Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold the Guangdong team can reverse the game - SAJ

129773928499062500_112Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleColumn of interviews you said that a global observation of weekly comments > source body font size print RSS March 27, 2012: Sichuan online on many people in a Beijing team's victory comes down to luck,Home or Marbury's extraordinary play. But this win was no doubt of the job practice shows. Teams lose a total of 21 rebounds and Beijing, also won the race, in the champions race, which is an incredible thing. But the Beijing team, intimidating venues in that many of the CBA the team took on a key game. It was also for many years, the firstThere is a team in the final battle with 2:0 record against Guangdong. Objectively speaking, the two games ago, optimistic about the team or organization a handful of Beijing. Guangdong's team record of 7-8 years will indeed come to challenge rival a lot of deterrence. In recent years, the Guangdong team has almost become a synonym for overall champion. Offensive of the attack of the Guangdong team champion, andDefence of the defending champion of the East, Guangdong team play Championship game they asked Championship tactics of Guangdong team tactics, I do not know the error of Guangdong team was not asked Championship error? Defeat the Guangdong team called the champion of the war effort? But the ancients said, "Princes, Ning? "Overall winner's name can also be changed, after all, decision number on the scoreboardEverything. Last ' performance, eye-catching, it is said that Beijing team would depend on the horse in one play, the Guangdong team use Zhou Peng, who did more to Marbury successful defense, Marbury in the first and third sections did score little mistakes a lot. But basketball God Michael Jordan said: "only by a team of people will never be able to win. "The Guangdong teamReal anti-live ', but there is no anti-Hsueh-Lin Lee, no anti-Zhu Yanxi, getting 14 points, 7 rebounds, 1 time tackling and 3 caps of his participation in CBA League matches for the first time, for the first time participate in the championship battle, his performance is really commendable. Guangdong team and no anti-Morris, 33 points, 12 rebounds, 3 2 CAP and tackling, Morris handed out aConditioned data, but bitter defeat which dumped the Guangdong team have two connected. ' Heart of the political commissar is no place, 23 points and 9 assists, just cut down for thirty or forty minutes of Marbury, this data is clearly not qiyan, 23 minutes he nearly a month minimum, but pass the thread through the eye of a needle in the presence of older horses who are notIn comparison, in addition tera gold, he erupted in the fourth section, a cut 17 people crazy, Beijing team morale earthquake, unity is strength, won the match will be key. We, in turn, the Guangdong team tera power leveling, all error 20 times, and mistakes in a match on 22, Guangdong has errors in the first two games has a total of 42 times, which makes them leading the Beijing team 21 reboundsAdvantages of ball naught. ����Although they scored double on 5 people, but Brooks 7 mistakes him for 25 data points 6 rebounds 4 assists Dim and dark, especially at the crucial moment of the key mistakes completely ruined the defending champion's dream of winning. In addition, the Guangdong team style of play and defensive tactics tera gold, fouls is also open to question. I was a basketball referee, wideFeet and leg action of the East seemed to have some martial arts, wrestling and judo moves. Deliberately fouled several times in one of their ' will kill the stunt, it is easy to make people misunderstanding, or Kiss, we want to clap in Marbury, Political Commissar of the ability to protect themselves. Regardless of the Beijing team was winning the Guangdong team winning, they are all part of the CBA, two teamsIs a part of Chinese basketball, we really don't want injuries to players of both sides, I wish harm to body of flagrant foul do not appear in later games, sportsmanship and player health is also part of the sports or basketball. Beijing now took the initiative, the Guangdong team can reverse the game, creating miracles in CBA history, known answers in Guangdong arena tomorrow evening. Others:

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