Thursday, March 29, 2012

diablo 3 gold 049 Yuan/㎡ - PDO

129773438640156250_234Research and evaluation of listed enterprises annual report: 20 average profit of close to 50% from more than hundred per cent lower than the performance of listed companies to disclose, average profit of 81 companies for only $ 450 million, among which there are more than 20 listed property developer profit per cent lower than an average close to 50%. To growth, for example. 2011 national commercial residence sold 4.86Trillion yuan, up growth from 2010 slow to 14.8% of. As of March 15, have been published more than more than 100 listed enterprises performance in 2011 news or forecast. Among them, publish the full text of the annual report of 26. Is particularly pointed out that, in addition to ST enterprise, zhonghong real estate the first to publish an annual report, no matter how their performance, this approach to a certain extentReflect on the importance of the annual reports of enterprises on, and other listed housing and enterprise learning. Also would like to stress is that the 50 billion above the rank of "first-tier" companies, not including wanke, other companies also did not publish the full text of the annual report. In accordance with the practice in previous years, in late March, will have the authority and enterprises top TOP10 ranking, top 500 and listed houses and enterprises, do not know theAnd based on the data come from. Annual report of this "difficult" reasons, listed enterprises performance in 2011 and probably directly related to slower growth rates, declining profitability. Accordingly, the difficulty of compiling, processing of annual reports is increasing, time will of course delay. From more than hundred performance of listed companies to disclose, fully confirmed my conclusions of the first three articles. For example net profit targets.Average profit of 81 companies for only $ 450 million, among which there are more than 20 listed property developer profit per cent lower than an average close to 50%. To growth, for example. 2011 national commercial residence sold 4.86 trillion yuan, up growth from 2010 slow to 14.8% of. More 70% listed enterprises in this context enterprisesHave the sales slowdown problem. In fact, has announced sales of China vanke, Poly, gold and gold branch sales growth from 2010, 71%, and 34% declined, 12%, and 9% respectively. But the high amount of Advance Received from Customers will still be able to support the 2011 fast-growing annual revenues of about 20%.Benefit from 2011 average sales increases, listing 2011 settlement housing and Enterprise gross margins or upstream (40% per cent), but net profit margin or under the influence of such factors as rising taxes and expenses for the period and most likely 1%-2%. By reading the letters and annual reports, especially the analysis of causes of increased enterprise performance drop, also confirmed the author over the years used to saySentence structure reasonable market! The so-called reasonable structure, embodied in the "three balance": a different city is the structural balance of the market, the second is a balance of different grades of products structure, three are short and long periodic structure of the line balance. Comes down to a balance, is the project to achieve the rate of profit and cash flow of the project's overall balance. Some companies, such as SOHO China, Greentown, decline in performance occurs quickly, appears to be under the influence of policy swtor credits, but why the same policy environment, some enterprises to achieve rapid growth in reverse? Whether the structure is a very good reason behind it. Strategic layout is mainly in the cities of SOHO House for more development-oriented. Although the nature of their products without restriction, but the projectMarket structure layout focused on Beijing-Shanghai (restriction of policies more severe), and their target customer base dominated by speculative investment clients ("departure"). As we all know, green city product position in the high-end, layouts and projects primarily in the Yangtze River Delta cities and one or two lines, apparently is the most obvious market affected by the policy. Agile is also similar. 2011 yaGenerated total sales of $ 31.52 billion, completed a sales target for the year of 85%. The same period, the agile only to $ 4.105 billion in net profit for the year, compared to $ per cent in 2010, decline of about 30%. The reason behind the decline is that agile projects are mostly concentrated in the Pearl River Delta, and Hainan, market structure is not balanced. Instead,Before and after those in 2010 has been adjusted the project structure or project structure more reasonable companies, bucked the gains in nearly all. Green, for example. In 2011, the Green Group operating income reached $ 230 billion, real estate revenue more than 77 billion yuan, an increase of 50%. At the time of the performance evaluation of green space, its Chairman