Friday, March 30, 2012

tera power leveling deposit mandate deposit - LZX

129773214451093750_261According to the China Banking Regulatory Commission published 2011 commercial bank net profit amounted to more than 1 trillion dollars, record high net profit growth rate of 36% per. Some think the spread is the main driving force of high net profits of banks, market-oriented reform of interest rates then louder and louder. Reform of interest rate marketization conditions have been fulfilled? Where to start? Is conducive to easing SMEsBusiness financing?  On these issues, reporter an exclusive interview with the President of China Merchants Bank Ma weihua. Market-oriented reform of interest rates is in the final stage of tackling tough problems, but should be gradual and orderly progress "is very important for the price of money in interest rates, if the price of money could not be formed through effective market mechanism, would be difficult to achieve the continuous optimization of capital flows and configuration. "He said that is of interest rate marketizationOne important aspect of market allocation of resources, at present China's reform of interest rate marketization are in the final stage of tackling tough problems. "Further interest rate marketization conditions has been fulfilled at the present stage, but in the short term, interest rate marketization reform of China's banking industry, undoubtedly was a test of life and death. "He said, accelerating process of marketization of interest rate will make the Bank loanSpreads narrowed sharply. United States 1981 average deposit and lending interest rates of 2.17%, and the completion of the reform of interest rate marketization in 1986 to 1990 is reduced to 1.63%. Marketization of interest rate and even phenomena will lead to bank failures. If the United States after the completion of market-oriented reform of interest rates of deposits, from 1987 to 1990, average annualAbout 200 bank failures, and by 1980 the average less than 10 each year. "More than 80% because of China's banking industry sources of income depends on the deposit and loan interest rates, and risk management capacity needs to be improved diablo 3 power leveling, interest rate liberalization should be gradual and orderly progress.  "He said. "At present, the interest rate liberalization also had the last two did not let go of areas: a loan interest rateLower bound is a ceiling on deposit rates. I think you can release the lower loan interest rates to start. "He said that United States that year also the regulation of deposit interest rates, control also has a private interest rate markets, interest rate two-track contributed to the financial disintermediation, financial disintermediation promoting marketization of interest rates gradually. From the situation in our country, since last year, the interest rate market in ChinaSpeed up the process of, quickly enhance the proportion of social sources of financing in the implementation of market-oriented pricing. Such as in the areas of strict rate limit Control Yuan deposit, including raising deposits, structured deposits, Treasury financial products such as cash deposits, deposit mandate deposit, agreement on a regular basis has achieved market-oriented pricing of deposit, has more than 10% per cent of all bank deposits. In social capitalGold used, other than loans have basically achieved market interest rates.  In addition, under the continued tightening of Bank funding realities, RMB loan interest rate of commercial banks will not break the fall 10% the bottom line, therefore the master of lower loan interest rates have little practical significance. Rates overall market expectations are forcing banks to adjust business strategy, small and medium enterprisesWill be more and better service rates overall market expectations are forcing banks to adjust business strategy. "Market-oriented reform of interest rates inevitable, poor and usury in the marketization of interest rates cannot be maintained in the context of, this is a test for commercial banks", he believes that China's banks from the system, starting with the cultural and social responsibility in transition in a timely manner to meet theMore competition in the market in the future tera power leveling, if it is preoccupied with the pursuit of speed tera gold, double, it is impossible to make the transition. "Reform will encourage more bank financing problems of importance to SMEs. "He said, since last year the second transformation of China Merchants Bank, at present, SME loans for public loans part near 53%, which had to deal with the market-oriented reform of interest rate riskMust be prepared. Now, many banks have already aware of enterprise funds, access to a much larger, stronger bargaining power, and interest rate spreads will become smaller and smaller in the future. By contrast, SME loan for the Bank is a very good development opportunities. Market competitive pressure in favour of commercial banks looking for sustainable profit model and mode of development, promoting market goldInclusive innovation, and promote the positive interaction between the financial system and the real economy, which would enable SMEs to obtain more and better financial services. Others:

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