Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera gold dressed in a red shirt - TEJ

129779403801250000_36Guzhongshanshidifu·qiaobusi and United States famous time magazine had too much involvement, he had eight as the cover of time magazine. This world famous magazine of the era, is a miracle. However, jobs also regret, in the past decades, he has never been a time magazine's person of the year,Even in 2011, the death of world-changing science and technology geek. Eight times the time magazine cover of Steve jobs and the time magazine has a deep origin. In 1982, only 26 years old, Steve Jobs made the cover of time magazine. Steve kept separately on the cover, his eyes be vigorous, dressed in a red shirt, the top was a redApple, behind him was his invention of the computer. A white thick lines, starting from the computer screen, after turning in the air three times from the Red Apple on his head through.  This Apple is full, there is no "bite". Entered on the Baidu "1982 United States" keywords for search, starting with the first, is a story of international financial report: 1982Year: United States wealth of watershed, United States wealth 1% population with the highest income in the year began to skyrocket.  A report analysis that led to the 1% population percentage increase in income and income volatility increases have a common cause, that science and technology. Select jobs for cover reasons, this year of time magazine, the reason given is: "almost aloneCreate the personal computer industry. Now people who graduated from this University did not have assets of 149 million dollars.  "Young, school, personal computer, huge wealth, jobs on the characteristics of these represents the United States desire for technology and wealth of society. For jobs and for the time magazine, this is just the beginning. In October 2011, after the death of Steve jobs, Eighth time magazine has published photos of Steve jobs, "cherish the great creators in the history of science and technology". Fan change jobs in the time magazine time magazine created a precedent, past no one to eight times in a row to become the magazine's cover story. However, his regret in the time magazine, he didn't become the time magazinePerson of the year. As the United States the most influential news magazine, editor of the times in terms of selection and eye "very toxic" person as person of the year is the change of era, will withstand the test of history. After Deng Xiaoping took office in January 1976, he became the cover of time magazine, "successor of the week". Deng Xiaoping in 1978 and 1985, as time magazine's man of the year twice. Steve jobs is the most promising in 1982, but ultimately winning is a computer, although he almost brought the personal computer era. After the death of Steve jobs, because of its personal computers, smart phones, music, movies, and made important contributions in the field, the times jobs as the list of candidates.NBC News anchor bulaien·weilianmusi say Steve Jobs: "not only because he has changed the world, jobs also let us know about some possible things: you are staring at a piece of plastic or glass, and then move the finger, something will happen.  "However, across the world including the United States, protesters, becoming that year's person of the year. "Fruit powder"Spontaneous honour, make the technology known to generations of US forces. On October 6 last year, San Li Tun and Xidan joy city in Beijing Apple retail store front, white flowers and apples on the wall.  There are "powder" is the cover of time magazine with Steve jobs, which led to millions of Internet users on the Web forward. Technical civilian jobRepublika was a "geek", with sensitive personal and crazy tera power leveling, many technology integrated with, become a desk or pocket of IT products. The title page of Steve jobs, author Walter Isaacson evaluation jobs with "like a rollercoaster-like character of the wonderful life and passionate agitation". Isaacson is the editor of time magazine andUnited States former CNN Chairman. Many people know that Steve jobs, is because the iPhone mobile phones and iPad tablet computer. In the era before the iPhone release, mobile phone has been fixed: small screen, is under the keyboard. Function of the phone is to make calls and send text messages. Motorola (micro-blogging) V70 once the phone's screen into a circle tera gold,Plate rolls can rotate 360 degrees.  This small change, mobile phone prices soared to more than 7,000 yuan, as robbery. Until the end of June 2007, iPhone release. Microsoft (micro-blogging) the company underestimated the rival, Ballmer said in an interview: "this is the most expensive phone in the world, but it does not appeal to business people,No keyboard. "However, by the end of 2010, Apple sold a total of 90 million iPhone handsets. Nokia (microblogging), Motorola, decades of these brilliant phone Empire, began to collapse at this point of the iPhone release, even if they are starting to imitate iPhone and produced similar-looking phone. Touch-controlScreen, straight shape, become standard modeling continues Smartphone. One little iPhone mobile phone, changing not only the communications industry. In early 2008, a car Navigator Garmin company nuvi760, sold for $ 6,480, and expensive than a laptop. Now group and Smartphone navigation has been pushed toThe edge, general price of three hundred or four hundred dollars in-car Navigator.  Even, you don't even need hundreds of dollars, just move your fingers, the iPhone will be able to find on the road map. This is mad men left us with memories of science and technology tera gold, not just ideas, but held in the hands of public products. Others:

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