Sunday, February 12, 2012

star wars the old republic pvp valor power leveling commercial vehicle - RDN

129733617928596250_24Every reporter Liu Xu from Beijing on February 9, China Association of automobile manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as "steam") published in January 2012, car production and sales statistics, 1.2994 million car production, fell to 23.2%, down 27.47%; 1.3898 million vehicles in the sales, fell by 17.75%, under the per centDrop 26.39%.  January auto market, steam co-Executive Vice President and Secretary General of Dong Yang said in normal, integrated sales in January and February, to come to the opening years of the automobile market. Commercial vehicles fell significantly in the Automobile Association data shows that in January, various models of all drop, decline in commercial vehicles than passenger cars. Link and per cent of passenger cars and commercial vehiclesFall, commercial vehicle, per cent per cent higher than the industry average per cent 10%.  Where commercial vehicle output in January to 245,900 vehicles, fell to 24.98%, down 38.44%; 229200 achieve sales, fell to 28.54%, down 37.16%. For the commercial vehicle market downturn, Dong Yang explains, seasonHigher base and early last year to April of production and marketing is the main reason for the decline in commercial vehicles. In the area of passenger cars, under the influence of new year's day and the lunar new year with two sections, as well as the January chief factors such as higher base from a year earlier, January decline in passenger car sales, total sales of 1.1606 million vehicles, fell to 15.22%, down 23.81%. Passenger-independentSold 488,000, fell to 17.13%, down 30.62%, 42.05% per cent of total passenger car sales, shares fell by 0.97%, down 3.96%. Independent brand car parts sales vehicle 216,500, 27.15% per cent of total car sales, fell 23.02%, down 38.13% star wars the old republic pvp valor power leveling, market share fell and 2.5%. In addition, Japan, Germany, the United States and South Korea of the Department faculty and law faculty cars sell 161,800 respectively, 162,300, 140 d3 gold,400, 82,200 and 34,300 units, from the only American cars are faster growth,Most prominent. Car exports to achieve good start according to the Automobile Association data tor commendation power leveling, January auto exports to 56,300, rose 0.49%, an increase of 8.32%.  After the surge in auto exports in the previous year, January auto exports to achieve good start this year. Automobile Association says 2011 auto market is not significantly expandedCase, the automotive industry main business revenue of more than $ 5 trillion, main indicators of economic growth is significantly faster than the growth in the volume of production and marketing. It main interest in cars, SUV and MPV three types of high-end car market share increased, while cross-type passenger car market share decline for low-end led cycle average prices move up, indicating that 2011 automobile consumer market structure in ChinaImplement upgrades.  In addition, changes in preferential policies for 2011 on the small cars is one of the reasons. Automobile Association Assistant Secretary Zhu Yiping, told reporters in January this year, "double" focus, resulting in less effective working days, plus the highest production and sales of automobile market last January in the year, making a higher base last year, this year a larger drop.

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