Wednesday, March 7, 2012

tsw gold as an important part of asset allocation. - OCF

129749311391250000_18Weak market may wish to look at the "capital preservation" mobile phone free news morning news view comments February 28 rift plat, 2012 financial experts believe that, risk aversion may wish to look into bank guarantee capital preservation fund. Because the bank guarantees, principal of 100% security and baseGold under the Professional operation of the company, to achieve savings and Treasury bonds more attractive than benefits. International experience had shown that lower deposit interest rates, stock market prospects more uncertain, bank guarantee fund that can avoid the risks and balance between preservation and appreciation of the more popular investment products. China's capital preservation fund for capital preservation period of 3 years age of conan gold, can be used as regular savings alternatives, low risk appetite may be capital preservation fundCombined with the Monetary Fund investments, short-term cash flow in both at the same time tsw gold, more than yields on savings. Even if there is a certain risk-tolerant investor may also choose some low risk, such as capital preservation fund, as an important part of asset allocation.

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