Friday, April 20, 2012

tera gold said regulators will conduct a thorough investigationForm - FTQ

129784668292710000_578Official website of the five largest banks "Sun" is still up Regulatory requirements, effective April 1, must be known to the public in various branches of commercial banks charge a price list, but reflects the people, in the part of the Bank's official website but can not find the latest price list of fees. Reporter examines the foreign-owned 20 banks in the site found, known to the public on the part of the banks in the network of "sayings", announcement of charges on the network situation is not satisfactory, five powersBank "Sun" collectively is not eligible. Five State-owned banks "Sun" collectively failed "coming out", just branches of commercial banks announced a price list, price of publicity is hiding on the network chatter corner. Official website releases five State-owned banks and the banking "service price announcement" notice, but no bank in the bulletin contents, addFees links price list, to find specific costs, customers are quite a lot of trouble. Yesterday logs on China Construction Bank's official website found, only the rows in the "latest news" column, published "price announcement to customers", but there is no fees and prices. China Construction Bank on this explanation: since China's vast territory, larger differences of regional economic environment around, the branch will vary depending on the local cityField and customer demand on the part of the service price adjustment. To avoid misunderstanding caused Web sites and network pricing is inconsistent, China Construction Bank branch in the price list of the services business known to the public network, unified publicity is not Web site. Subsequently, the journalists into China Construction Bank Beijing Branch Web pages or discovery and service charges related to the content. Industrial and commercial bank's official website Home of right "financial information"Section, "fees", click on the version in 2012 will be able to see the line services price list. However, the cost of Web page is published by dozens of charges involving only e-banking subsidiary, and the year after carding specification chargeable service items for a total of 409. Remains of more than 300 service charge where to go to find it? Banks said prices of other services requiredReleased to outlets of the Bank services price list (2012). In addition, the agricultural Bank of China, Bank of communications, Bank of China also did not publish the price list of services. Joint-stock Bank, foreign bank public joint-stock banks, city commercial banks and foreign banks active website pricing announcement of more comprehensive. Reporter log on one by one 20 banks official website, Open the Shenzhen Development Bank notice on the page automatically pop up a public notice of the price, and in Home Business scale in a bar, detailed lists of charges a price list, including settlement, debit cards, credit card business, online business tera gold, such as seven large fees. CITIC Bank Home above the published notice of charges, click here to enter announced the latest product and service salesPrice list, including price and market-regulated prices items such as fees of 8 of 29 business details. Huaxia Bank, Minsheng Bank, Guangdong Development Bank, Bank of Ningbo is also Home to place the standard path, click here or you can query to the more standard, reporters noted that standards for 2012, the latest standard for banks�� Industrial banks and postal savings bank has chosen a more convenient way tera power leveling, that is, in the release of the latest announcements in a bar, bulletin articles below related links attached to the charges tera gold, if the client needs to query any type of cost, directly down to find, more convenient. Nanjing in the Bank's latest announcements, you can directly download the latest price list of fees and chargesExcellent detail. At the same time, foreign banks are to be published on the official website of the corresponding charges details. Updated personal and private customers of HSBC Bank customer accounts and place service rates to the latest news column, Citi Bank, in its latest bulletin the latest charges are placed in project announcements. Standard Chartered Bank is directly on the official website Home of the search bar, the default searchPersonal banking service charges details, click into the PDF format will appear details of charges. Monitor sound's official website also charge publicity CBRC commercial bank price list of some public charges also attached great importance to the follow-up. A few days ago, the CBRC held a "promoting the non-standard banking management administrative work" news briefing, said regulators will conduct a thorough investigationForm, promoting the "sun-cured". A part according to the banking supervision Director Yang Jiacai introduced, the CBRC required banking official website announcement or publicity alternative outlets, now appears to be necessary both to implement. Official website of the China Banking Regulatory Commission will follow principles of combining public and known to the public network, urged the banks to further improve the charges public. Official website of silverLine, to be consolidated by legal bodies known to the public at the official online for easy consumer search, query, control. For the next task, described Yang Jiacai, attach unreasonable conditions that occur after March 1 issue, for charging unreasonable fees that occurred after April 1 issue, regulatory agencies at all levels in accordance with the principle of territorial law enforcement, found together, together, Never lighter penalties, must be tolerant and accommodating. At the same time, direct search mechanism will be established China Banking Regulatory Commission, complaints reporting directly to send their staff to the masses to relevant bodies, field verification, punishment, timely reporting on results in a timely manner. Especially for charging unreasonable fees, will focus on investigating and handling charges without publicity; beyond the scope of public notice, does not match the actual charges and directory; the actual feesPublicity prices and inconsistent; not provided substantive services and fees; branch standards of service fees and unreasonable charges, such as punishment. People branch of the recruiting fee deposit and the difference in hundreds of Web pages publish bank fees, in addition to the transfer fee, annual fee bank cards, SMS notification costs of such widely known, fees, credit card credit card overload relief paymentsCash withdrawal charge hidden fees such as many, a little inattentive, "charging". Public suggestions on this, Bank's electronic banking system can add "charge to confirm" prompt. Such as customer to by online bank transfer, remittance, in complete payee information such as card number, bank account, Bank to automatically pop up a dialog box, prompts the customer arising out of the operation costsOnly customers click on "confirm payment" before you can complete the transfer or remittance operations. In order to prevent some clients do not prompt click confirm, banks can set the read time of around 10 seconds, ask the customer to 10 seconds before you click OK. In addition, for some "charges vary by region, not easy to unify announced prices"Said members of the public, Mr LAU's proposal, by the Head Office's official website Home released a summary of charges, Enterprise set out dozens of business costs, personal, and branches around the appended link, published by the Branch Web site detailed price list. Others:

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