Friday, February 24, 2012

runescape items and Germany and France will be available for 13 different term of bonds this week.

129724958961019344_58Early morning of January 31 Beijing time message Monday United States stock market closed down slightly.   Telecommunications and technology stocks rise offset Portugal negative impact of the surge in borrowing costs. East Coast time on January 30 (January 31 Beijing time), the Dow Jones industrial average fell 6.74 per cent to 12653.72, or 0.05%; the Nasdaq composite index down 4.61 points, to close at 2811.94 points, representing a decrease of 0.16% the standard and poor's 500 index fell 3.31, closed at 1313.02, or 0.25%. Recommended reading on January 31 illustrations: normal technical adjustments to the local rallyAuspicious start mortality pattern of future shocks to caution a shares rebound is expected to extend China's a-shares in HKEx release starts a shares opened weaker Outlook was worried langma several points of thinking on nuggets of information the man higher up "plans break unit" [Twitter] RMB appreciation and the a-share the mysterious relationship [shares] old shareholders to disclose at this location at the end of today's intraday DowWas down 131 points, then slow backlash.   P 500 financial sector index declined the most, after reports said Germany hoped that Greece transfer budget control in exchange for a new bailout package. The EU summit meeting in Brussels Monday afternoon local time, that the European Union Summit for the first time this year, the Conference aimed at completing the deficit reduction agreements,To set up a relief fund.   At the same time, Greece's sovereign debt problems triggered tensions appeared to be brewing. On Monday, Germany's Finance Minister, Wolfgang-Shuo Hible (Wolfgang Schaeuble) said in a media interview, Greece must take the necessary steps to restore economic and financial order, otherwise euro cardsSleeve may not agree new bailout funds to the country. Prior to this, many media reports at the weekend, Germany hopes to appoint a European Commissioner and in Greece on the issue of financial conferred on him the right of veto, but the proposal met with Greece's Finance Minister, weinizeluosi (Evangelos Venizelos) refused. Also over the weekend, GreekLa debt negotiations on both sides said Greece has close to a deal with its private creditors voluntary debt conversion agreement. Economic data Monday, United States Department of Commerce announced that December personal income rose 0.5%. According to a Bloomberg survey of economists per cent from the average increase for this 0.4%. In November, personal income increased per cent from 0.1%.United States Department of Commerce announced in December, consumer spending fell by 0.1%. According to Bloomberg survey of economists on average rose 0.1% of this.   Link increased 0.1% of November consumer spending. Greece debt concerns about upgrading European stock index Monday dropped 1.13% on Monday, the European stock market players waiting for EU countries to getHuman Summit the final completion of the new financial contracts, but Conference for Greece issues of little progress, while Portugal surge in bond yields has also led to investor sentiment turned, financial and resources stocks dragged down by tumbling European stock index eventually closed down 1.13%. The Pan-European Dow Jones industrial average on Monday closed at 252.52 points, down is 1.13%, extending last weekFive time a decrease of 1%.   France CAC 40 index fell 1.6% closed at 3265.64 points, Germany fell 1.04% DAX 30 index, closed at 6444.45 points, United Kingdom 1.09% FTSE 100 index fell to close at 5671.09 points. Greece ASE index rose 0.6% at 750.04. Spain IBEX 35 index 1.6%, at 8,517.   Italy FTSE MIB index fell 1.2% on Monday, closing at 15,753.14. Portugal PSI 20 index decreased by 2.5%, at 5301.85. Portugal 10-year government bond yields rising from 13.6% last FridayTo 16% above, hit a high in the euro era.   New York crude oil futures down 0.8% barrel $ New York crude oil futures prices closed down on Monday, largely because of the dollar rose, as well as investors remained concerns about eurozone debt crisis and thereby facilitate the market is bullish on crude oil demand prospects. On that day, New YorkMercantile Exchange (NYMEX) of light crude oil futures for March delivery fell 78 cents, closed at $ 98.78 per barrel, or 0.8% for the second day of closing down. New York gold futures down 0.1% reported $ New York gold futures closed down Monday, mainly due to the dollarRise, closing stock prices and cut intraday decline, as investors remained concerns about eurozone sovereign debt crisis. On that day, the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) under the commodity exchange (COMEX) gold futures for April delivery fell $ 1, closed at $ 1734.4 an ounce, or 0.1%, there wasRose, but ultimately the dollar's strength as a result of bad factors overshadowed investor sovereign debt crisis in the eurozone and Greece worries on debt restructuring. Tokyo's Nikkei stock market index down 0.54% affected by the previous session in New York closed down, Japan earnings factors such as continued strong bad and the yen, dragged down 30th Tokyo stocks lower,Nikkei 225 stock average prices compared with the previous trading day by 0.54%. The Hang Seng index fell 1.66% per 20 runescape items,160 fall Monday 5th averages repeated after Hong Kong stocks opened down in the afternoon continue to fall, as at the close, the Hang Seng index at 20160.41 points, fell 341.26, or 1.66%, fall, 5th averages;Enterprises reported 11137.29 points, dropped 309.23 points; red-chip index at 3864.99 points, dropped 92.92 points, representing a decrease of 2.35%.   