Zhang Yuliang summaryPoints: endogenous power structure is green space development. According to Zhang Yuliang, adjustment consists of two levels, one is adjusting the industrial structure, stronger and in energy, finance is the core of integrated industry; second, adjusting structure of real estate projects, and said, "adjustments will continue and deepen this year". RAND Advisory based on green strategic track of discovery for many years, adjustment of green space in 2011Field layout, "first-tier cities markets as a whole under restricted conditions, transferred to the main two or three cities". We know that the layout ahead two or three lines of urban enterprises were less affected by the policy, such as a constant, such as vanke, Poly, green space as well. Further statistics found that green space is real estate development projects all over the country's 24 provinces in 60 cities, most of the focus in the secondThree-city, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, was to achieve a deep, multi-point layout of provinces. In addition to adjusting the market structure, green also accelerated the adjustment of product structure, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Dalian and other cities to launch a number of super high-rise complexes. 2011 Chengdu, Wujiang diablo 3 gold, and won the super senior complex. Currently built green and Super tall city under constructionStandard construction has reached 15, of which 3 was ranked top ten in the world. I have said in a media interview, this complex is the next generation of green synthesis of form, because it responds to and meet the needs of urban city in a two or three line grade, also has a very strong market demand. Green housing projects mainly in the General House, and green space in 2011Office products account for real estate sales amount 40% (commensurate with the proportion of China resources land), and further "strong support overall steady growth in performance". As said by the head of green, "structural adjustment, were benefited by green in 2011". A case study of China resources land. On March 9, was held in Hong Kong, China resources land throughout 2011Record the Conference. Results showed that last year, China resources achieved a consolidated turnover of 35.795 billion Hong Kong dollars, an increase of 39.1% total gross margin increased from 10.152 billion Hong Kong dollars in the previous year to 14.182 billion Hong Kong dollars, rose 39.7%. During the period, corporate housing agency 35.958 billion yuan, representing a rise of 61.5%;Sales area of 2.9776 million sq m, an increase of 36.5%. In response to a performance causes of rapid growth, the company's Chairman Wang Yin boils down to two points, one is "six houses, 40% investment property", before and after the second, 2009 "China resources land has adjusted the product strategy." RAND Advisory CR all through the project analysis found that the companyHome-Customer-developed by the small proportion of residential sales accounted for the entire 80%; high-end projects have been adjusted to the percentage is less than 20%, and two-thirds of the project distributed over two or three cities. These methods consistent with the current control policy-meeting the needs and curb speculative investment. You can say, cause of the rapid growth of China resources land performance "Improvement and optimization of product structure of the urban layout ". In addition, as of March 7, CRC had achieved the amount of residential Agency 4.371 billion yuan this year, plus the locked will be settled in 2012 turnover of 18.611 billion yuan, over residential settlement of 72% last year. At the same time, China resources land this year decided to "further strengthen internal management and controlCost control of management costs, optimize the product structure ". Therefore, the company's rapid growth, this year will be fully. Structured market. I wish there were more developers can remember this sentence. At the time of writing this article, branches and Lake was released on March 12 2011-year of the full text of the annual report. I I on Twitter on China vanke wrote comments on three points: 1,$ 71.78 billion in revenue, $ 121.54 billion contract sales, a difference of $ 49.76 billion. End sold open area of 10.85 million square meters, the corresponding contract amount of $ 122.2 billion – almost 2011, enough to guarantee the performance of 2012. And 2 branches of the average sale price reached $ 11,303/㎡, last year a12,049 Yuan/㎡, that the policy has achieved initial success, but there is room to adjust. 3 diablo 3 gold, clearing the net rate of 15.01%, down 0.51%--and judgments are almost exactly the same: NET fall in interest rates in the industry's best-0.5%, industry-wide Enterprise "Twelve-Five" period, the net interest rate fell to 15% in 10%--annual fall 1%! (Song Yanqing, President of RAND consultancy/text) (Editors: Wen Jie) Others:

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