Saturday, March 31, 2012

tera power leveling users can search and download the game directly - ZYB

129770868861406250_51Summary: China Unicom official said, through this platform, users can search and download the game directly, "travel the world" there are both the Android and Apple's iOS version. Zeng Hang; Hu Hao Shanghai, Hangzhou reported game being hailed as the first pot of gold is moving to the Internet, similar to the PC and the Internet, gaming is mobile InternetRealisation of the network traffic in the main channel. On March 20, China Unicom (micro-blogging) experimental base to launch mobile game, specifically for Smartphone Games Download Store "travel the world" announced in Hangzhou, Zhejiang high profile online, this is the Unicom had launched the "World shops" (in Shanghai) and "world" (in Guangdong) after another major mobile phone application store。 "Recently, carriers in the channel this force soon, this year through the operator channel to promote the App will have larger increments. "The prediction of fish reached people developers of Chen Hao Zhi.  But the Android games in a competitive distribution market, operators also have a big opportunity? Layout cell phone game "travel the world" is essentially a pure gameSoftware store, or that the game "App Store", there are currently more than 3,000 games, 80% free, 20% the charges.  China Unicom official said, through this platform, users can search and download the game directly, "travel the world" there are both the Android and Apple's iOS version. Unicom buildingMobile games platform, apparently by China Mobile (micro-blogging) stimulus. "First base for China Mobile Games revenues of $ 2.2 billion yuan last year.  "China Unicom" travel the world "platform partner, fun to play digital technology Inc, Hangzhou's Chairman Guo Yu told reporters. At present, China Mobile Jiangsu mobile game base and stores in Guangdong MM,Thrust Games downloads. China Telecom (micro-blogging) game base was also established in Jiangsu tera power leveling, launch the game client "love games". General Manager of Zhejiang Unicom Yu Yingtao "travel the world" on line put: "Unicom are confident that we can ' travel the world ' largest mobile phone game platforms. "In the former General Manager of Sales Department of China Unicom, China UnicomEnd set on business development service in battle, and human pulse well in domestic mobile phone manufacturers. Guo Yu, Unicom is the last one in three carriers operational 3G of gaming platforms and channels, but has advantages in network speed and quality of user. Yu Yingtao describes, "travel the world" have a flow of charge to Unicom, teamed with developer 55 other benefits. "But as long as theExcellent game, developers can share more.  "Initially, Unicom will send messages to the target user to" travel the world "promotion," travel the world "integration of Unicom users information, also using a different App used to push information for users.  Can become a strong channel? This is not a China Unicom promoting Smartphone application download features for the first time. Previously, "World shops" and "world" also has software downloads, games are an important application categories. Nineth city Vice President Shen Guoding told reporters that nine agents of a variety of games are "World shops" offering carriers come up with some good recommendations to promote the game, but also will help push by SMS game release, the effect is more obvious now gamesBusiness channels in nine cities all Android promotion channels ranked in the results. Shen acknowledged, there are more than 50 Android multiple promotional channels, subject to carrier channels, there are 91, UC tera power leveling, when music, keen words, application removals, such as changing a large number of folk store. "Cannot see which channels will be the dominant in the near future. "A leading investment companyInvestors said it was not optimistic about the carrier channels, because the competition is too intense for Android software distribution channels, compared to 91, changing, when these flexible civil channels, operators on the system has inherent disadvantages. "First got few good games operators over there now to publish. "In addition tera power leveling, some civil Android store has pirated, vulgar rubBall, carriers it's hard to do these things.  On the number of applications, civil application store also has a clear advantage, such as changing the game in the market up to 15,000, far beyond any one carrier on the market shops. However, with the rapid spread of thousands of intelligent machines, carrier channels or becoming more and more important. Unicom are preset in the custom machine "World shops"Will probably be pre-installed "travel the world", its huge user base. Chen Hao Zhi think operator channels is likely to grow another strong reason was, at present, almost all Android mobile phone games pays bad, lack of Apple as convenient payment channels. "And has a natural advantage on the carriers charging channels, this is the most game developers willing toCollaborating with one of the important reasons.  "The position of clear and Android mobile game and other games on the market compared to the flexible Internet access, policy firm, maximum enemy faced by the operators, may be its own institutional issues. Analysis of a consulting company leading communications experts told reporters, in the era of closed SP, operators within the repeated explosionOut of the major cases of corruption, such as moving music General Manager Li Xiangdong large sums of the base in Sichuan province left for the case, and now into the competitive world of age of smartphones, it's hard to say which issues can be effectively addressed. Last speed of applications, can also see application efficiency--Android Market operators on the line of a paragraph, as long as an hour, but carrier storeOften need to wait for a long time.  In addition to channel resources, on the competitiveness of service quality is also very important for developers, operators can compete 91, changing, when Internet companies like? "Competing interests is also a difficult to bypass the Jian. "The consultant considers that in essence" World shops "," world "and" travel the world "have a lot of heavy business. "China Unicom3G maximum internal height advantage is consolidated in the past, it now appears that seem to need to harmonize internal interests. "Japan Tao Xujun Nomura comprehensive research and Director of the communications industry researcher emphasized that the operators need to think about to make value-added business purposes:" even in the value-added service recognized the most developed of Japan, value-added business is to help carriers retain users, to enhance their language, Flow based on business income, rather than use it as a primary source of income. "Art-vector consulting CEO Chang also pointed out that, although it's like operators" at high speed in the car ", but regardless of what runs on the high speed vehicle, it can collect tolls, traffic charges are therefore charged carriers at the present stage the main focus. Others:

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