Sunday, April 15, 2012

tera power leveling QFII account total reached $ 265.6 billion in assets - LGZ

129779483503125000_118In 2002, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the people's Bank of China jointly issued the interim measures for the administration of securities investment by qualified foreign institutional investors, the qualified foreign institutional investor (hereinafter referred to as QFII) pilot project started. In 2006 tera power leveling, on the basis of summing up the experience, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the people's Bank of China and the State administration of foreign exchange jointly issuedThe measures for the administration of securities investment by qualified foreign institutional investors.  Results of 2007 according to the second Sino-US strategic economic dialogue, QFII limit increased from $ 10 billion to $ 30 billion at present. At present tera power leveling, our country from 23 countries and regions has been approved 158 QFII qualified foreign institutions, asset management companies of these 82,11 insurance companies, sovereign funds, pensions, endowments and other agencies 29 tera gold, 23 commercial banks, 13 securities companies. Of which 129 are cumulative approved QFII investment quota of us $ 24.55 billion. As of March 23, QFII account total reached $ 265.6 billion in assets, including stocks, bonds and bank deposits accounted for separately as, 74.5%, and 9.6%,QFII holding about a-stock negotiable market value of 1.09%. Since the introduction of QFII system, overall investment operation smooth. From the implementation point of view, QFII dominated by foreign long-term investors focus on value investing and long-term investments, rich structure of the domestic capital market investors, promote marketImproving the quality of, improves the level of internationalization of capital market and influence increased international understanding of China's economic and social development of the community. Domestic banks, securities companies, fund management companies and insurance asset management companies and other financial institutions through business cooperation with QFII, raising the level of financial services, trained professionals, for domestic financial institutionsFrame to expand the international market has played a positive role in promoting.  At the same time, QFII in China's capital market investment and ongoing access to funds, increase the supervisory experience of cross-border portfolio investment and capital flows, capital markets and further opening to implement capital account convertibility of the renminbi was actively explored. In recent years, as China's economy continues expanding and fundingThe continuous development of the market, increasing foreign institutional investment needs of the capital market in China. To meet the investment needs of overseas investors, to further promote the stable development and opening up of the domestic capital market, approved by the State Council, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, people's Bank of China and the State administration of foreign exchange to determine new QFII investment quota of us $ 50 billion, with a total investment of up to 80US $ 0. Next, we will put forward by the Central Finance Working Conference "expanding financial opening to" request summary of QFII system experience, further facilitating the operation of QFII investment, attracting more foreign long-term capital investment in China's capital market. QFII investment quota of new US $ 50 billion Others:

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