Tuesday, April 3, 2012

swtor credits almost baifenzhishidaoshiwu of earnings can be expected - VQJ

129771772380874810_2Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund market for micro-blogging news blog live small company stocks the major new share placements by gem new third sector brokers New York themesBulletin deal prompted the financial calendar of earnings release memo block trade in thousands of shares of financial market Center collection of funds flowing to new share purchase financing Twitter pioneer financial management training in the daily limit of the unit gather Forum hexun.com stock > body font size print RSSMarch 25, 2012 from: securities market weekly red authors: Oh Myung as we attempt to launch civil intelligence in the official forums daily statements of the guests, many friends have raised more hopes in a letter, such as guests of the daily view of the real explanation diablo 3 power leveling, more guests, individual stock pool sth Before we will be in complianceUnder references, keep exploring.   April 21 to April 23, ACE guest boat launch firm tactics, close-course experience, effectiveness, time tested.   --The facilitator does not rise but less secure host: this week how many stocks have fallen beyond recognition. White water rafting: in addition, falling stocks at this time can be broken into threeClass: first class, short-term shocks of the early hot mixer unit, it is a good thing, because of their trading opportunities will appear after, nice to play a double header, almost baifenzhishidaoshiwu of earnings can be expected; the second class, variety of hot ride in the early, which is hard to say, as the media sector as a whole at that time starts, day boat culture (300,148,Unit 's) well-deserved of King, second-line leading Chinese and Zhejiang reported also decent, left of also on China Yi Yoshinobu (300,071, unit 's) and music depending on network (300,104, unit 's) is a bit mean, business involved the industry of listed company has more than 40 over, also on above SI、wujia in ebb Hou shares no appears avalanche, remaining most are created low, even is called "EastFang Huana "huayi brothers (300,027, unit) is no exception, so the three main rally: real estate, metals and consumer. After two or three lines in most of the shock will repeat mistakes in the media. For them, may have a chance to rebound is short-term slimming; third class, share prices barely rose, index when turbulence has fallen a lot, evenHas innovation low of trend, like vie technology (002590, unit 's), and Po Mo shares (002476, unit 's),, this class varieties most trouble, because this round rebound most strong of is small market a unit, future shocks most cool of also must is this plate, they rose of when mill mill eat a bit eat a bit, once open fell swtor credits, may on will like Shang has clockwork as, goes goes goes down channeling.Moderator: these three varieties: what's the difference in the operation of the future? White water rafting: the difference is, I found a lot of investor that likes to put up small or even no stocks or stocks have been rising, they always think that everything is going to go up in the round. But we have not found that so-called gain small varieties, are third-class a shares, as soon as the market opened down, theyFallen faster than leading, slow and its shares rebound, fill up means to rise in early small, single rose in trend or small breed, what makes you think the index opened down they're going up?   This logic is very strange, I would rather focus on a stock that has risen more than 50%, are not going to fill up. From the 2010 huzhi 3186 o'clock Hou, Supplement rose plate on no market has, zhihou on cement high-speed rail and new energy strong some, if you took has real estate, three a word "play died you", last year of two times stage rebound you buy apart from environmental, and bio medicine, and media and times shares yiwai of varieties try try, especially what engineering machinery, and cement, and steel, and real estate, see Liugong complex right Hou from 30 does not to way killed to 11 Yuan, still at 13 Yuan Huang, if two yin, which two months white rose. Security is subjective, experience and personality, and knowledge of each structure, determines their understanding of security in the stock market, I personally do not think that the more up but less security, gain greater security. So these three stocks, leading rebound, two or three lines will appear in the future classMedia plus network's rising star, which is very high with fundamental knowledge, BU up plates are less focused on watching, they are not safe.   Moderator: you many ideas to break the so-called General, stood in the general perspective to think about problems, are losing money in the end, this is personal experience is very high, but not everyone has your experience. White water raftingYes, at the time of new large funds, company belongs to the industry and downwards for the treatment, but I chuckled, because this is a great opportunity to exercise, many things have you lived through the practice had even failed to understand that will not grow, it is the biggest Fortune. Right, and operated on is completely different, it is the best channel of inspection methods,Through the continued firm offer exercise gradually or can go some way to overcome the weaknesses of human nature, have the opportunity in the future, I'll be and we chat about this feeling, are two of the world. Moderator: not so much action, this thing I call the shots, came to Beijing next month, told us about a real firm offer of course, think you boast, I also want to take a look at, student legendsWorth the price of the boating course, so can poor market conditions in the magic continues.   Finally back before the problem, what do you think the market would like to disclose a signal. White water rafting: so far from this high amount of shrinkage that has no obvious process, next 2,330 points up and down 30 points of correction can shrink and early hot spot performance and weight unit, this is the mostKey. I think short-term index sharply fluctuations of probability not, real estate, and consumption, and rare metals in of funds suddenly out does not to, some also does not necessarily will out, in no new hot appears Qian, members short selected unit also is in these plate in found, while more concern a unit methods signal of appears, this a years I also real test has a new of short method, recent performance good,Had the opportunity to talk to you later. After the next week and a half week promising host: bright sun last week show a strong skill, fly up and down all week, sale of grasping and empathy.   