Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera gold young ladies are made with artificial kidney treatment. As to how the result - UVR

129779366349062500_15Construction was replacing the pipe's photography/journalists Guo Qian of the pavement collapsed women fall into the "hot pools" track North of beneficiary's women fall into the "hot pools" was badly burned, a this morning with the latest progress. Xicheng District Government has commissioned a building next to the site of the incident Fang Wanhua property real estate company first advance in treatment costs. Safety Supervision Department is in progressInvestigation of responsibility.  Heat this morning, the group said, leakage points have been found. Injured was still in intensive care unit has no Department to claim this morning, in the jishuitan hospital intensive care room, young lady in emergency treatment of the injured, her husband, Lee told a press conference, he also did not see any relevant departments to come to the hospital to see, just heard that there will beCompany to pay for medical expenses, but he does not know, "is that we have a say?! Even under to visit is also a comfort to us!  "Mr Lee says, love, he has not come home tera gold, relatives and friends also came to the hospital waiting for results. While in the intensive care room, young ladies are made with artificial kidney treatment. As to how the result tera power leveling, doctors nowNot possible to give any conclusions. "We have plans to prepare for the worst.  "Mr Lee says with a choke, but he also says that, even if only a glimmer of hope, they will not give up treatment. Site visit heating pipes outer corroded in several places of the incident this morning, reporters once again went to the North of the beneficiary's the scene, seeing a few marked with "heating repair"Stopped on the side of the vehicle and traffic flow drop pit has been dug up, walls surrounded with blue, prevent pedestrians from falling again. "Old pipes removed and put on the new. "One project under construction workers say" leakage is still hard to say, look. "Reporter's notes, field under demolition of part of the old pipeline corrosion of outer thermal insulation foam was, A lot of it has come. It is understood that the completion of the construction about tomorrow afternoon.  When a reporter asked whether the other when troubleshooting a heating pipe, said staff had to obey leadership arrangement, would not say more. Safety supervision Bureau responsibility is still under investigation finds no results this morning, reporters from the hospital confirmed that the building of propertiesWanhua District real estate company for the young woman first advance a $ 320,000 in treatment costs.  Wanhua song, Director of the real estate company that their cheque has been sent to the hospital last night, was commissioned by the Government of their first advance, otherwise he does not know. Head of safety supervision Bureau said, Xicheng District, is still under investigation tera power leveling, responsibility after the results will first inform the families. At the same time theHeads were also guaranteed, families do not need to worry about, the hospital must be to rescue.  One insider says, responsibility after the results came out, safety supervision Department will list on the compensation, if family members disagree, or may take judicial action to court. Thermal group this morning, about 30 metres long pipeline leakage risks, Beijing thermal power group of Minister of propagandaSaid the pipe being repaired and will be back to normal tomorrow. The Minister, yesterday has found the leakage point, they also reflect to the safety supervision Department, waiting for further investigation.  Site construction reflected, to the building of approximately 30 metres of pipe leakage vulnerability exists. In order to put an end to this risk, they prepare these tubesRoad replaced all about tomorrow and will be completed, construction of concrete depends on the situation, which affected by the pipeline's telephone lines and other issues are resolved within the building. Text/practice wangtian journalist Guo Qian Others:

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