for the entire 80%; high-end projects have been adjusted to the percentage is less than 20%, and two-thirds of the project distributed over two or three cities. These methods consistent with the current control policy-meeting the needs and curb speculative investment. You can say, cause of the rapid growth of China resources land performance "Improvement and optimization of product structure of the urban layout ". In addition, as of March 7, CRC had achieved the amount of residential Agency 4.371 billion yuan this year, plus the locked will be settled in 2012 turnover of 18.611 billion yuan, over residential settlement of 72% last year. At the same time, China resources land this year decided to "further strengthen internal management and controlCost control of management costs, optimize the product structure ". Therefore, the company's rapid growth, this year will be fully. Structured market. I wish there were more developers can remember this sentence. At the time of writing this article, branches and Lake was released on March 12 2011-year of the full text of the annual report. I I on Twitter on China vanke wrote comments on three points: 1,$ 71.78 billion in revenue, $ 121.54 billion contract sales, a difference of $ 49.76 billion. End sold open area of 10.85 million square meters, the corresponding contract amount of $ 122.2 billion – almost 2011, enough to guarantee the performance of 2012. And 2 branches of the average sale price reached $ 11,303/㎡, last year a12,049 Yuan/㎡, that the policy has achieved initial success, but there is room to adjust. 3 diablo 3 gold, clearing the net rate of 15.01%, down 0.51%--and judgments are almost exactly the same: NET fall in interest rates in the industry's best-0.5%, industry-wide Enterprise "Twelve-Five" period, the net interest rate fell to 15% in 10%--annual fall 1%! (Song Yanqing, President of RAND consultancy/text) (Editors: Wen Jie) Others:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

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129760833647500000_49Pray for a good harvest Futures: sugar remain weak in the near future to adjust patterns "Important news at home and abroad," Russia, the EU and other main producer of sugar beet is near your pressing States yield in line with expectations, coupled with India, China, Thailand, and other sugar-producing countries continued to increase slightly, two thousand eleven-two thousand twelveths pressing sugar production is expected to finally sit in the northern hemisphere, and yield of 80.01 billion tons star wars credits, which Russia had a major importer imports lost power,India even issuance of export quotas. "The fundamentals" spot market: wholesale markets were volatile Friday morning consolidation trend, main producing area of Guangxi stock price held steady, sales brokers reflected light, selling sugar group at favorable prices. Nanning: brokers quote 6,560 Yuan/ton, the price held steady, sales are slow. Liuzhou: brokers quote 6,480 Yuan/ton, the price held steady diablo 3 gold, Sales are slow. "Technical" from looking at the disc surface, sugar 1109 contracts on Friday after the price upward, modest increase in turnover, positions substantially reduced. From a technical perspective, the sugar adjustment of price weakness in the near future. On the specific operation diablo 3 power leveling, it is recommended that wait-and-see, short-term trading, bearing in mind the important location near price and 6,550. "Today's operationProposed "sugar on the specific actions recommended to wait-and-see, short-term trading, bearing in mind the important location near price and 6,620. Others:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

