Thursday, March 8, 2012

tor credits but has not released official data - QSX

129742939249218750_422Overseas analysts on Monday (February 20) that the Gold Bull talked again in 2012 demand prospects, but there are many reasons to believe that some factors are driving the price of gold rose last year: the top gold importers in China is still to be confirmed, India gold demand, for fear of inflation and the possibility of buying gold in reducing, Central Bank buying pushed up the price of gold continued being questioned.   The World Gold Council (WGC) expects 2012 year will be strong in 2011, 0.4% per cent of demand growth tons of real, for the current wave of 11 year-long bull market in the record of the most high. Analysts believe that the WGC representative production has focused on enabling factors is not surprising age of conan gold, but theLogic is still valid, if there are loopholes, it is worth to verify.   Considerable faith in the 2012 people on China demand aoc gold, including consumer demand and the demand for Central Bank. China Central Bank seems to have been a lot of buying gold, but has not released official data, so it is not possible to ascertain the specific amount of the purchase. However, 2011 on the Mainland and Hong KongGold compared to the number of sales increased more than three times.   Hong Kong is one of the main ways to import gold in mainland China.   China's number one importer of gold?   WGC is expected in 2012 China surpass India, becoming the number one major importer of gold, but in order to achieve this, people's Bank of China buying gold only. This is because in 2012, consumers needSeek may not be increased substantially, if economic growth is slowing as expected, inflation remains downward trend, it is even more true.   China's Gold demand rose in the fourth quarter of last year stalled, changed the situation of strong growth in the first quarter. WGC recognizes the "Chinese consumers prefer to recover up to kill down", while gold prices in recent weeks basically in sideways oscillations. And,As inflation cools tor credits, gold charm value will decline if other asset classes such as stocks in the early positive State, you will further weaken gold attraction. Spot gold per ounce last December had fallen to 1,521.94 m low, although after rebounding to around us $ 1,731, is still lower than in September last year and 1,920.30 m recordBit. Gold prices volatile during the fourth quarter of last year may help to explain why low demand from China. Unless you re-establish a clear upward trend in gold, or consumers are unlikely to hit again.

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