Monday, April 16, 2012

tera gold or 0.09% - BLI

129779403804843750_46China stocks were mixed in early trading on Tuesday are Sina Tech News Beijing time the evening of April 3 message, United States stock markets in early trading on Tuesday continued to narrow fluctuations. Investors are the latest Fed meeting minutes.  United States February factory orders fell short of expectations. April 3 East Coast time (Beijing time April 3), the Dow Jones industrial average indexFall 11.66, 13,252.83, or 0.09%; the NASDAQ (micro-blogging) composite index rose 4.55 per cent to 3,124.25, or 0.15% the standard and poor's 500 index fell 1.98 tera gold, 1, 417.06, or 0.14%. China stocks were mixed in early trading on Tuesday crossNow. SINA rose 2.73%, giant 2.82% last week, Michael take the forest rose 4% tera power leveling, netqin rose 3.8% tera gold, perfect world falls 10%, qihoo 360 down 11.6%. Others:

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