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129756711498593750_608Rauquet "the Internet as a ' thought amplifier of the cultural information center and public opinion ', strengthening the network cultural construction, facing both the development of promising opportunities, also of unknown than known, complex and the challenges, we must fully understand. "In its motion in this year, representatives of the national people's Congress made acquired Management Department General Manager Shen Mingcai, China UnicomCan adapt to the characteristics of Internet development to strengthen the network culture building, can make the Internet a new way to spread Socialist advanced culture, public culture service of new platforms, new space of people's health and spiritual and cultural life diablo 3 gold, relates to the healthy development of the Socialist cultural undertakings and cultural industries, related to the national cultural information security and national stability, should attach great weightView. Shen Mingcai believe that compared with the traditional culture, network culture has four main characteristics: (a) cultural dissemination network. The Internet eliminates time and space differences in differences arising out of differences in social structures and living environments, "always and everywhere online for all", the highly fragmented in different locations and at different times of the aggregation diablo 3 gold, interactive Internet users and to bridging the cultural divide,Speeding up dissemination and sharing of cultural knowledge tera power leveling, provides cultural construction with a new carrier and vitality. (B) the cultural transmission of interactions. Internet society into "era of popular microphones", any Internet user can become the source of culture, can according to their own values, interests, network expertise to continually measure the demand, rich cultural resources, manufacturing and construction,Form the point and flat network of a multidimensional cultural transmission. Must speed up the exploration of how to build affinity inclusive, diverse forms of interaction platform, meet the needs of Internet users participating in cultural construction. (Iii) cultural diversity. Cultural self-constraint mechanisms and monitoring mechanisms are not perfect case, people share cultural resources at the same time, all sorts of messy cultureAre generated, accumulation, dissemination and proliferation, particularly professional network pushing hands appear, pass some non-mainstream cultural resources of great influence, prompting some extremist views and extreme doctrine gets amplified and transmitted in the network community. Must intensify the network of excellence and dissemination of cultural products supply, guide the healthy development of Internet culture, strengthen the purification and control of low culture. (Four) Cultural effect of globalization. In the era of globalization, different cultural trends and values through the Internet, collision, games, the Internet has become the platform of the right and the wrong ideological conflict between, healthy culture of decadent culture and place, become a battlefield in the ideological field of osmosis and reverse osmosis, China's cultural safety and national security through new tests. To be addedStudy on how to enhance international communication capability, improving China's soft power, defend the culture of China's territory. Shen Mingcai on how to strengthen the construction of network culture, made three recommendations: (a) strengthening of mainstream culture to boot. Is the advanced cultural construction and sharing of resources in the Internet. At present, China has a very rich cultural resources. But due to historical reasons and influence mechanism system, A large number of excellent cultural resource failed to realize network sharing. Proposals introduce incentives and speeding up of the outstanding cultural resources on net to form and consolidate the dominance of the advanced culture in the network. Second, it is proposed to strengthen the Internet telecom equipment manufacturing, base, information resources integration of enterprise content services such as network culture and mutual cooperation, and further enhance the creation of network culture, Production and dissemination of specialized intensive level. Three is to promote the networking media to news, culture, entertainment, e-commerce, education, health and other areas and industry segments, creating a strong influence at home and abroad a comprehensive website and featured websites, building a position clear, complementary functions, models diverse and distinctive network media group, establishing and consolidating the networkThe main front. (B) building a platform for public participation. Network culture is essentially the intentions and culture, strengthening the construction of network culture cannot be achieved without the support and participation of the people. Is recommended to ask the people you want, attention people expect new network culture, providing cultural product of the masses need more, more online information such as policy advice, information and mass productionCultural services is closely related to the convenience of the people for the people. Second, recommends asking wisdom to the people in the play, guide, protect Internet users in the network culture building and sharing enthusiasm for creativity, encourages the creative touch of health network of cultural works, guide to be civilized and advocating civilized expression of Internet users, creating civilized space, resolutely resist the attack run down, Fu folk song ballad, vulgar pranks and other Internet uncivilized behavior,To truly become the healthy culture of network culture. (C) better support for security mechanisms. One is to strengthen the network culture building of the legal system. United States has more than 130 management of Internet laws and regulations, and current domestic network culture management there is no perfect system of laws and regulations. Recommends establishing and improving corresponding laws and regulations and the management system as soon as possible, protect the culture method on the InternetAccording to, promoting the healthy development of the Internet culture. Second, perfect the management mechanism of network culture. There are many ministries are responsible for approval and management of Internet sites established project examination and approval and content management, Division of responsibilities but there are still many problems, there are policies made by, approval drainage management, especially with regard to management of network culture also has a large, blank, proposed the establishment of specialized organizationsOrganization, configure the necessary personnel, the establishment of management mechanisms, implementing and strengthening supervisory responsibility. (Editors: Yin Liang) Others:

