Wednesday, March 7, 2012

tera gold reached the target ceiling - LSJ

129748586539531250_153 <a href="">tsw gold</a>Italy on Friday (February 24) CTZ auction a total of 4.5 billion euros and BTPei bonds, reached the target ceiling star wars the gold republic credits, target range is set at EUR 304.5 billion, CTZ yields decreased markedly. Auction data display, Italy auction 3 billion euros due January 2014 CTZ bonds, yields 3.013%, multiple subscription1.935. main release important signal (unit) of capital flows has dramatically!  Free Level-2 high-speed power limited-time free of charge software Italy auction BTPei of 754 million euros due September 2016 bonds tera gold, yields 2.71%, 1.861 purchase multiples. LargeLee auction 746 million euros due September 2019 BTPei bonds, yields 3.19%, 1.851 purchase multiples.  This time Italy zero two-year fixed-interest bond yields fell from 3.763% per cent, the lowest level since May last year. Previous auction data display: January 26 auction data display,Benefit auction of 4.5 billion euros in January 2014 CTZ bonds, yields 3.763%, multiple subscription 1.714, attract capital 7.712 billion euros.  Greece debt achieved remarkable progress, to avoid serious debt default. Greece Office of the Prime Minister's announcement showed that Greece's Cabinet will meet in Beijing February 24, Sign an agreement on writedowns on the country's debt of 100 billion euros.  This agreement is the international creditors to Greece part of the rescue package provided by the latest. Greece Government will shortly later formally issue a debt exchange offer.

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