Friday, April 13, 2012

tera power leveling lost a lot of show ability - DJG

129779512125000000_183Summary: 7 years never rising half-step Su Yu, also because not "cone of SAC", lost a lot of show ability, "stand out" opportunity. Su Yu's information on this article by columnist Zhang Xiongwen fenghuangwang history channel feeds during the Red Army tera power leveling, Su Yu was the Nanchang Uprising and Mao Zedong said "in Jinggangshan old man", it is the root seedlings of red, but ifWith Chen Yi said, is "years of hurt, was promoted one of the slowest (note)". For 7 years, the unit he served constantly transform, title is almost silent water, stalled, wandering between the total Commander and Army Chief of staff. In December 1930, Su Yu served as red-65 12 Army Division, near transfer 64 Division, first entered the division-level cadresRanks. But since then he seems to be in a strange and mysterious spell, can increased by half a step. In June 1931, divisions into 13 divisions of the Red Army tera power leveling, Su Yu still teachers; 5 months later, he was transferred to Chief of staff of the Red Army, and Army Commander Lin Biao partner soon is long and students of the school into the Red Army, and three (even military) Company Commander, at another four even (politicalEven the) Company Commander, did not return until February 2 is still the Chief of staff of the Red Army. After 10 months, Lin Biao was promoted to Red Army Regiment when he was teaching, Political Commissar of the Red Army, is still the divisional level. After three months, Su Yu and they were out of the Red Army, red 11 as Army Chief of staff; 7 months away, he was transferred to red seven Army Chief of staff. Subsequently, red seven Legion was 1934Year formed in July-Japanese advance team, Su Yu and Huai Chau lvbu seeking to go to the head of the armed forces between Fujian and Zhejiang-Jiangxi Soviet areas led by Fang zhimin, soon transferred to red 10 Army Chief of staff. In February 1935, the Red 10 army at the head of the army under the command of Liu Chouxi to fail, Su Yu for the March formed part, and served as teacher, all the way to the second cooperation between KMT and CPC in September 1937. Su Yu and Lin Biao wereZhu de tera gold, Chen Yi in October 1927 Nanchang Uprising more than great Yu even one level of integration, as a political instructor, a company commander, but different ways of promotion, in addition to Su Yu's lack of a diploma of the Whampoa Military Academy, also was delayed for three reasons. Is one injury too many times, a total of 6 times (three pieces of shrapnel remained at the head of which, until died later from theOut of the ashes), wounded every difference in length of time treatment. Due to operational needs, his treatment of tuogang, the original command position would be replaced by others, lost opportunities of many led soldiers to fight. Second unit replaced too frequently. Due to frequent treatment outside of tuogang, he was also a superior as tiger balm, "attorn" 65 red 12 army divisions and 64 divisions,13 Red Army divisions, and the Red Army military, school, teaches the Red Army Division of the Red Army, red seven, red 11 Army Corps, Red 10 Corps, serving 10 different units such as March of the Red Army Division. Others:

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