Saturday, April 7, 2012

tera gold Pacific insurance refundable premiums 9.588 billion yuan - QGK

129773984767500000_53Sales misleading information to regulators governance, Pacific double cash surrender value per cent last year to $ 9.5 billion; decline in operating income growth in this newspaper (reporters Zhang Yixiao) China Pacific insurance (micro-blogging) Company Limited announced on 25th night 2011 annual report. According to the Pacific 2011 achieved operating income of 157.934 billion yuan, an11.49%; compared to 44.9% growth in the 2010 annual report tera power leveling, growth declined significantly. It is worth mentioning that, last year, Pacific 9.588 billion yuan cash surrender value, over company 8.313 billion yuan in net profits for the whole year, "earned enough back". Yesterday, the results Conference to be held in Shanghai, the company said, investment in the future will be dominated by defense.Treatment "misleading", double surrender cost report data displays in 2011, Pacific insurance refundable premiums 9.588 billion yuan, an increase of 113.6%, surrendered at 2.7%, 1.5% increased over the same period.����Banking and insurance revenue fell nearly 8%, added insurance revenue decline was more than 25%. According to industryAnalysis, cash surrender value increase reflects the regulators must control such as "deposit insurance policies" such sales effect of misleading, as the Administration misled in the life insurance industry continued to deepen tera power leveling, and sales conditions gradually improved, surrender may not continue to increase the amount, but surrender rate will also go through a process of decline. Pacific Life Chairman Xu Jinghui, banks and insurance companies sell surrender problem isBusiness due to the pace of development, in accordance with the requirements of the comprehensive management of the China insurance regulatory Commission sales misleading, raising concerns about sales and services.����Xu Jinghui expected 2012 surrender rate there will be no significant change, still at a normal level. Double kill unit debt, this year's main "defense" under the influence of double 2011 stock market, bond market downturn, 2011 Pacific investmentInvestment yields declined. In 2011, the Pacific life insurance, property insurance investment income of $ 15.697 billion and $, respectively tera gold, per cent reduction and 10.9% respectively, due mainly to losses from changes in the fair value of shares and funds.����In addition, the configuration of such assets has dropped 2.6% rights and interests. In this regard, Pacific insuranceAsset management General Manager Yu Yeming said the 2012 Pacific equity assets ratio is controlled, adopting a defensive strategy.����More new money to use to configure the assets on a regular basis, raise the level of interest on all assets. Indeed, while such assets decline in the overall configuration of the rights and interests, but benefits in strengthening of the Pacific on the fixed assets configuration. 2011, Pacific fixed-income assets amounted to 85.6%, an increase of 2.9%, new fixed-income assets reached 87.109 billion yuan. Click here to enter [China Pacific] discuss the 2011 annual reports of listed companies of two listed insurance companies earn 27.8 billion China China Pacific 2.9% Pacific net profit drop last year: insurance profit record newGao Zhongguo Pacific made write-downs to drag on performance in 2011 China Pacific: IPO financing the remaining 10 billion financing plan-free in the near future brokerages said China Pacific equity investment costs in the 2,700-point last year China Pacific 2.9% to 8.3 billion people earn less money last year got hammered China Pacific net profit $ 8.3 billion in 2011 to be 10 $ 3.5 Others:

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