Thursday, March 29, 2012

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129773214455937500_274Accept the huaxi Metropolitan daily reporter's telephone interview, Andy Xie, said most of the words of his mouth are: "real estate bubble has burst". This is called "is most frequently quoted analysts in the Asian region", has repeatedly determine accurately the situation and trends. Today, real estate faces big changes in China, how does he treat real estate regulation? National commercial housing turnover generallyFalling today, house prices trend?  Enterprises face the challenge?  On the bubble price adjustments are necessary to think Andy Xie, China's real estate market is experiencing a price bubble, price adjustments are necessary. "Over the years, Bank a lot of money to real estate, money after entering the real estate industry, prices will rise, this is a flushConcept. "Says Andy Xie, psychological and speculative demand as long as there is speculation in the market, property market bubble would have been blown.  If the Government does not intervene, prices can also continue to rise, but as long as the bubble, the day when there will be broken.  Bubble burst out of the day, think Andy Xie has arrived. Today, many developers have begun to use construction company, Material suppliers to help finance. Buildings is tantamount to lend support. "I now see is the supplier of funds to them have been stretched very tight, some of the money chain has been broken, so some developers if you don't sell a House, it is to live without it, only the substantial price cuts, increasing sales is the only way out.  "Andy Xie said. Although the bubble will burst outMany of the enterprise capital chain problems occur, and even bankruptcy. "This process is necessary, many countries have experienced.  "At that time, you can encourage industry consolidation is reduced to a minimum, China's real estate industry can also take this bigger and stronger. On the prices reasonable prices is 6-7 times the annual income of the country "two sessions" during Premier Wen Jiabao's "roomPrice far back to a reasonable price ", Xie considered, in accordance with the world-wide level, prices reasonable price is generally in annual revenue of about 6-7 times, now, prices and incomes in China than than average more than 1 time. "The decline in house prices could soon reach 25%, within the next two or three years,-has the potential to reach 50%. "Xie GuoLoyal believes that house prices, will allow wealth flows to residents, and lay the Foundation for achieving domestic demand-led growth in the coming decade. Today, the real estate market of supply and demand imbalances, high housing vacancy rate on the one hand, on the other hand the people cannot afford to buy a House. Prices do not decline, people dared not spend money will cover their tight pockets, China consumption capacity does not go on."Brought about by the bubble burst just property prices fall, but are not necessarily sales down. "Andy Xie, believe that, on the contrary, low house prices may actually increase real estate sales. As a consequence the increase in the number of construction projects, rather than less.  Prices low and means that the average family can consume more input on other products. On two or three-tier cities where housing prices willRestore on the relationship between supply and demand, prices in many cities have emerged at a discount, price trends, although the first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, "" great, but Andy Xie is more concerned about two or three cities. "Prices in Beijing and Shanghai, but they are the national market, a certain degree of consumer groups, prices dropped and someone will buy. "Andy Xie said, two or three lines of urbanThere is no purchasing power. Although the increasingly high rate of urbanization, more people flocked to the city, brings a certain level of demand, but in his view, would come in to town, mostly do not have strong purchasing power.  Not much on the recovery in the housing market. "There are tens of millions of homes are empty, a conservative estimate, to 15 years to live full, today new houses each year and more, Have found tens of millions of families could afford to buy a house the family lived in Oh!  , "Said Andy Xie, China's real estate is not a luxury, nor the Mercedes-Benz, BMW, made so many houses per year, the price was another nosebleed. "How much is the average, how many households are there in the city, so counting can know how many houses built in the city, housing prices. "Xie GuoLoyal believes that house prices to ordinary people can afford it.  No matter what kind of policy is, finally be restored to the relationship between supply and demand. On investment "does not necessarily have to play" in the city, many residents in the hands of at least a House for investment.  And this phenomenon in Xie's view, is not a good thing. "A lot of people are in fact holdingSpeculative psychology, think a restriction order will cancel, then prices will come back, this hand can also make money. "He said, a lot of people do not take into account, who will take over? "What so many people to buy a House swtor credits! "Real estate investing doesn't make sense, how do ordinary citizens planning? For this problem swtor credits, Andy Xie, think, "why do we have to go play with money? "In his view, on the market there are a lot of people are in" play money ", members of the public before investing, be sure to think of" are you smarter than others do? Grasp more knowledge than others do?  "If you have to invest, in his view, the ordinary people can buy some treasuries tera gold, or go to see the future prospects, and he knows the area. "In accordance with world-wideLevel, prices reasonable price is generally in annual revenue of about 6-7 times, prices and incomes in China than than average more than 1 time times "" low prices may actually increase real estate sales. House prices down, it means that the average family can consume more input on other products "and" how much is the average, how many households are there in the city,So counting can know how many houses built in the city, housing prices set at ". Others:

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