Caution the week next week? Sun: half a week after promising the next week. First of all we know, currently there are a lot of people look at the market, which comes from what? Mainly comes from the short trendWorried about. Short trend that comes from where? Mainly from the drop in 5, 10, 20th cycle appears. But technical analysis requires a lead time, risks just like I would have prompted the morning of March 14, the day after the big yin, has undermined the trend of short-term trends as a whole. At that time air was absolutely correct, now in the same position againVery empty, I think is not it should be. At least in technical analysis on the application of comparative failure. Can't build Changyang line appears promising, right? Really that is what?   Up is bullish, down put it, the research technology and its use. Xiazhouyi、er on 20th cycle there will be 2 days of high deductions and high deductible. So be careful in here is still more, toWednesday's conditions were relatively good, 20th cycle can begin to show superiority. 10th long although there are yin and suppressing, but relatively low point and time span, and recently completed a 10-day consolidation of necking, have given chips gradually stabilized, so don't worry about long influence of anion on the market on that day. And the index on Wednesday promised to increase support to under 2Near 338 points, this location is a 60-day absolute support for the line. Also because the 60 day-period advantage larger, not below.   So here are beginning to stabilize. In stable condition after found, we saw the volume of medium and long term average is still keeping up Bull divergence, but caused short because of the fast-shrinking the amount of short-term less than medium and long term, inIn theory, which is a normal pressure of finishing under the medium-term advantages, compression will be carried out in about 3 days after impact, so it's more promising basis for strengthened after the next week and a half weeks, then prepare for a rise in the second half of week of. Of course, if fast falling 60 days line, that's considered in advance, don't die, remember one time one is supported, which is the first to look at.Moderator: the whole how to grasp opportunities do you think is better? Sun: overall because the index is currently also belongs to the interval of journey forms before I say. So don't pay much attention to the plate here, more for a unit study. For recuperation on it is important to note that week as a whole line of protected mode, which I had specifically in the field. On the line in weekNote for 5, 10, 20, 40-week observation, only the cycle synchronization in the up state of the stocks is the object of focus, specific questions in the Forum talk again in a timely manner.   Moderator: a lot of people because the recent decline, fears on the market again this year as a whole have, what do you think? Sun: according to the trend of development, 60 daysCycles can help up at least 16 days. Keep the index steady at 60 lines above 16 days should be no problem. Development depends on the volume, and then after. When we do not worry. But after 16 days, over 30 trading days, 120 day cycle will start facing lower deduction, so the conditions are grouped together, make me this yearMarket is also very optimistic.   What so I do not need to worry, there must have been several waves of very good opportunities for this year.   New theory of relativity Ai Gu: talk about the Securities and Futures Commission to combat today limit the hype of new shares, no?   Host: the normal regulation of behavior, there is nothing to talk about? Ai Gu: I do not necessarily think it is necessary to resist the new, but I thinkInvestors new share feature to have a clearer understanding of, and possible pitfalls.   Host: new shares are often active trading, not the opportunities to do more?   Ai Gu: If only in theory, value of the new shares is not investment.   Host: what is the justified? Ai Gu: assuming that a successful company, its development cycleWill be like this: development during the development phase, the period of adjustment,; and phase corresponds to the stock market is: original shares, new shares during the IPO period, the old unit; and corresponding to the share price is: the first wave, the second wave, the third wave. The first wave and third wave, there is a huge room, and the second wave, the so-called hundred percent smooth adjustment there is a huge risk.Retail investors, not really had the opportunity to take part in the first wave.   Therefore, secondary market the best opportunity, is the third wave.   But unfortunately is that the vast majority of investors (whether institutions or retail) is bound to fail, because the second wave is their only choice.   Moderator: why? Ai Gu: company shares listed, there is a certain amount ofPerformance requirements, in General, to reach the market are the first phase of development has been very successful businesses, listed are just of them entered a second phase of adjustment of point of no return.   Retail investors will see the first phase of the development of excellent performance, active participation, sets of vertices, it is difficult to have the opportunity to wait for the arrival of the period of development of the third stage. Host:New shares rose came up with special rose. Ai Gu: well, listed according to the normal rules, under normal circumstances, new listings must surely be the vertex of the first wave performance, adjust the point of no return. However, if a company does not comply with the conditions listed on the fake, but may be listed on the cow because it was listed ahead of the first phase of development period. So the market isIs such a strange, fake companies could rise, outstanding performance but not rising, from the analysis of the new share point, you can also see a reason to. I personally think that China's stock markets as a whole, nearly 20 years are always run in the second wave swtor credits, therefore the generalised losses, in addition to the original shareholders profit from dwindling. This is also my analysis here. Now, hasStep into the starting point for the third wave, is the real opportunities in the future. Others:

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