Wednesday, April 4, 2012

tera power leveling too many problems. "These people say. If the "system" is true - HSL

129773188883125000_74Hinder many experts said the pace of the reform of the railway will not so fast The Ministry of railways "integration of government administration with enterprise" system was blamed in more than 20 years, has experienced a number of reforms. Perhaps in this year, this unique system will be a thing of the past. On March 18, approved and transmitted to the national development and Reform Commission of the State Council of the views of the focus on the 2012 reform of the economic system (hereinafter referred to as the opinion). The opinions referred to in this year according to the separation, Separation of political funding requirements, research on the development of railway structural reform programme, and to instruct the Ministry of railways, the national development and Reform Commission and other relevant departments to implement. News, the Ministry will be incorporated into the reform of the way of traffic. Future building subsidiary of the Ministry of railway transport administration, is responsible only for railway construction plan, unified provisioning and management of railway transport, and passenger and cargo business and theSet up in the Ministry of railway administration separately, the establishment of Railway Enterprise Group tera power leveling, railway transport market. Before the reform message of calm and an undercurrent of railway reform, immediately aroused close attention. Right now, most anxiety is the Ministry of railways. Yesterday, close to the members of the Ministry in an interview with the business news reporter tera gold, said: "many people panic, be thrown into confusion. ��Although reform rumors for a long time, but file officially issued on Thursday, also was brought to the Ministry as a whole lot of shock. "While approaching the weekend, many people seem to be busier than usual. "These people say, on the subject of reform tera gold, everyone has to prepare, but I just don't know when. Documents issued, those within the usual "do not touch" differences continue to be fanyong out,Conflicts began to surface. And three railway reform in the history of the same, the reform also some passive means. Last year, the "7��23" after the car accident, all aimed at the Ministry of railways, "tie laoda" problems seem to emerge overnight. Internal problems such as corruption, debt-ridden, the Chief is not transparent to senior government officials to step down, accident and a series of public eventsInto the public eye. In fact, as early as last year, newly appointed Minister of the Sheng Guangzu began preparations to reform of railway matters. Histrionics of the debt crisis had to reform the Ministry of railways. With the railway in recent years the "great leap forward"-style development, Ministry of railways has long been in debt. Currently has more than 2 trillion dollars of debt, it was reported that at least has started the project of building up$ 2.8 trillion investment is needed. Compared to the huge debt, railway's own earnings prospects are the driving force. Has been, or will be opened almost entirely for high-speed rail and intercity passenger losses, urbanization of small number of busy trunk lines and even lines in 35 of the area is expected to gradually reduce losses, but quite a long period of time is difficult to achieve full-cost accounting and profitability. "There is no money, thereSupport does not go on. "Under the jurisdiction of the Department of Ministry of railways officials in an interview with reporters, he said. Faced with this dilemma, we must believe that the Ministry of railways is really want to change. Reform at the same time, they are afraid to touch their own interests. Wuhan railway Bureau a person when it comes to views on the reform of the frankly to reporters, fear of change rather than status or "out". He also revealed that the railwayMajority of people dissatisfied with the status quo, and non-support of institutional reform. They believe hasty reform may not be better than now, is afraid of more important interests of cake cutting branch again caused damage to existing interests. Reform of the passive, danger from the 1986 reform for the first time since more than 20 years, three large-scale reform of the railway sector attempt ended in failure. ModifiedLeather road why so hard? Insiders with four words sum up what the crux of all: have a fracture. Forward the views of the State Council, pointed out sharply that the "separation of separate political capital". Putting stress, first obstacle of reorganization of the vital interests of reform. In the railway industry in China, to the Ministry of railways as a national investor representative investments form the national railway system inSupremacy, and at the same time the Ministry of railways and the railway administration departments, ownership and administration of the Ministry of railway assets. A long-term study of railway experts told reporters, the Ministry has the right of administrative management and shareholders, this should be the external agencies and internal shareholders different status and different ways to exercise, but under the institutional framework for the integration of government administration with enterprise, ironRoad Department not only as an external management body the exercise of management functions, more shareholder rights in enterprises, enterprises as a result of abuse of the right of shareholders of incompletion. Not difficult to imagine, to separately from the separation of political capital, the Ministry "real power" will be greatly damaged. Has been involved in related projects in the railway sector a company official told a press conference after MOR seem transparent to the manyMark has been "pre", natural bid is the most "qualified" companies. If a change, a few years ago, local railway administration and Beijing frequently visited the Ministry of railways of several Railway Administration may not be reproduced. Second, the staff resistance strong. As the only survivor of a large department that has its own system, complex within the railway system than most people imagine, under the jurisdiction of the staffAnd the number of family members of the radiation is even more amazing. "This is not just a file, two or three months will be able to solve the problem, too many problems. "These people say. If the "system" is true, will cause many people to oppose, because it not only involves the merging institutions adjust the future career and leadership issues, subordinate sub-Bureau, institutions such as the Ministry of railways is also involved.Major surgery so thoroughly was hampered in the implementation. Finally, a new bottle of "fake reform" became the biggest worry. A railway employee told reporters that many seemingly independent under the jurisdiction of or related enterprises, reform of intricate surface of contact you, hang on. "Dig out of an old tree roots, this chain too long too deep inside the�� "The employee said. Expert: reform will not be very fast how to change, when to change? Despite speculation in the community, but the authorities did not give a clear statement. For urgent reforms, many experts say: not too fast pace. Journalists combed several under the expert advice there are several major points: first of all, railway construction in 2012 task remains arduous, 406 billion worth of investments this year andLong term "four longitudinal four horizontal" planning must be complete and, second, railway debt currently requires a debt subject to take third, the system now has both ordinary railway, and speed of high speed railway lines, complex security management environment. Thus, reform of the Ministry of railways will need a relatively long and stable period in order to have a smooth transition. Others:

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