Saturday, February 25, 2012

runescape items for sale relatively new oil sands business - KQG

129742938931562500_274According to Hong Kong media reports, the first oil sands stocks in Hong Kong, Canada Sun oil sands (quotes, news, reviews) (2012) starts prospectus today.   Oil sands as the unconventional oil and gas resources, high upfront investment and refining costs. According to the Ming Pao newspaper in Hong Kong, the first oil sands stocks in Hong Kong runescape items, Canada Sun oil sand (2012) today starts prospectus。   Oil sands as the unconventional oil and gas resources, high upfront investment and refining costs, Shen Songning in the listing presentation yesterday said the co-chairs of the company, Sun oil sands cash balance may be achieved in 2013, subject to the comprehensive balance of payments needs "a long time". Sun oil sands since its inception in 2007, because there was oil sands projects were put into operation, the company has been in the RedState. Prospectus shows that expected losses for the year 2011 the year expanded 6 times, to not more than c $ 68.7 million, loss of not more than $ 0.025 per share. By the end of November 2011, Sun has proven reserves of about 419 million barrels of oil sand.   Net tangible assets per share of HK $ 1.84 meters, price to book value ratio about 2.76 times times. Oil sands lineEarly not only need huge amounts of investment capital and time, project production needs support of high oil prices in order to earn a profit.   Earlier analysis pointed out that current oil sands development costs about $ 60 per barrel, so only when high oil prices above US $ 90, enterprises can make a profit. Oil prices above US $ 90 in order to benefit the sunshine prospectus oil sands point out that United States WestIntermediate $ 90 a barrel of crude oil, for example rs items for sale, mine dry oil sands heavy oil earnings of about $ 59 a barrel, excluding fuel, mine production costs such as tax and carbon emissions, operating net return value is only about $ 31 a barrel, and general administrative, depreciation and deductions from profits after tax expenses, net profit per barrel for tiny. However, as the Pian company gradually expand production scale, operating costs by 2013$ 29 per barrel dropped from 2016 $ 17 a barrel. Company, Sinopec and the EIG is now introducing CIC MC as cornerstone investors, three who all subscribe to the total sale of shares 59.4%. In addition, SIPC and Sinopec subsidiary of Sun oil sand, also made in February this year the policy memorandum of understanding on cooperation, future together or buy CanadaGlobal oil sands lease, but no agreement on the details of any cooperation. Shen Songning said runescape items for sale, while Hong Kong investors, relatively new oil sands business, but for Canada's oil workers, mining the oil sands are not a new idea. He said Canada 60% in crude oil produced from oil sands, currently exports 2 million barrels a day United States crude oil, 1.2 million barrels of oil from sand extraction. Others:

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