Tuesday, March 13, 2012

wot power leveling a total of more than 600 customers. - MSS

wot power leveling April 14th news India company Tech Mahindra recently in Satyam bid at the price of 6000000000 rupees ($120000000) a successful bid.According to foreign media reports, Tech Mahindra will pass through the purchase of shares to complete the transaction, Tech Mahindra agreed to the purchase price of 58 rupees per 31% of the company shares.Which is cheaper than at the last trading day's closing price of 23%.The industry division said, after the merger, in 4 to 5 years world of tanks power leveling, Satyam's shares rose range can reach 10% to 10.25%, and the prediction will soon open situation.It is reported, according to India law, Tech Mahindra through the issuance of preferred stock acquisition of 31% stake in Satyam, then in the market to buy 20% shares.According to the October data show wot power leveling, Satyam workforce of approximately 53000 people, also have included general electric, Cisco and Qantas Airways, a total of more than 600 customers.

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