Big city contract 66.52 billion Hong Kong dollars. December United States consumption expenditure savings growth United States Department of Commerce personal income and spending data released Monday showed that in December 2011Consumer spending, and United States domestic use within 9 months of salary providing the greatest opportunity to save more and has set the tone early 2012 need to slow down. The Commerce Department announced in December consumer spending fell by 0.1%, last January to the lowest level. In November consumer spending 0.1%. Reuters survey of economists with 1February consumer spending expectations rose an average of 0.1%.   Consumption expenditure as a share of United States GDP of two-thirds, 4.7% 2011 annual growth, the biggest increase in 2007 years. United States on Friday reported last quarter of 2011 consumer spending grew at an annualised 2%, driving GDP growth 2.8%, from the 3rd quarter 1.8% acceleration.   Consumer spending is concentrated in automotive purchase runescape items for sale, due to high unemployment limits wage growth, consumer spending part of the financing from a savings and credit cards. December wages to promote personal income growth. Disposable personal income rose 0.5% better than cent average market expectations and the biggest increase since March 2011. November disposable collectionInto the 0.1%. EU new year Germany Greece at loggerheads Summit for the first time in the new year with a traffic standstill "multiples" rs items for sale, the EU's European debt wars seem to be the wrong foot in the new year. Compared to fair use in Brussels leaders of a military airport, service personnel working for the European headquarters is not so good luck. They have to be in local time yesterday LingMorning arrived before 5:30 Summit to avoid deep Belgium national strike traffic paralysis caused by vortices. Yesterday at 3 o'clock in the afternoon local time, 2012 for the first time the European Union Summit held in Brussels in disarray, the EU leaders are expected to discuss and ratify a permanent bailout Fund of the European and in terms of financial contracts, balanced budget rule expectedWill be included in the Member States (apart from England, 26 countries) legislation.   However, Germany and Greece between deeply divided, and now still outstanding Greece debt negotiations continue to cast a shadow over the meeting. This is already the European debt crisis since two years the 17th Summit of the European Union. The EU leaders in advance of the meeting spread rumours, that the Summit will focus on the political is not happyTransfer budget constraints to job creation and economic growth.   Sources said Greece private creditors or face 70% losses according to foreign media reports, one familiar with the facts of the sources said, is working with Greece private creditors of the debt restructuring negotiations likely to face the fate of the overall value of the bonds they hold about 70%. According to CNBC Web site reports, The unnamed sources said Greece the Government of the country's national debt held by the banks and other investment fund negotiator in talks over the weekend close to reaching a final agreement, allowing Greece to maintain ability to repay its debt, this agreement was reached Greece from the euro-zone countries and the International Monetary Fund (microblogging) prerequisites for funding for further assistance.This source said, 70% losses from the Greece debt face value was written down by half, the average interest rate lowered to less than 4%, and bond repayment date pushed back to the future decades. Euro-zone countries will be available at $ 43.3 billion of government bonds this week Italy, and Belgium and Spain and other eurozone countries this week may be available for the total of 33 billion euroYuan (about US $ 43.3 billion) over the national debt.   At the same time, euro credit downgrades eurozone sovereign debt market optimism about the crisis is under control at risk was reversed. Italy Government sold 5.574 billion euros (about US $ 7.307 billion), 5-and 10-year Treasury bonds fell short of 60 perMillion euros (about US $ 7.87 billion) the highest goal; also available for a 1.9 billion euro (about US $ 2.5 billion) will expire in April 2016 and June Treasury bonds also fell short of a set of 2 billion euros (about US $ 2.6 billion) the highest goal. Belgium Government will be on sale tomorrow for up to 3 billion euros (about US $ 3.9 billion)Treasuries, Spain, and Portugal, and Germany and France will be available for 13 different term of bonds this week. Others:

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