Sunday, February 12, 2012

tera gold microblogging - EUN

129733906237033750_216Report from (reporter Lin fangsuo) by the Xiaokang Wang (micro-blogging) directed light family comedy the new son-in-law of fixing time yesterday in Beijing.  It has been learned that tor commendation power leveling, the new son-in-law era is expected to be aired in October of this year. TV drama by the era of the new son-in-law Yongjian Lin (microblogging), Li Niu (microblogging), starring He Saifei tera gold, around the numerous links between the mother-in-law and son-in-law "avenge edge" exhibitionOpened about dealing with each other between the mother-in-law and son-in-law tor Warzone Commendation power leveling, wits and wonderful stories. Played by Yongjian Lin in the drama North and bleaching "small victories", began to encounter mother throw a monkey wrench end get mother's sincere praise, Yongjian Lin said: "this piece made me understand a mother's heart, difficult demanding all because of love! "(It was: pp)

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