Friday, February 24, 2012

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129731621455158750_69Reporter Zhang Xiaohui on February 7, the Chongqing Brewery (600132.SH, hereinafter referred to as "Chongqing brewery") Chairman Huang Minggui dismissing the motion on the general meeting of shareholders, Huang Minggui hepatitis b vaccine project responded to the public for the first time, and call themselves a clear conscience about this. Here are our reporters attend the general meeting of shareholders as shareholders, andAfter recording and arrangement of Huang Minggui speech. Shareholders: since last December, because hepatitis b vaccine project phase II clinical trials, involving information disclosures, stock price changes, as well as statistical data and Management Act and other related matters, has caused the company, shareholders, the media and attention from regulators. In particular some shareholders of the companyTelephone, fax, e-mail, and other means to ask companies made some, here, I, on behalf of the company Board of Directors and management rs items for sale, requests the description and explanation of the shareholders. Let me be clear, broadly divided into three categories. First class is the company announcements and for suspension of trading on the issue; the second is some experimental data on 76-week hepatitis b vaccine issues; the thirdClasses are experimental follow-up arrangements. Before the explanation, I wish to comment on this matter (dismissal of Chairman) on two of my own personal points of view. I, on my own, basic view of hepatitis b vaccine project. Company for 13 years, research on hepatitis b vaccine and test for as long as 13 years. Company was doing this test, in addition to commercial considerations, is theSeeking benefits for the people, as humans, supporting scientific and technological innovation, promote the healthy and sustainable development of the company. I was in the company, has been working for more than 40 years, was in 07 when succeeding Chairman duties, in 07 when HB project has been going on for eight years, and entered a phase II clinical trial, should say, I found this feeling is profound. DangWhen is that company to support inventors, researchers, continued to advance the phase II clinical trial of hepatitis b vaccine, at the same time with the company of GMP certification of pharmaceutical enterprises, zoom test industrialization of preparatory work, prompting Jia Chen bio companies ' ability to become a real development of high-tech enterprises. To date, hepatitis b vaccine project phase II clinical trial, isAccording to the relevant national regulations, after the consent of the State food and Drug Administration approval, in accordance with the test specifications for new drugs. 2nd on the hepatitis b vaccine project phase II clinical trial of uncovering blind since matters related to work. From November 27, 2011 after uncovering blind Conference, company on the hepatitis b vaccine project phase II project, did a lot of work. Disclosure related letterIncome reporting to regulators, communication, to the relevant departments, reported on investor demand. At the same time with the team, and statistical agencies, for the coordination and internal transactions, conducted a self-inspection. We are striving to do things, conscientiously perform our duties, to this I have a clear conscience. I fully respect and accept the views of shareholders. XiaI on behalf of the company Board of Directors and management, views on main, make the appropriate explanations and clarifications. First, why the stock price fell continuously, there is no application for suspension. After the announcement, after share prices fell in a row, the company strictly in accordance with the relevant provisions of the regulatory, communication, coordination, and on the application, do the work we do and must do.At the same time, and related regulatory initiative in a work report. On December 13 runescape items for sale, 2011, 16th, 20th, publishing the notice. December 22 issued a notice of suspension. Company and should not be disclosed and undisclosed material information, the company has consistently adhered to principles of openness, fairness and impartiality of the securities market, protect the legitimate interests of investors,We should do the work. Second, questioned the company interested in questions of share price manipulation in the market, the company has been listed for more than 10 years, whether we are in business and on the hepatitis b vaccine, consistent compliance with company law, securities law and other related laws and regulations, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, listing the relevant provisions. Ensure that companies run by law, true, accurate, complete, timely and in accordance withCustoms shall require the disclosure of the information. Companies really have no intention at all intent and behavior of stock prices. Third, some information on testing and test data. Shareholders, questions the authenticity of statistical data. Some rumors on the market for us companies, too many bad comments. But the caveat is, RPS company, is a clinical and research project ChairHe provided clinical services group, and implementation services. It is an independent organization with this project. Throughout the process of the project, the company is always on the statistical work of the RPS cheap runescape items, tracking, and maintaining communication. Statistical data on 76 weeks later, investors, has a different interpretation of the data. To this end, the description is as follows: 1, company aSolutions for investors will want to get the exact effect of hepatitis b vaccine, we understand that. But according to the requirements of drug research and development program, phase II study of the final conclusions, made in the summary report, is currently in progress. 2, the company strictly according to the requirements of regulators and investors, timely, accurate and fair, full disclosure of the company gets about hepatitis b diseaseSeedlings of all information. 3, the project itself has a complexity, it is a systems engineering, has unpredictable characteristics, as well as high-risk, high-investment, cycles and so on. So once again remind investors of the investment risk. The third question, we focus on questions of the test and control groups of data, that you say in the placebo group 28% Of questions. Science experiment and interpretation of data, and complex reasons. This work, conduct clinical trials and studies should be conducted by experts interpret, control data are considered high, experts engaged in this experiment, was also discussed. On the question of arrangements for follow-up testing, and this is our shareholders concerned, 76 weeks of test dataStatistics after the results came out, the company will be based on the test report, and our progress in the ongoing combination of the Zhejiang University, and researcher and research team, discuss communication, after making a comprehensive judgment, before deciding on the arrangements for follow-up testing. On these three issues, I on behalf of the Board of Directors, are documented. Thank you very much. (Practice editing: Tung Ng) Others:

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