Wednesday, February 29, 2012

diablo 3 gold even if the attack on the euro short term is expected to achieve - GBU

129742939240625000_393Euro-zone Finance Ministers on Monday (February 20) Greece meet in second round of assistance matters, market optimism about the meeting surrounded by the euro rally is encouraging. Analysts point out that, if the Council finally approved the Greece aid loans, the euro is expected to rise further, but its medium-and long-term prospects still faces challenges. Asia-Pacific time on Monday, euro/Dollar higher shock, European exchange rate slightly up in early trading gains to 1.319 first-line. Euro-zone Finance Ministers on Monday to avoid Greece bankrupt 130 billion euro rescue package held crucial talks, at present, the market expected euro-zone finance ministers, through Greece second bailout scheme, which draw a full stop to shake the euro a stable market turbulence. Greece last week by the CabinetSix (February 18) has approved additional austerity measures diablo 3 gold, improved on Monday reached a deal to help Greece avoid the possibility of a disorderly default. At the same time, Germany, and Austria, and France out optimistic signals, as optimism about the market further power. Germany Angela Merkel (Angela Merkel) chief spokesman Steffen SeibERT on Friday (February 17), Germany on euro-zone Finance Ministers on Monday reached 130 billion euro Greece bailout agreement are optimistic, while seeking to reach Greece debt swaps. Austria's Finance Minister Maria Fekter said on Sunday, is expected at Monday's meeting of Finance Ministers of the eurozone Greece rescue package. France's Finance Minister Gary Barlow (FranCois Baroin) also pointed out before the meeting, Greece has reached agreement on all elements. Euro short term is expected to further attack but long-term prospects remain weak in most analysts for the short-term trend of the euro took a more optimistic attitude, think if Greece issues finalized on Monday tor credits, the euro is expected to continue. United States senior ASONAnalysis of Master Yang Wang said in an interview with FX168: "the meeting today will eventually determine Greece providing assistance, it's not much suspense. After experiencing so much effort, the EU leaders cannot allow Greece defaults, markets had expected this. "He also said:" now in euros as representatives of major non-us (apart from the yen) is a relativelyClear rangebound market, even if it is oscillating between Euro 1.332 per cent, so if today is successfully reached agreement only, then rushed up to the euro 1.332, if above 1.332 short-term Outlook is slightly more optimistic than that. "Italy Intesa Sanpaolo (Intesa Sanpaolo)Currency strategists said Asmara Jamaleh, if approval of the euro-zone finance Greece aid, EUR/USD rose to 1.33, 1.34 but cannot expect breakthrough. BNP Paribas (BNP Paribas) analysts said in a report: "because the market expects Greece aid agreement will be confirmed,Short covering rally expected to be brought about by further expansion. "However rift platinum, analysts say, even if the attack on the euro short term is expected to achieve, in the long term trend of the euro remains pessimistic. Christopher Vecchio DailyFX currency analysts said: "in the long term, the euro/dollar will remain weak, rebound is only temporary, the next step is expected toDrop to 1.2. "Beijing 16:17, EUR/USD 1.3194/95. www.

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