Friday, February 17, 2012

tera power leveling endogenous growth of science and technology development - ZNQ

129733877379377500_144SME industrial output value of more than $ 600 billion, 30% account for the city's industrial past.   Little giant enterprise of science and technology reach 1067, 2011 main business income reached $ 470 billion. As of now, the City Science and technology small and medium enterprises up to 22,300, share of the total number of enterprises in the city from the increase per cent in 2010 to 11%。   60% technology-oriented SMEs, cent of little giant enterprise of science and technology, located in aerospace, biological medicine, new materials, new energy, energy saving and environmental protection, and other strategic areas in emerging industries. Report from (reporter Bai junfeng) held yesterday morning in promoting SME development work was informed that the municipal party Committee and Government held-speed up the development of science and technology small and medium-sizedEnterprises mobilize Conference, the positive efforts, the city's vigorous development of high-tech SMEs, showing trends, achieved remarkable results. As of now, the City Science and technology small and medium enterprises up to 22,300, share of the total number of enterprises in the city from the increase per cent in 2010 to 11%. City's new high-tech SMEs, 9,834Enterprise transformation and upgrade of 40%. SME industrial output value of more than $ 600 billion, 30% account for the city's industrial past. Little giant enterprise of science and technology reach 1067, 2011 main business income reached $ 470 billion. Current Xiqing District, Dong Li district of county-level high-tech SMEs, such as industrial output, have accounted for gross output value of industryMore than half.   Development of high-tech SMEs, further increasing the content of science and technology in economic development, speed up the transformation of industrial structure adjustment and optimization of mode of economic development, an important breakthrough. At present, the city cent of high-tech SMEs, 60% little giant enterprise of science and technology tera power leveling, located in aerospace, biological medicine, new materials, new energy, energy saving and environmental protection new strategicHing industrial area. These businesses provide key materials, parts and components as well as for leading enterprises, while others directly engaged in the transformation of high-tech research and development, and service, extend the industry chain, expanding the scale of the industry. Ward drive, RIP biological emerged (300,119, unit), big truth, Wah-wing blue sky, a number of leading technology, fast growth and innovative leader, Form donglihuaming, wuqing Keihin, static and Hazel, Jiuyuan, a number of strategic new bases.   SME growth, for the development of strategic industries, laid the Foundation for further. At present, relevant departments of the municipal and district levels, financial and implementation support for SME Development Fund of $ 3 billion swtor pvp valor power leveling, public financing of 179Billions of Yuan. Through intellectual property rights such as intellectual property office, the trade and Industry Bureau, pledge, helps the enterprise to obtain bank loans. Municipal youth business employment financial services center was established to help SME project loans. SME 3,234 city's newly introduced technology, scientific and technological achievements over more than 1400, talent and a team of more than 2,700 more than signed with 11 colleges and universities45 cooperation agreement. All kinds of laboratory, research and development platform is open to high-tech SMEs, instruments and devices, share common technology facilities. Countries Department, Ministry of finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of science and Technology Department of Tianjin science and technology small and medium enterprises development support to include cooperation in content, special funding support of $ 400 million. Binhai New area became the first national 863 plan industrialization partner cityOver more than 90 major science and technology agency located in. Sci-Tech independent innovation capacity of SMEs to further speed up the upgrade. Further improvement of the innovation system, building, 5-level high-tech zone, 15 innovation entrepreneurship incubator into vectors, 122 technology business incubator, productivity promotion center of 60, 58 industrial park of science and technology, innovation and entrepreneurship support reaches331, 75% of these platforms were gathered on the city's high-tech SMEs. SME growth, in many areas of the city to be original and high-tech industrialization base. SME patent number last year accounted for more than 70% of the total, developed over more than 10,000 enterprise standard, developed a USB3.0, nickel carbon super capacitorMain control systems, wind power, lithium ion battery separator and new energy vehicle control system, a number of major scientific and technological achievements, filling a number of gaps.   SMEs have become a force of independent innovation of science and technology, on the city's economy into a leading the secret world power leveling, innovation-driven, endogenous growth of science and technology development, has played an important role in promoting. High-tech SMEs to further promote employmentGrowth and revenue increase. High-tech SMEs absorbed 1.19 million jobs, accounted for 65% units of the total number of fully employed staff and workers in cities and towns around. 2011 creating tax $ 22.5 billion, an increase of 68%.   Development of high-tech SMEs, significantly expanding the employment capacity, improve workers ' income, increase tax revenue. Since the beginning of last year, the city has held aTechnology venture competition in Tianjin, the international incubation activities such as forums, in 19 counties and universities Organization innovation and entrepreneurship speaker Bureau propaganda activity. Municipal party Committee propaganda Department to develop a detailed publicity plan, the city's major media have opened up a column topic. City, district and county levels 248 service group, grassroots, problem-solving over more than 2000 for the enterprise. Office of the leading group in conjunction with the various districts and countiesZhongguancun, Suzhou, Shenzhen and other places, series of investment promotion activities. As of now, there are 2,920-level leading cadres at and above, help new 3,983 SME development. Creative enthusiasm of the whole society to an unprecedented height, Tianjin is a cradle of the fertile soil and cultivation of creative technology giant. Others:

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