Friday, February 24, 2012

cheap runescape items while in 2010 the refinancing of banks Beijing - QMF

129725023487894344_22Beijing Bank funding approved in the programme implementation is expected in the first quarter Beijing Bank refinancing plan finally go through all the approval process. Bank of Beijing today reported, the directional add-issuance of not exceeding $ 11.8 billion programme officially approved by the SFC, at this point, the Bank's refinancing plan just waiting for the moment, people familiar with the expected continuity in if the current market, the Bank's refinancing plan is expected to complete in the first quarter. Bank of Beijing on April 9, 2011Official release formulation to the financing of additional no more than 11.8 billion runescape items, September 21, the Committee approved by the SFC, but due to poor market conditions and other factors, the Bank recently approved by the SFC, while in 2010 the refinancing of banks Beijing, Banking Committee approved refinancing scheme be issued to get formal approval from the fastest to but a week or so. The private placement was from BeijingRefinancing of banks the first time in 2007 after the IPO, targeted to Huatai Automobile cheap runescape items, CITIC Securities, Taikang, China hang Tiandeng nine investors, issuing price adjusted for ex-dividend is $ 10.67/unit, the proceeds, after deducting the cost of issuing, all designed to complement the company's core capital. According to 9 companies involved in the private placement investors with those ofBank of Beijing signed a share subscription agreement, and pre paid orders 5% margin. 9 investors at the same time commitment, self-non-subscription of shares public offering within 36 months from the date of the end not to transfer, showing recognition of Beijing Bank results for the future growth and profitability. Beijing believes that the private release introduces the new shareholders are the advantages of the industry enterprises,For investors in their own development strategies, with strong strength runescape items for sale, not only to further enrich the shareholder structure, optimize the structure of corporate governance, enhancing strategic decision-making level, in business collaboration in the field of cooperation between the two sides will also benefit future development of the Bank of Beijing. It is worth mentioning is that Beijing Bank share price is still lower than its directional add-issuance price. Closing as of yesterday, the sharesAt $ 9.95/units, and private placement of $ 10.67 price is still a certain gap. Recent stock market rebound momentum clearly, banks went out of the wave of the rally in Beijing, sources said, if you continue the current market, release Windows is expected to occur in the near future, the Bank's refinancing plan is expected to be completed in the first quarter of this year. This reporter has learned, shares of Bank of Beijing has been interested inBack to increase price above and then implement its refinancing plan. The offering price adjusted for ex-dividend is $ 10.67/unit, corresponding to the row 2012 dynamic price/earnings ratio, price/book ratio is 7 times, and only about 1.1 times times, valued at a low level. This private placement financing will greatly improve Beijing banks ' capital adequacy levels, meeting the needs of business development of the next three years.As of 2011, three quarter Beijing core capital adequacy of banks ' capital adequacy ratio, and 11.79%, respectively. This private placement is expected upon completion, the Bank's capital adequacy ratio, the core capital ratio to increase by about two percentage points, at listed banks leading level. Bank of Beijing believes that in the future in the development of the banking sector, capital will become the most scarce fundingSource, Beijing banks the issuing is completed, will in the coming competition has significant first mover advantage. Plenty of capital will be a strong support its accelerated transition to a retail business, SMEs and intermediary services. Others:

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