Friday, March 16, 2012

tera power leveling 400 vehicles - FDZ

129756342348125000_3Yesterday, reporters learned from the 2012 on the city's transportation, South junction Highway subgrade works will be completed by the end, jiaozi snow mountain tours across the River in the first half-bridge closure through the subject, achieving open.  This year the city will also speed up the construction of urban and rural public transportation, striving for "transit city" model city. Deputy Mayor of BO HEWhen speaking requirements, the city's traffic Department to focus and do a key, strengthen the construction of comprehensive transportation system, and constantly improve the road market for transport planning and road management, highway maintenance and management, improve service level of road transport, and Informatization construction of technological progress speeding up traffic, accelerate green construction, enhanced security and emergency support to ensure complete thisYears of transport tasks. According to statistics, last year I completed transport investment in $ 19 billion, an increase of 26.9%, at the end of last year, the city's highway mileage has reached more than 17,100 km, highway density 81.65 km per hundred square kilometers, highway density of the province's first. Operation of urban and rural bus more than 7,400 vehicles, taxi up to 8More than 800 vehicles, bus trip-sharing rate of 40%, urban public transport services capabilities improve year by year. This year, the city will actively strive for the "transit city" model city, added 24 new urban and rural public transportation lines, and added new energy bus 350, making bus coverage in urban and rural areas of 93.5%. At the same time, accelerate the speed of waihuanbeilu ancient Dian East Road, shilong road wear gold road busRoad construction, increased by 35.7 km bus lanes. Year built Phoenix longwan jinning public transport North-South at the end of the first station station 138 to the taxi stand, a number of urban and rural passenger transport site, start the river rushed the bus station catch bus station East of Kunming bus station and terminal facilities in the West yard construction. In addition, added 400 taxis (taxi 100 with new energy vehicles). Vigorously pushingLine Subway Line 12, Line 6 and line construction of the first phase of the project construction of the first phase, ensure that the plan put into trial operation, synchronous speed up the progress of the construction of Metro Line 3 line, initially formed "rail transport backbone bus are the main" bus layout. To alleviate the parking problem diablo 3 power leveling, the city will strengthen the construction of car parks, particularly the "p r" car park building tera power leveling, continue to promote the legislativeCar Park building, start the crescent pond tera power leveling, a number of solid construction of the car park.

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