Monday, March 26, 2012

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129756711596562500_845Handling production workers out of processed "mix Lamb". "There's a lamb duck meat mixed in business, you can go to and see. "Our" food is · focused table safety "campaign announced after the 96,706,123 hotline, reflect the public said, although usually in a production enterprise mutton smell pungent, but lots of lamb is mixed with the duck meat. Recently, this reporterThe company carried out unannounced visits. Plant smell overflowing workshop restaurant to eat up the door very fat mutton is where it comes from? recently, this reporter based readers provide clues to a production company in the Eastern province. Find the hidden deep in the cold storage process is not easy, according to address left by the readers, found the house number is not up. Reporter in the nearSlaughtering and meat processing plant and cold storage units such as viewing one by one. In a refrigerator, refrigerator car in and out, journalists in the name of buy cheap meat, asked staff here about cheap meat wholesale locations. Staff told reporters, "not far, in that big in the cold storage plant diablo 3 gold, a lot of hot pot shops are there to purchase. "" ' Selection of Lamb ', is actually meat mixed withDuck meat. "Outside the target area, nearby residents told reporters said quietly, in the production of mutton cheaply company," duck meat "make up a large component," many of the urban areas where have all the hot pot shop to wholesale, lamb in his family really cheap. " Journalists follow the directions to find the past. In the vicinity of Tseung Kwan o road in this cold storage plant, business was booming, many workshops have beenRented out. The manufacturer does have a considerable scale production of mutton. One will be able to see the top and bottom floors consisting of large warehouse cold storage, pulled carts carry off goods such as seven or eight workers at the door, and the air is filled with a keen sheep unit much less likely than daily smell of mutton smell is much more intense. A number of "mutton" has just been removed from the freezer into the refrigerator truck pulled up, cold storageDoor cooling fan of whizz whizz, smell a delicious odor. Two men at the door of a journalist is the face of health, one of them showed great awareness, immediately close the freezer door. "There is meat cold storage, you what?" Journalists to restaurant purchase identity and the man exclaimed, his confidence had been made. The man told reporters, ground floor is cold, it is processing workshop, Head of duty on the second floor. When reporters want to look to the workshop on the second floor of mutton production process, fear of meat does not cross the border when you hit the hotel brand, he hesitated. When the reporter was about to take the opportunity to second floor, was stopped by two staff members. "You don't go up to go, only buy you can contact with our boss. "Man is careful to stop reporters that" production workshop notHelp yourself! "he provides telephone, reporters boss call while browsing here out of carton printing. These are printed on the packaging box "selection of lamb", "mix Lamb" words, workers are carrying out large production of processed "mix Lamb". The lamb is a brand, look very normal. Worst meat duckHalf after a reporter dialed the boss's phone, who claimed to head the Manager on the phone also refused the demands of reporters look at the workshop. He said very frankly: "the volume you want, what to say, the price I give you cheap tera power leveling, others definitely eat it. Cheap lamb mixed with half of the meat your meat per pound of duck meat mixed with only 22. You can select, Jinan goods store than I am to a。 Booked you into Victoria er Kang I wholesale I found. "Journalists that want to provide him with some volume into the mutton hot pot shop, good to try to eat it. He refused: "will not say to you, you may rest assured that my goods, customers are eating out. "In order to find out what reporters according to his required to d er Kang wholesale market. Sold in a store, sat twoOfficers receive several calls from time to time. See reporters walked in, one of the surname of Wei staff asked said, "you be the one to purchase?" That reporter is a open pot shop, staff says pot shops are three of the most frequently into the duck and mutton, 5 pounds of weight per volume, respectively, sold $ 16, $ 14.5, $ 14. "The three mixed mutton rolls, duck meat and mutton is the proportion ofDifferent. "The staff said, add a duck at least $ 16, per kilo of mutton, duck meat is mixed with 22. Open the freezer as you can see, lean meat up to $ 16 per volume looks red, $ 14.5 second, $ 14 is shining white fat. Lamb asked for the press picked up the $ 14, "this meat will be found by the customer?" No matter how cheap swtor credits,Keep a customer look after you. "The staff member said that even the cheapest hybrid mutton volumes, also containing 50% of lamb, mutton flavor obviously, eating out. Reporters saw that this "hot pot special, 2nd volume," "flag-sren Kierkegaard" green trademark, but also food safety signs, a bar in the list of ingredients, clearly indicating the duck meat, New Zealand lamb, And so on. "You back your cut mutton slice, is available on the cut, I give you the cheapest price. "This version of the article/reporter Liu Huadong Meng Min Dong Congzhe Zhong Jianjun interns Yang Yaping/reporter Chen Wenjin (Editor: yanfei) Others:

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129749434179218750_18Xinhuanet buy swtor, Beijing, February 28 (reporter Tan Moxiao)-according to Xinhua, national monitoring of prices of agricultural products and agricultural systems, and compared to the day before, on February 28, vegetables and aquatic products prices to rise as the main; pork, egg prices; steady drop in fruit prices; fluctuation of oil prices slightly; finished lamb, grain, dairy prices basically stable. GeneralFresh egg prices 0.2%; prices of pig meat, pig pork hams after falling respectively, 0.3%; beef tendon meat, beef brisket meat prices are rising 0.1%, fresh lamb, with bone boneless fresh mutton prices flat. Monitoring data show that rapid increase in beef prices throughout the country before the Spring Festival, and after a brief decline, since late February, stabilising prices drop. FenArea, compared with the February 21, on February 28, more than 50% provinces, beef prices drop, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Chongqing diablo 3 gold, Guizhou, Ningxia beef prices to rise, 1.5% per cent or less. At present, significantly higher beef prices 2011 earlier, on February 28 swtor gold, the beef tendon meat, beef brisket meat prices on respectivelyRose, 20.5%. Others:

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129732029186565000_54 <a href="">star wars credits</a>Just after the Lantern Festival, many manufacturers in order to activate the market after the Chinese new year, carrying out promotional activities. Current AIC manufacturers GALAXY in order to repay customers, has an exclusive GALAXY research "Gemini heat sink" GTX570 Black Edition is a substantial price cuts. For such a high end graphics, 320bit wide, 6-phase power supply is a must-have strongCharacteristics, specific parameters of what we look together. Black GALAXY GALAXY GTX 570 GTX570 40nm manufacturing process based on new version black tera power leveling, GF110 graphics core, it has 480 stream processors, both standard 320bit memory controller, it perfectly supports DirectX 11And CUDA API 3. GALAXY GALAXY GTX 570 GTX 570 Black Black Black GALAXY GTX 570 graphics, the video card with GDDR5 graphics memory particles swtor gold, formed a 1280MB/320Bit memory size, display default core, stream processors and memory frequency is 732/1464/3800MHz。 GALAXY GTX 570 Black Black GALAXY GALAXY GTX 570 GTX570 black extend the original removable fan system, thanks to the entire card area of aluminum fins. It is learnt that the fan is the use of industrial fans, both control GTX570 high heat in standby and keep quiet in normal game speed, and the fanSupport joining the four blue LED, personalized, and using a fan removal system, when the guaranteed speed quiet and easy to clean dust on the video card fan. Always pay attention to loving card player, GALAXY GTX 570 black obviously deserves more consideration. GALAXY GTX 570 black GALAXY GTX 570 black power, GALAXY GTX570 black 5 1 super-powered, auxiliary 6-6pin power supply output, overclocking potential is significantly higher than the public version, with the exclusive magic HD, full release GTX570 overclocking potential. And On Semiconductor MOSFET solid state power supply module, ensure the stable operation of the video card. GALAXY GTX 570 black GALAXY GTX 570 black will losePart of GALAXY GTX 570 black to match the Dual DVI Mini HDMI output, and with free Mini HDMI wire, supports various types of output mode, maximum up to 2560x1600 of high resolution output, enough to meet the needs of most users. Comment: based on the public version of the design of the GALAXY GTX570 Black Edition the default frequency is more than design, but it still has a strong overclocking potential, powerful design of power supply and heat sink design can make it under the overclocking stability, price compared with the more than 2000 down again before, now just $ 1999, price/performance improved again. GALAXY GTX570 Black Edition 1280MB/320bit732/3800MHz[market price] $ 1999 Others:

