Monday, April 16, 2012

tera power leveling according to the current level of interest rates is 4.55% - HVS

129788422101718750_175 <a href="">tera gold</a>Recently, graded debt-based low-risk share continued in great demand. Following the Golden Eagles a lasting return rating after debt-based low-risk share to prematurely raise, before grading debt-based low-risk share and win-win is now sold out in one day. In response, analysts pointed out that the decline of interest rates and currency Fund of funds restriction of grading debt-based low-risk share is created in great demand of primary factors, moreover tera gold, someRating debt-based low-risk share contract yields a higher, more is to make its investors. Such as grading debt is issued by the Bank of Beijing Galaxy Tom Lee Tom Lee share a base low risk, yields on its Convention year 1.3 times for 1-year Bank term deposit interest rates, according to the current level of interest rates is 4.55%, respectively higher than demand deposits and 1-year deposit rates,To the above 2-year CD rates (4.4%), which is once every six months to open, an investor to purchase and redemption, similar to a rolling release semi-annual Bank wealth management products. It is worth mentioning that, at every turn and bank financial products investment compared to the threshold of $ 50,000, 100,000, grade a tera power leveling, Tom Lee in thousands of dollars of debt-based low-risk share subscription beginning more close to ordinary investors. Others:

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