Tuesday, March 27, 2012

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129756711498593750_608Rauquet "the Internet as a ' thought amplifier of the cultural information center and public opinion ', strengthening the network cultural construction, facing both the development of promising opportunities, also of unknown than known, complex and the challenges, we must fully understand. "In its motion in this year, representatives of the national people's Congress made acquired Management Department General Manager Shen Mingcai, China UnicomCan adapt to the characteristics of Internet development to strengthen the network culture building, can make the Internet a new way to spread Socialist advanced culture, public culture service of new platforms, new space of people's health and spiritual and cultural life diablo 3 gold, relates to the healthy development of the Socialist cultural undertakings and cultural industries, related to the national cultural information security and national stability, should attach great weightView. Shen Mingcai believe that compared with the traditional culture, network culture has four main characteristics: (a) cultural dissemination network. The Internet eliminates time and space differences in differences arising out of differences in social structures and living environments, "always and everywhere online for all", the highly fragmented in different locations and at different times of the aggregation diablo 3 gold, interactive Internet users and to bridging the cultural divide,Speeding up dissemination and sharing of cultural knowledge tera power leveling, provides cultural construction with a new carrier and vitality. (B) the cultural transmission of interactions. Internet society into "era of popular microphones", any Internet user can become the source of culture, can according to their own values, interests, network expertise to continually measure the demand, rich cultural resources, manufacturing and construction,Form the point and flat network of a multidimensional cultural transmission. Must speed up the exploration of how to build affinity inclusive, diverse forms of interaction platform, meet the needs of Internet users participating in cultural construction. (Iii) cultural diversity. Cultural self-constraint mechanisms and monitoring mechanisms are not perfect case, people share cultural resources at the same time, all sorts of messy cultureAre generated, accumulation, dissemination and proliferation, particularly professional network pushing hands appear, pass some non-mainstream cultural resources of great influence, prompting some extremist views and extreme doctrine gets amplified and transmitted in the network community. Must intensify the network of excellence and dissemination of cultural products supply, guide the healthy development of Internet culture, strengthen the purification and control of low culture. (Four) Cultural effect of globalization. In the era of globalization, different cultural trends and values through the Internet, collision, games, the Internet has become the platform of the right and the wrong ideological conflict between, healthy culture of decadent culture and place, become a battlefield in the ideological field of osmosis and reverse osmosis, China's cultural safety and national security through new tests. To be addedStudy on how to enhance international communication capability, improving China's soft power, defend the culture of China's territory. Shen Mingcai on how to strengthen the construction of network culture, made three recommendations: (a) strengthening of mainstream culture to boot. Is the advanced cultural construction and sharing of resources in the Internet. At present, China has a very rich cultural resources. But due to historical reasons and influence mechanism system, A large number of excellent cultural resource failed to realize network sharing. Proposals introduce incentives and speeding up of the outstanding cultural resources on net to form and consolidate the dominance of the advanced culture in the network. Second, it is proposed to strengthen the Internet telecom equipment manufacturing, base, information resources integration of enterprise content services such as network culture and mutual cooperation, and further enhance the creation of network culture, Production and dissemination of specialized intensive level. Three is to promote the networking media to news, culture, entertainment, e-commerce, education, health and other areas and industry segments, creating a strong influence at home and abroad a comprehensive website and featured websites, building a position clear, complementary functions, models diverse and distinctive network media group, establishing and consolidating the networkThe main front. (B) building a platform for public participation. Network culture is essentially the intentions and culture, strengthening the construction of network culture cannot be achieved without the support and participation of the people. Is recommended to ask the people you want, attention people expect new network culture, providing cultural product of the masses need more, more online information such as policy advice, information and mass productionCultural services is closely related to the convenience of the people for the people. Second, recommends asking wisdom to the people in the play, guide, protect Internet users in the network culture building and sharing enthusiasm for creativity, encourages the creative touch of health network of cultural works, guide to be civilized and advocating civilized expression of Internet users, creating civilized space, resolutely resist the attack run down, Fu folk song ballad, vulgar pranks and other Internet uncivilized behavior,To truly become the healthy culture of network culture. (C) better support for security mechanisms. One is to strengthen the network culture building of the legal system. United States has more than 130 management of Internet laws and regulations, and current domestic network culture management there is no perfect system of laws and regulations. Recommends establishing and improving corresponding laws and regulations and the management system as soon as possible, protect the culture method on the InternetAccording to, promoting the healthy development of the Internet culture. Second, perfect the management mechanism of network culture. There are many ministries are responsible for approval and management of Internet sites established project examination and approval and content management, Division of responsibilities but there are still many problems, there are policies made by, approval drainage management, especially with regard to management of network culture also has a large, blank, proposed the establishment of specialized organizationsOrganization, configure the necessary personnel, the establishment of management mechanisms, implementing and strengthening supervisory responsibility. (Editors: Yin Liang) Others:

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