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129765769061620415_51According to zhongxinwang sources, guangqi Honda Accord (quote picture parameters) owners encounter problems such as power steering pump noise, jitter, and many owners think its design flaws, urge guangqi Honda to recall to repair or replace. Recently, several friends in the General Administration of quality supervision on platforms such as head of China's auto quality network complaintsSerious Ko power steering pump noise, ask the 4S shop for freeBee fly in the earMoving, wheel corrosion of non-normal and abnormal noise of booster pump's complaints were not appeared in public for the first time. On February 22 tera power leveling, the Changchun Wanbao reported outbreak of recent focus of complaints on Guangzhou Honda Accord body shaking, shaky accord problem is very common, as well as the accord after booster pump noise after a major outbreak of the problem. According to Chinese Auto quality network, auto complaints networkWebsite complaints, consumer complaints to accord abnormal noise of booster pump has been protracted, today is still emerging. Latest complaint dated March 10, 2012, complaints can be traced back to the earliest on January 7, 2009. Guangqi Honda has released a statement saying, eighth-generation accord is used in the hydraulic power steering system power steering pump when working fromIn the part of the operation and the flow of oil, there is a certain amount of noise tera gold, has no effect on vehicle performance and security, it will not affect the normal use of the user. As a reporter when calling guangqi Honda service hotline, customer service explanation was:UO; the operator says tera power leveling, if you think that sounds great, can go to 4S shop for technology testing, proposed by 4S shop owners feedback information to the technical department, technical department will provide technical support and advice. (Financial network) Others:

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129765893877714165_15Pinterest encounter spam attack Pinterest encounter spam account attacking NetEase tech news on March 18, Pinterest popular social networking Web site, in addition to attracting high-cohesive user, also attracted spam maker. Earlier in the day diablo 3 power leveling, Pinterest pictures were spam injection attack diablo 3 gold, was replaced with a best buy advertisement (as above) diablo 3 power leveling。 According to the third-party social networking tools Shareholic report released in January this year, Pinterest to other sites to recommend traffic than Google, YouTube, Reddit, and sum of LinkedIn. (Yi Ke) Others:

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129765769048339165_14"Sohu auto Chongqing" on March 17, the "peak drive" new new generation Camry (quote picture parameters) depth test drive in the tea garden in Chongqing public transport hub, from mainstream media and many regions of Chongqing Chongqing joint participation in this event. At 10 o'clock in the morning diablo 3 gold, the entire test drive is officially started, guangqi Toyota invited professional instructors from the professional pointOf on new Camry phase more Yu competition products of advantage for has comparison explained, then professional driver with media and customer participation try take test drive activities, entire test drive activities including has site hundred m accelerated brake experience, and curve obstacles run, and competition products car comparison test, and fun around pile challenge racing, wonderful links, hosted Party hope by these links let came to participate in activities of guests were can on new KayThe performance of the US and Swiss have a full range of experience. Seventh generation arguably guangqi Toyota Camry 2011 peak of beauty, new new generation Camry was Camry replacement ever, largest and highest technical content generation, or you can say it is completely a generation. With its dynamic design, security, three technological breakthroughs, has won the public and the tradePeople's widespread concern that the "full ahead, perfect balance" products has been praised, pressurized drama climax of the intermediate cars. New new generation Camry is that one of the most attractive carry 5AR-FE dual VVT-I engine and 6-speed hand from one brand new power transmission and match. Its power core in addition to the intelligent harmonic ACIS increasesPressure air intake systems, displacement is 2.5L engine for maximum power 135kW, all-purpose comprehensive fuel consumption has dropped from 9.5L to 7.8L, this had to a cross-age technology leap. Next-generation Camry vehicle profile aerodynamic design with Toyota F1 racing technology, through the rear-view mirror base leveling guide fin design, chassis design, greatlyIncreased driving stability. At the same time, with the new 17-quiet improvements, effectively on engine noise and road noise and wind noise filter frequency, making in-car speech intelligibility index by 10%, 75%, tranquil effect comparable to the luxury car. Under the meticulous arrangements by the Organizer, participants are learning a new Camry performanceAnd Camry gave a high evaluation of the performance, some guests depth field directly after the experience ordering a new Camry. (Sohu auto) Others:

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